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Some of these lines are from the movie 'To all the boys I've loved before'. Just to make it clear so I don't get attacked afterwards.


Suddenly, I got a call. It was Areum.
"Hi Ari." - I said.
"Ji Eun, check Twitter, please. Use hashtag, the newest couple of Riverside High." - she said with a panicky voice.
"What? Why?"
"Just do it." I quickly took my laptop and put her on speaker.
"Okay, I'm opening Twitter." - I informed.
"Tell that to my laptop." - man, I thought she would laugh at this. Guess the situation is pretty serious.

"Did you open it?" - Areum said.
"I'm doing that right now."
"Hi, Areum!" - Jungkook that came from upstairs, greeted her and went to the kitchen.
"Hi." - she said quickly.
"Did you open it yet?" - she asked again.
"Yes, I did. What the-" - I stopped and couldn't believe my eyes.
"The hashtags are everywhere on social media." - she said.

"What? How?"
"I don't know."
"What's going on?" - Jungkook sat down next to me.
"Look." - I said and handed him the laptop.
"The newest couple of Riverside High? What is this?" - he read.
"I'm asking you the same. Are you behind this?" - I said and gave him a look.

"Are you serious? Why would I do this?"
- he laughed and gave me a serious look.
Twitter was flooded of videos of us dancing at my high school party. Were we that into the song to look like a couple?
"Then how did this got here? What are we going to do?" - I panicked.
"Someone must have filmed us. I don't know what can we do. Nothing?" - he said and I stood up.

"What do you mean nothing? Do you see this?" - I yelled.
"Yes, I see it."
"I can't believe how calm you are. People out there are thinking we are something!"
"So what?" - he said and smirked.

I can't believe this guy.

"Areum I'll call you back." - I said and
hung up.
"What is wrong with you? We're gonna let them know something that's not true? What about the students at our school?" - I asked and he tilted his head a little.
"Nothing will happen if they believe in some lies, right? Why don't we play with them for a while?" - he said.
"You're not asking me to be your fake girlfriend, are you?" - I sat down at the table, across of him, hoping he would say no.

"That's exactly what I'm asking." - he said casually.
"Are you out of your mind?"
"No. Hey, tomorrow is April fools day!"
"I don't like where this is going.."
"That's a great reason to lie to them. Plus, it's my turn now, and I know the perfect dare."
- he said but I shook my head.
"There is no way on earth that I am doing that with you!" - I yelled.
"Why not? I am handsome. What else do you look for in a guy?"
"I don't know. How about brain?" - I said.
"Ji Eun! Let's try something new. I will say my dare now."
"Oh, God."

"I dare you to be my girlfriend for two weeks!" - he said and I widened my eyes.
"You're crazy. Two weeks? You could've made it in a few days!"
"I thought you were a different person. I guess I was wrong. Come on, all you do is study! Make your life more exciting!"
"Okay, let's go. Since you think I'm not a funny person, I will prove you wrong."
"I like you more now." - he smirked.
"Hand me that notebook, over there." - I pointed at it and he gave it to me.

"Now, we will sign a contract."
"Is there really a need for that?"
"Yes. First of all, no kissing." - I said and he looked at me with shock.
"Are you crazy? Who's gonna believe that we are in a relationship if I'm not allowed to kiss you?" - he said.
"You probably hooked up with thousands of girls now, but I've never had a boyfriend before."

"Okay, why does that matter?" - he asked.
"It matters because I don't want my first to be fake. If I'm gonna be making out with someone, I'm gonna do it for real." - I said.
We were both quiet in a bit. The silence filled the room.
"I shouldn't have agreed with this." - I said and closed the notebook.

"Ah, fine. But we need to figure out something else cause people will get very suspicious if I'm not allowed to touch you."
- he said and I got an idea.
"How about this? You can put your hand in my back pocket." - I said and smiled.
"Put my hand in your back pocket? What the hell is that?"
"16 Candles? The opening image? It's a couples thing." - I said and I was talking about the movie.

Oh my God.
"You haven't watched it?" - I looked at him in disbelief.
"No.." - he said and I started writing in my notebook again.
"Okay, you will have to watch 16 Candles with me." - I said and he nodded.
"And lastly, we can never tell that this relationship is fake cause it will be too humiliating for the both of us." - I added.
"Duh, the first rule, fight club."

"What?" - I was confused.
"Seriously? You've never seen Fight Club?"
- he asked and I shook my head.
"Okay, write it down. After we watch the candles movie we will watch Fight Club." - I did as he said.
"Done. Anything else?" - I asked and he thought for a bit.
"Um, I could write you notes every day?"
- he said innocently.

"You would do that?" - I chuckled.
"Sure." - he said.
"Okay then, we're done."
"Now go and do something else, I must finish my homework." - I said and he stood up and got upstairs. Come on, Ji Eun. It can't be that bad.

Let's see how this will go.
Get ready for school tomorrow.

After an hour of writing I collapsed on the couch. I drank a glass of water and looked at my math homework. The numbers reminded me of my dream.
I opened my laptop and went straight to Google. Let's see.

"707." - I typed on Google and waited.
I opened a few tabs, and also checked a dictionary.
"707 is a number that is often used to call something unusual, most likely unnatural. That can mean different types of events, something that happened a million years ago, even creatures." - I read out loud.


I continued reading.

"Such as vampires, wolves, and birds." - I gasped.


I closed my laptop immediately.


"That can't be true right?" - I asked myself and I didn't want to believe it.
"Ha, of course not." - I said.
Then, I remembered the student with the news, the principal and, the teacher from today..
I opened the laptop again and found a site where you can see the meaning of your dream.
I searched for the words: walls, blood, 707.
This is what I found: walls - finding out secrets. Blood - be careful where you go and what you do. 707 - vampires.
"I have to figure this out. I need the truth."

You won't go anywhere with that curiosity of yours.
Why not? I want to explore.
This is not exploring. It's called getting in fire and putting yourself in danger!
Well, you can't have fun without adrenaline right?
Oh, God.
When everyone leaves, I'll go there and see myself.
You have to be careful.
Don't you worry, nothing will happen.
I hope so.

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