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Ji Eun's POV
It's been a week since that incident in the school happened.
In the 707 floor, to be exact.
People were right. My friends were right.
That's where my curiosity always leads me.
And I keep lying to myself that I am just a clumsy person.
With each one of my appearings at school, I could hear all the students and even teachers talking about how a human got on that floor. They just didn't know who.
I heard some of them saying that the person who got in there was really brave.

It's not that I regret going there. Thank God I am fine now and I'm not turned into a vampire. Or dead.
Jungkook was the one that saved me that day.
If it wasn't for him I wouldn't be here today.
I was in dance class now, changing in my uniform.
It's just Mr. Jaemin and Mrs. Jia that I didn't have contact with yet.

It's only them that didn't give me any looks or asked what happened to me as the other teachers did.
"Good afternoon boys and girls." - I heard their voices and got out of the changing room.
I sat next to Jungkook and put my head on his shoulder.
Despite everything that happened, I still had to concentrate on my studies and I also had to learn the dance.

Jungkook helped me with it and I mastered it pretty fast, to be honest.
I am lucky to have him as a roommate.
He's always helping me with whatever I need, even though sometimes he can be annoying.
"Ji Eun?" - Mr. Jaemin turned towards me and I assume it was time to perform the dance.
Jungkook took my hand and we got in positions.

"We did pretty well." - Jungkook said and I chuckled.
We got out of dance class earlier than the others cause our teacher didn't have to work on us anymore.
They told us we will be performing at Inkigayo next week so we had to get ready slowly.
Mrs. Jia just advised me to dance with little more passion and look at Jungkook more. Since he was my boyfriend.

My fake boyfriend actually.
I wonder how it would be if we were dating for real.
I mean, it's not that it doesn't feel enough real now but..

You would want to date him?
Will you ever stop scaring me like that?

Ugh. What's the big deal if I wanted to? People might think he is really annoying, rude and all that stuff, but he has a good heart. I know that for sure.

Are you, YOU? Cause til yesterday, you were saying that he is a stupid jerk no one would ever want to live with. I thought you really didn't like him. Now I'm seeing something else.

Well can't I change my mind? He seems different from time to time. And he's not the same Jungkook that I met at the apartment for the first time. He's something else.

Are you getting feelings for him?
Ew no! How can you think that? We're just roommates.

And you're also fake dating. Maybe that fake love will turn into a real one, one day?
I don't think so.

What if.. What if she's right? I-I mean, I can't have feelings for him, right? Pfft. No, I don't. That's impossible.
Jungkook is the last one to think about now.
I need to focus on finding more about vampires. Since they really exist now.
"Lee Ji Eun, please come to the principal's office." - I heard the principal on the speaker.
Jungkook let go of my hand and gave me a kiss on the cheek before leaving.

I knocked on the office door and waited for approval to get in.
I could sense what this was all about.
"Hello." - the principal said and gestured me to sit down.
"Hello Mr. Chang." - I greeted him back.
"I suppose you already know why I called you here." - he said and I nodded.
"Ji Eun.. What made you go there?" - he had a more serious face now and I could notice that he was worried.

"Um.. I don't know how to explain really."
- I said and he sighed.
"Did you go there out of curiosity?" - that's the one.
"Yes.." - I lowered my gaze and looked at the floor.
"I'm sorry Mr. Chang but I just couldn't help it!"
"Unlike some other students, I'm not scared of vampires. Instead, I find them very interesting. I want to learn more about them. And I won't stop now since I found out the truth." - I confessed and he was silent at first.

"Okay. I don't think I can stop you with any of that, but be careful. I've been working here for more than fifteen years and I know how it is to be in the same school with vampires. Nothing bad has happened and they're not dangerous. At least for now. But I'm not saying they can't be." - I was a little shocked at first but, remembering how that vampire bit me I knew what the principal was talking about.

"Do you happen to know something more about them? Since you're in the same school, you probably had meetings or vacations and all that stuff. Don't you know like, some of the teachers on that floor?"
- I hoped the principal could give me some information so it will be easier for me to search. And I'll get to know more about them.

"Well, I have a few vampire friends." - I widened my eyes.
"Really? Is that possible?" - l asked and he chuckled.
"As I said, not all vampires are dangerous. And it wasn't easy to befriend a vampire but here I am. Thank God, nothing bad caused by a vampire has happened to me." - he started.

"I want to know more." - he seemed like he knew that I was going to say that.
"Well, I know something about them. I think it will help you with your research." - he said and I nodded.
"Can I grab my notebook and a pen, please?" - I said cause I wanted to write down everything he would tell me.
"Okay." - he smiled.

"For example, there are two types of vampires. Full-blood and half-blood ones. Every vampire is a half-blood at first, but they can become full-bloods if they bite a human an turn them into a vampire. And, they need to bite exactly on a vein or neck cause otherwise, the human won't change.
I don't really know anything more about that so you should search it on the net or ask someone else that knows more." - I wrote down in my notebook and nodded.

"I know this only happens in movies but, what do vampires feed on, except blood? And do they fear the light? Or garlic?" - he thought for a while.
"Except human blood, they often feed on artificial blood. It's something similar to human blood so they just drink that. It's often in brown wine bottles and it's red obviously. It also smells disgusting."

"Why do I feel like I've seen that type of bottle somewhere before?" - I whispered to myself.
"You said something?" - the principal asked me and I just shook my head.
"Also, vampires don't fear the light, and they eat garlic like every person."
"Anything else? Something that's maybe, threatening to the vampires or.." - I asked after writing down in my notebook.

"Hmm, oh! If a vampire starts getting pale and has difficulty with breathing, moreover not being able to stand up at all, that means they haven't eaten any real or artificial blood at all. If not helped immediately, the vampire might die of hunger." - he said and I widened my eyes.
"Okay, thanks a lot, Mr. Chang." - I took my backpack with me and headed to the door.
"You're welcome. And be careful!" - I nodded and closed the door behind me.

I put the notebook in my backpack and before I zipped it, something caught my eyes.

The book I borrowed from the library!

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