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"Wait. What happened when we got home?"- I asked.
"Jungkook?" - I raised my voice.
"Um, because it was raining, our clothes were wet and I asked you to go and take a shower and you didn't want to and then I had to shower you.." - he said and gave me an innocent look.

"Don't tell me you took off my clothes!" - I yelled and realized that was a bit too loud.
The boys and the girls all turned at us.
The girls gave me perverted looks and the boys held back their laughter.

"Looks like someone got naughty last night!" - Jimin laughed.
"Yah!" - I said and threw the thing I found next to me. Which appeared to be a small plastic bottle.

"Ouch! You almost broke my hand!"
- Jimin said and MinMin yelled.
"Yah! Don't throw bottles at my dance partner!" - she said and I made a grimace.

"Aish! You perverts! Nothing happened okay? We just showered and that's" - Jungkook put his palm on my mouth so I could shut up.
"Ouuhh. So you two showered together?"
- Seokjin said and I found another bottle and threw it at him.

"Let's get out before she kills us with those water bottles." - Suya said and they all left.
Jungkook removed his palm from my mouth and I breathed out.
"Aish. I'm so stupid." - I said.
"No, you're not." - Jungkook said.

"You didn't take off my clothes right?" - I said and Jungkook nodded.
"We both showered with clothes on." - he said.
"Okay. I have another question. For how long will we be keeping our fake relationship a secret?" - I said and he raised his shoulders.

"I don't know." - just when he said that we heard the crowd cheering.
"Guys, they will announce the winner now."
- our friends came in and we all headed to the stage.

"Okay, guys! We counted your votes and now it's time to announce the winner! Before we do that, I want to say that all of you were amazing tonight! Thank you for your participation on this show! Now, in this covert, I have a name written. But! There are small changes. There will be two winners! One will be the school that participated and the other one will be two couples that will perform again after this." - the host said and took out the piece of paper from the covert in her hand.

"Okay. The school that won is... Riverside High!" - she said and we all screamed.
"We won!" - Mrs. Jia and Mr. Jaemin hugged each other.
"Now, the two couples that won are...
Jung Hoseok and Lee Areum AND Jeon Jungkook and Lee Ji Eun!" - she said and I widened my eyes.

"We won!" - I kissed Jungkook and Hoseok spun Areum.
"Come and receive your prizes." - the host said as our dance teachers took their trophy and then me, Ari, Jungkook, and Hoseok received our medals and degrees.

"Ji Eun, how do you feel about winning this?" - the host turned the mic to me.
"Super happy. It's a great honor to win this type of competition. We all worked as a team and this will make us work harder in the future. Thank you all who voted for us!" - I yelled and the crowd cheered.

"Thank you too, Ji Eun." - the host said and it was hard to listen to her cause the yelling and applause were louder than the microphone.
"We won't get too intimate, but everyone's wondering how it is to work as a couple."
- the host asked Areum and she had a confused look on.
"Couple? But we" - Hoseok interrupted her.

"Actually, I have something to say tonight. I didn't plan to say it like this but I have the opportunity and I won't miss it. Me and Areum have known each other for a long time now. And it's almost five years that I've liked her and I wanted to confess to her, but I was too scared because of the fact that we're a bit different. But now that Areum knows the truth, I am encouraged enough to say this to her." - he said and kneeled down on his one knee.

"I know it would've been a lot better if I had some flowers or something, but I hope I'll do that on our first date." - he said and the host interrupted him.
"Are you sure that she will say yes? What if she says no?" - she said and I chuckled.
Jungkook grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"I know it. And if she doesn't say yes, I'll wait." - Hoseok said and took a deep breath.
"Areum, I've liked you since middle school and you are very special to me. I can't get enough words to express my love towards you. I want to be the only one in your life, the one to make you happy at all times, the one to give you a shoulder to cry on when you're sad, and the one to spend your life with. I want to make you mine." - his final words were coming now.

Areum put her hand on her mouth cause she probably couldn't believe this was all happening. I can tell her heart is beating so fast now.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" - Hoseok finally asked and the crowd started cheering.
"Yes!" - she said and let out small tears.
Hoseok smiled brightly and gave her a kiss near her lip and carefully spun her.
"I am the happiest guy on earth." - he said and they hugged.

"Okay! We have two of the best couples in Riverside High! Congratulations guys."
- the host said to Areum and Hoseok.
As soon as we got out, everyone approached us to say how they enjoyed the show.
The boys got dragged somewhere with their classmates while the girls were talking about Areum and Hoseok.

"I'll go drink some water." - I said and made my way to the small fountain near me.
"Ji Eun?" - I heard someone say my name as I wiped the water from my mouth and turned around.
"I enjoyed your performance so much tonight. Especially Jungkook. He was always like that. Can do everything." - she smiled and I gave her a confused look.
"I heard you are Jungkook's girlfriend." - she said.

There's something about this girl that I don't like.

"Do I know you?" - I said and she offered me a handshake.
"I'm Chaerin, Jungkook's ex."
Just as she said that I felt like someone stabbed my heart with a sharp knife.

That hurt.
Why did it hurt? I'm not Jungkook's real girlfriend.

"Okay.. Do I have to know that?" - I said.

That's right. Don't let her think that you're weaker.

"I wouldn't be so confident if I was you."
"What do you want?" - I asked.
I swear if Areum was next to me now she would punch her in the face.

"I just wanted to meet Jungkook's girlfriend. Or should I say, another one of his toys. He'll leave you as nothing happened, he will put the blame on you and you will be the only one who will suffer." - she said.
"I really don't want to listen to your bullshit now. So if you'll excuse me.." - I turned around to leave.
"Keep in mind what I said. Cause he's mine."

"Ji Eun?" - Jungkook sat beside me.
"Mm?" - I said and stared blankly at the TV.
"Is something wrong?" - he asked and I looked at him.
"No, why?" - I said uninterested.

"You didn't talk to me ever since our last performance finished. Are you angry at me?"
"No, why would I be?" - I didn't like how I was answering him with any emotion in me.
I can't get that girl out of my mind.
I could totally sense that she was a vampire.

"I'll go and sleep." - I stood up but Jungkook grabbed my hand.
"Jungkook, I'm tired." - I said, turning my head away.

"Look at me." - he slowly raised my chin and made me face him.
"Something definitely happened. What is it?" - he said and I didn't want to get angry and yell at him.

"Nothing, just some problems with the girls."
- I lied.
"You all seemed okay today." - why is he so persistent.
"Well, now we're not. Anyways, I'll go and sleep. You should too, we have school tomorrow." - he removed his hand from my face and I went upstairs.

I don't know why, but tears started forming in my eyes.

You can't cry Ji Eun. There's nothing to cry about. He's not even yours.

Well maybe if you try a little he will be?
What are you saying?

You should confess.
Pfft. What will I say? "Hey, Jungkook? I like you."

Why are you making yourself stupid when you're the smartest?
Just get to the point.

You know you like him. And you just can't admit that because you're scared for him and he's not your kind. Am I right?
Okay, yes, you're right. I like him, and the more I try to hide it the more I fall for him. I'm just not ready yet.

Oh okay. I'll wake you up when his ex takes him from you.
Yes her. She's pure evil. I don't like her.
Me too.

Watch yourself. She's a vampire.

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