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"Are you adapting to the college already?"
- Yuna said while she opened her juice box.
"Yeah" - we all said.
"Guys, it's only our fourth day but, I am feeling really strange whenever I come here." - Yuna continued.
"What do you mean?" - I asked and everyone turned their attention to her.
"Well, I'm not sure. I feel like there is something strange about this school."

"Can't you be more open?"
Whenever Yuna dreams, feels or predicts something it becomes real.
"Do you think it's something good or bad?" - Min Joo asked and she thought before answering.
"I think there might be something good in it.- she said.

"I am getting scared." - Areum said and I could notice the fear in her eyes.
"Don't make a big deal out of it! Why are you scared? We never faced something big so we probably won't this time either." - Suya said.
"Anyways, whatever it is she's feeling, we'll face it when time comes." - Hee Ji said and we continued eating our food.

"Guys! Come here, I have huge news!" - a student yelled and soon every gathered around her.
Our teammates, aka the boys and Jungkook, were listening, too.
"Let's check it out." - I said and we stood up.
"You won't believe what I'm about to tell you." - the girl tried to catch her breath and I could see she was terrified.

"In this school.." - the girl started and drank water.
"There are"
"Vampires" - she finished and I widened my eyes.
Everyone was shocked and they didn't believe her at first.
"That's impossible." - some said.
Others left their mouths open.
And we just didn't blink.

"How can that be? Do you have proof?"
- MinMin asked the girl and she took her phone out.
"Look." - she said and played a video.
"It can't be." - I said, not believing my eyes.
"Oh, sure it can. The previous generations of students knew it too. But the workers here didn't want us to know cause they thought we would run away." - the girl explained.

"I gave everything to come to this college. How can I leave?" - a boy said.
"I won't believe it until I see it with my own eyes." - another student exclaimed.
"You will now." - we heard a male voice and turned around to see the principal behind us.
"At some point, we already knew that we couldn't keep this a secret. We just didn't think someone would find out this soon."
"This is not a rumour or a joke. It's true. There are vampires in this school. As you can see this college has two floors. One for the vampires and one for the humans." - we gasped.

"Let's say it's true. Why haven't we seen them yet?" - a student asked.
"It's because you have different shifts."
- the principal answered.
"I won't believe it until I witness it." - the student said.
"Okay." - the principal took his phone and video called someone.

"Na Eun. Show them." - he said to this woman that I never saw before.
I think no one did.
"This is one of the teachers of the vampires." - the principal said and showed us the phone.
We could see the woman there, and she entered a classroom.
"This doesn't prove anything." - Hee Ji said.
"Not yet." - Mrs Na Eun said and she turned the phone towards one student.

She told the student to wink and smile.
When the student did as told, we could see fangs inside of her mouth and she changed eye color when she winked.
"So? Everyone can put plastic fangs and contact lenses." - the students murmured between each other.

"The vampires made a deal with humans.
Generations of humans and vampires held to it for more than five thousand years now. You can believe it or not. Your choice."
The students went back to their classrooms as soon as the bell rang.
"Do you believe this?" - Suya asked and none of us could say a word.

"Why don't we find out?" - Areum suggested.
"Are you crazy? We don't want to get in trouble for a stupid rumour." - MinMin said and crossed her hands on her chest.
"What if they're not rumours like the principal said?" - Yuna said.
We all started thinking for a little.

"Have you seen the boys?" - Areum asked and we turned around to look for them.
"They were here when the girl came, but I didn't see them in the crowd." - Joo answered and we headed to our next class.
The rest of the day passed with everyone in the school talking about the news the principal told us.
And I just couldn't get it out of my mind.

On the last class, the boys showed up and we totally forgot to ask them where they were.
I got in my roommate's car and we headed to our apartment after saying bye to our friends.
I unlocked the door while Jungkook parked the car in the garage and came after me.
"Well, today sure was interesting." - I said to myself as I threw my backpack on the floor next to the couch in the living room.

"Why?" - I heard Jungkook say from the kitchen and I assume that he heard what I said a second ago.
"The principal told us some stuff that no one believes." - I answered.
"Like what?" - he asked and sat beside me on the couch.

"Vampires. He said that there were vampires in this school." - I stopped when Jungkook choked on his drink.
"Are you okay?" - I asked and he nodded.
"He even video called a teacher and told her to prove us. Then we saw a student with fake fangs and contact lenses."- I finished.

"And do you believe him?" - he turned and asked me.
"I will if I see it with my own eyes."
"You won't be scared?" - he asked me.
"I don't know. I've never seen a real vampire in my life." - Jungkook nodded.
"Actually, I find vampires very interesting and intriguing." - I said.
"Really?" - Jungkook widened his eyes and left the glass on the table.

"What would you do if you met a vampire in real life? Or maybe, if a vampire is your boyfriend." - why is he asking me those odd questions?
"Okay first, me being with a vampire will never happen, cause I don't believe vampires are real. And second, if I met a vampire, I would love to know more about him, about his tradition, everything about their past." - I said.

I wanted to change quickly and put on pajamas cause it was really comfier than being in a uniform all day.

"But, won't you be scared?" - I stopped my tracks.
"I... don't know. As long as he doesn't eat me we're fine." - we chuckled at my response. Wow. It was my first time hearing him smile so brightly.
"You have a beautiful smile."

That wasn't supposed to come out!
"Said something?"
"Nope! Not at all!" - I quickly rushed up to my room and locked the door. I leaned on it and pressed my hands on my chest, trying to calm my fluttered heart and red cheeks.

My Roommate is a Vampire Where stories live. Discover now