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I got ready, took Yoomi with me and told my driver to bring me to Taewon's company.

"You can wait for me here." - I said when he opened the door and I got out.
I really didn't like having maids, drivers or other people serving me.

I knew Taewon was rich, he had all of that, and as his wife I had it too.
But I want my old life back. To go back to Jungkook and have a happy family is all I ever dreamed of.

I'm alive, and I'll fight for my love and my daughter.
I already had a plan and I hoped Taewon would fall for it.

"Come in." - I heard him say as I opened the door from his office and got in.
"My two princesses." - Taewon said as he kissed me and got Yoomi in his hands.

"What brings you here?" - he asked when we sat down.
"I wanted you to see Yoomi and talk to you about something." - these words hardly came out of my mouth.

I had to succeed in this.

"What did you want to talk about, honey?"
I hated when he called me that.

I took a breath and started speaking.
"I.. want to go back to Ilsan." - I said and he widened his eyes.
"Do you really think I'll let you go?" - he stood up and raised his voice.

"Taewon. I want to go back to my hometown. I want to take Yoomi there. And, I want to visit my aunt."
"Visit your aunt so that she'll know you're alive? " - he said and I stood up to calm him down.

"Look honey, I am your wife now. And you need to have some trust in me. We can go together if you want. And I really miss my aunt. I'll show her Yoomi. I think she has the only right to know the truth about me, please." - I said and caressed his cheeks.

"I'm coming with you." - he said and I hugged him and Yoomi.

My plan was working. He was so obsessed with me that he'll let me do anything that doesn't include Jungkook.

"I don't have too much work today. So I'll reserve a private jet. I also need to see someone there." - he said and handed Yoomi to me.

"I'll go and get ready then." - I said and before I left his office he said "Don't think of lying to me, Ji Eun. I told you that if you make any mistake I'll take Yoomi from you." - he said and had an evil smirk on.

"I'm well aware of that." - I said and left his office.
"Let's go home." - I told the driver when I got in the car.

And finally after five years of imprisonment, I will be able to see all of them.

"What are you writing honey?" - Taewon asked me when he saw me write in Yoomi's diary.

"Oh, nothing important. It's my first time traveling with a plane, so I'm writing in my diary." - I said and faked a smile.

"Mr. and Ms. Kim, you can see the beautiful Ilsan from your windows now. We'll land in a minute." - the pilot said and I immediately looked through the window.

"Look Yoomi. It's really beautiful." - I took my daughter closer to the window so she could see the beautiful view.

She giggled and squeezed my finger with her small hand.
As the pilot said, one minute later, we landed.

I stood up from my seat and got out of the plane.
"It's good to be home." - I said as I breathed the fresh air.

"I'll tell the driver to take you to your aunt's. I have an urgent meeting to attend so I'm flying back to New York. I'll be here by seven tonight." - Taewon said and kissed me and Yoomi before getting in his black jeep.

I got in separate car and told the driver my aunt's adress.

This will be huge.

"So, Yoomi is Jungkook's daughter, and Taewon faked your death and took you to New York?" - my aunt asked and I nodded slowly.

"Everyone was in huge pain when the doctor told us we lost you. Especially Jungkook. He's still in pain, even after five years, his wound is still fresh. I still can't believe you're alive. I'm glad to see you here." - she said and hugged me.

I looked at my watch and saw that it was 3:30.

"Can you call me a taxi now? I still need to meet the others. And Taewon will be here at seven tonight. I must use that time the best I can." - I said and my aunt grabbed her phone immediately.

"What about your driver?" - she asked and helped me with putting Yoomi's shoes on.

"I sent him off." - I said.
"Okay, sweetie. Bye my cute little niece." - my aunt opened the door for me.
"Ji Eun" - she said and I turned around.
"Will you come again?"
"I will." - I smiled and waited for the taxi.

I almost forgot the most important thing.
I took my phone out and texted everyone except Jungkook, to meet me at Café Violet.

I had a new phone, so of course they didn't know it was me. I texted them to come there right now, saying that I knew something very important about Ji Eun.

And knowing my friends, I knew they wouldn't miss this.

It was Saturday, and I hoped they didn't have anything planned. I want all twelve of them waiting for me.

Ten minutes later, I arrived at the café. And there they were. This was finally happening. Taking Yoomi's small hand, I opened the door and got in.

"Hi guys." - I said and everyone looked at my direction.
Areum choked on the drink, the girls started tearing up.
"J-Ji Eun?" - Taehyung said. "Is that you?"

"Of course it's me." - I chuckled and we had a group hug.
"You're alive!" - Hoseok screamed.
"And this is my daughter, Yoomi." - I said and everyone started playing with her.

"Come sit." - Yoongi took a chair for me.
"Were you the one who texted us?"
- Namjoon asked and I nodded.
"What happened? We thought you" - I cut Hee Ji off.

"I am so sorry. But that's not how I wanted it to be. When you all thought I was dead, Taewon took me to New York. There I became his wife. Later I found out that I was pregnant." - I said and smiled at Yoomi.

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