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Ji Eun's POV
After the endless fighting with him in the car, we finally arrived.
And I was pretty excited.
We got out of the car and I could notice everyone giving looks at us. What in the world were they thinking? That I'm something to this jerk?

Hell no.

"Did you see them?"
"He's so handsome."
"Who is that next to him?" - I could hear all the girls talking about us.
Ugh. If I need to go through this everyday..
"Students! May I have your attention please?" - the principal called and everyone was quiet now.
"First, I would like to welcome you all who are new here. Please follow me." - he said and we went to a really big room.

"Since you're new, you still don't know anything about this school and the students here. First, I wanna start with your uniforms. When you hear your names please come here so I can give it to you."
- he said and started calling out the names. I had to wait for a few minutes until I heard mine.
"Lee Ji Eun." - I stepped out of the crowd and took my uniform. The principal looked at me at first but then gave it to me.
He continued calling Jeon Jungkook. Kim Taehyung. Park Jimin. Jung Hoseok. Min Yoongi. Kim Seokjin and Kim Namjoon. And the other 25 students.

Why those students have red uniforms when the majority has blue?
"Now, you will be paired by classes. You can change them if you want to be in someone else's class after the school year officially starts." - he said and called out names again.
"Class number 6 will have 30 students" - he numbered the names and I heard mine in them.

No way.
I'm with that jerk?

"Excuse me, Mr. Chang. Can I switch classes?" - I asked the principal and I think Jungkook was staring at me now.
"Yes. But only if there's space."

Damn it.

"Now, you will meet all your teachers and you'll see how they will pair you. I'm off now." - he said and left.
We entered our main classroom and our teacher was calling us by name so we could see who we will sit with.
"Lee Ji Eun and Jeon Jungkook, take your seats please."
How in the world is this happening?
Will I get to be paired with him in everything?

"But, can't I sit with someone else?" - I complained and the teacher smiled at me and said "No".


"Now, I will pair you in groups which means you will be like that for the next 4 years. The school will take you on many trips and camps in the future so you will need to stick with your teammates, got it?" - she said and we all answered in unison.

Let me guess. Jeon Jungkook, again?

She started reading the names and there were 14 members in each group.

Please don't be him.

"Lee Min, Chan Suyang, Kim Hee Ji, Kim Yuna, Min Joo, Lee Ji Eun, and Lee Areum are the females.
Park Jimin, Kim Seokjin, Kim Taehyung, Kim Namjoon, Min Yoongi, Jeon Jungkook, and Jung Hoseok are the males in this group." - she finally finished as she called our group last.

This cant be.
But wait.. Did I hear Lee Areum? My Areum? No. I probably misheard.

"We hope to see a lot of you in the future. Work hard. Now you have some free time to chat with your teammates and get to know each other. You will have your schedules revealed later on." - our teacher said and left the classroom.

All the groups from my class gathered together and started talking. It was a bit awkward honestly, because my teammates-including me, were sitting separately.
The classroom door opened and made me jump from my seat immediately.
"Ari!" - I said and ran to hug my best friend.
"You, what are you doing here?" - I asked confused and broke the hug.

"Going to be your classmate, of course!"
- she said and we sat next to each other.
"I thought you would be taking a different school, not Riverside High."
"Well, I changed my mind since Hoseok was also going here and the school is not bad at all. I could easily adapt here so I thought why not." - she whispered while secretly looking at Hoseok who was at the seat next to us.

"Oh and, look who came with me." - Areum said and the door opened again?
"Oh my God!" - I screamed and didn't care if everyone's attention was at me. I was really happy now.
My friends from middle school!
"Guys, what are you all doing here?" - I asked and I was so excited to see them here.
"The same reason Ari is here for." - Suya said and I smiled widely.

"Why are we standing here, let's go meet our teammates."
I really didn't want to and just because of that Jungkook but, the girls were so desperate to meet them since they were late and you just can't say no to them.
"I assume you are our teammates?" - Ari started and the seven boys turned their attention to us.

"Yes. We should introduce." - one of the boys said.
"Namjoon, Hoseok, Seokjin, Yoongi, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook." - Namjoon introduced them to us and Suya did the same.
"Nice to meet you all. Hope we will have fun in the next four years." - Seokjin said and we nodded.

Well, I think those four years will be hell.

"We have a dance class introduction next. Wanna check out the dance room?"
- Taehyung suggested and we all agreed.
Finally, someone broke the silence cause I could feel Jungkook's eyes on me the whole time.
The boys led the way and we were going behind them with the other students.
We entered the dance room and we stood there with mouths wide open.

It was simple but yet big and beautiful. There was space for everything.
There weren't many chairs so some of the students sat down on the floor and we followed.
The boys were sitting on one side and we were at the other.
Soon, two of which I think are our dance teachers came in.

"Good morning students." - the man spoke.
"I am Mrs. Jia and this is Mr. Jaemin." - the woman introduced and they bowed.
"We will be your dance teachers these years. We can't wait to see your talent and we look forward to working with you all. We heard from our colleagues how you're paired in groups. This class will be a bit different." - Mrs. Jia said and Mr. Jaemin continued.

"I will be leading the boys while Jia will go with you girls. You have two changing rooms in this dance room. One for the girls and one for the boys. You will get your uniforms after this class. Now, Jia will tell you the rest and I will leave for a meeting. See you tomorrow." - Mr. Jaemin said and left the room.

"We would like you all to prepare something today cause in tomorrow's class you will have to show us your performances. In groups and solo of course. It won't take much. We will also talk about some dance styles and all the basics. We want you to know that you can be relaxed in this class cause, of course, it's really different from all the subjects. Now, I will leave you here and you can talk. ."
- Mrs. Jia said and also left.

"What will we be showing them tomorrow?"
- MinMin asked and we all started thinking.
"How about Boombayah by Blackpink?"
- I suggested and that was one of my favorites.
"Yeah, we could go with that." - Ari said and the girls agreed.

"We have to practice today. Place?" - Suya asked and Joo said we could dance in her garage. Well, it's nice and clean there so why not. The place and time were settled, and all we had to do was wait for this to finish and then go and practice.

As if I predicted, the bell rang and all the students started getting out.
I felt a hot breath on my neck and turned around a bit to see Jungkook behind me.

This boy will haunt me for years.

I just ignored him and continued walking to the hallway.
Our head teacher called us again to give us all our schedules. We took it and then we were free to leave.
This was over. Thank God I will be at Joo's place for today so I won't need to face Jungkook.

"See you at my place." - Joo said and we all hugged.
I got in Jungkook's car and we headed to our apartment.

He was silent on the way back, too.

What's up with him?

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