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"Did you eat?" - I asked Jungkook when I came back downstairs.
"No. I wasn't hungry." - he said and I looked at the clock.
"Jungkook, I had a beautiful breakfast one hour ago, and you just took a bite." - I grabbed him by the arm and led him to the living room.

"You sit here, I'll make you something quick. Then we can practice." - I headed to the kitchen and wondered what to cook for him.
"Do you want an omelete?"
"Yes. It's been a while since I've had that."
- he said and I chuckled, remembering the first day I came here.

I opened the fridge to take out some eggs when something caught my attention.
I glanced at the living room to check if Jungkook would see me take this, but he was busy watching TV.
I opened the cap of the bottle and smelled the liquid inside it.
Mr. Seok told me about something in an odd bottle. It smelled disgusting. What was it?
- I started thinking and..

Artificial blood.

"Sorry, Jungkook."
I quickly grabbed the smallest cup we had in the kitchen and poured a little from the bottle in it.
"I need to know what this is."
I put the bottle back in the fridge and hid the cup in one of the drawers that we weren't using that much.
I finished cooking the omelete and called for Jungkook.
"Come eat!" - I yelled and he came to the kitchen.

"Aw. You even made a smiley face with it. Thank you." - he said and we stared at each other for a moment.

Why is my heart beating so fast again?

We sat down and I watched Jungkook eat.
After twenty minutes of a good conversation with him, it was time to practice the dance.
"Let's hurry with the dance cause we will have to shower after that." - Jungkook said and still in our pajamas, we started practicing.

"You're amazing." - Jungkook said as I sat down on the couch and tried to catch my breath.
"Thanks. You too." - I complimented back and stood up to go to my room.
"Let's wash this sweat off and go to school."
- I said and headed upstairs.
"Wah!!" - I screamed when my leg slipped and prepared for the fall.

Luckily, a pair of hands caught me.
I panted hard and when I looked in his eyes..
Everything was quiet. Our heavy breaths were filling the room.
I held on to Jungkook's shoulders tight, his hands on my waist was a good feeling.
"Are you okay?" - he said with the softest and cutest voice, while I just nodded.
"Thanks." - we both climbed up the stairs.
"What did I even slip on?" - I said and looked at the stairs.

"Well, I must've spilled something slippery this morning when I was taking the breakfast to you and then forgot to wipe it off.." - he made a grin.
"Yah! I almost died because of you!" - I jokingly said and smacked his shoulder.
"Ow." - he said and I changed my face expression immediately.
"Oh my, did I hit you too hard? I'm so sorry."
- I said and patted his shoulder.
"I'm okay." - he chuckled and we got in our rooms.

"Jungkook-ah! Come downstairs! We'll be late!" - I yelled and saw him rush downstairs.
"That uniform looks hella good on him." - I said under my breath.
"Now you're the one who's waiting for me? When did you get ready so fast?" - he locked the door and headed to the garage.
"Oh wait I forgot my" - he stopped when I showed him the car keys in my hand.
"I'm driving today." - I smiled and got in the driver's seat.

"Why didn't you tell me you knew how to drive?" - I put on my seatbelt and chuckled.
"I just learned yesterday." - I said and started the engine.
"What!?" - Jungkook screamed and I laughed.
"Relax, I got my driver's license last year." - I said and drove away.
The drive wasn't that long as usual. Since me and Jungkook started having normal conversations, everything was going better.
He even played music on the radio which made me happy and relaxed.

After ten minutes, I parked the car and we entered the school.
"The girls were supposed to be here by now." - I said and looked for Ari, Joo, MinMin, Hee Ji, Suya and Yuna.
"Yeah, the boys too." - Jungkook said and we decided to wait for them a little.
Then, I got a call from Areum.
"Ari! Where are you? We're waiting at the doors.. Really? Okay, we're coming." - I said an hung up.

"What did she say?" - Jungkook asked me.
"They're inside the school. Probably the principal had an announcement to make and Jimin was too excited about it." - I said and Jungkook intertwined his fingers with mine.
"Let's go then." - he said and we got in.

Why am I so happy about this? We're just faking, that's it.
Gah, his hand is so warm.

"Hey guys." - I said and stood next to our friends.
All the students were gathered in the hallway, waiting for the principal.
"What's this about? Is he going to announce something again?" - I whispered to Areum and she raised her shoulders.
"We're about to see. Jimin is the most excited one. I don't know about what." - I glanced over at Jimin behind me and he looked pretty excited, just like Areum said.

"Good morning students!" - the principal said and everyone stopped talking.
"You're probably asking yourselves why did we gather you all here today."
"We have mentioned earlier that, school camps are on their way. On the 14th of April, you're going on your first school camp!" - the principal said and everyone cheered.
"We'll be heading out of the school in the morning and coming back the next day." - the principal finished and left.

"Let's have a great time y'all!" - a teacher yelled and everyone cheered.
The students were going to their classrooms, and I was about to do the same when I saw Mr. Seok glancing at me.
I made my way towards him and he told me to come to his classroom.
"Ari, Mr. Seok wants to see me, I'll come in class later." - she nodded and I made my way to detention.

"You wanted to see me?" - I asked as I sat on one of the chairs.
"Yes. And you probably know what we will talk about." - he said and I remembered right away.
"I saw you carrying a glass of artificial blood in your hand."
"Yes. I wanted to ask you about it. How did you recognize it?"

"It's easy to recognize artificial blood Ji Eun. The real question is, why were you carrying it with you?" - he asked and I sighed.
"It's full moon tonight. I brought it here with me to ask you about it. To see if it really is what I thought it was." - I said and he nodded.

"Well, you've got your answer. It is artificial blood."
"Do only vampires have that?" - I asked and he looked at me first.
"Yes. They're getting the artificial blood from either a dead human or a dead vampire. It probably happens when they fight. With the artificial blood, they're preventing themselves from starving." - he said.

"But.. where did you get that from?" - he looked at the small glass of red liquid, no..
"It doesn't matter." - I looked away.
"I hope you won't get in trouble after that."
"Thank you Mr. Seok. I'll go to class now."
- I took the glass with me and headed to my classroom.
"Good morning." - I greeted my math teacher and she gestured me to sit.
"What took you so long?" - Areum asked me as soon as I put my butt on the chair.

"I am thinking of who those vampires could be. And I have one person in mind now."
- I whispered and she widened her eyes.
"What?! Who is it? Boy or a girl? Do we know it?" - as usual, she asked tons of questions but I said I'll talk to the girls in the cafeteria later.
"Oh my God! Really? You're not kidding are you?" - Yuna said and I shook my head.

We were now sitting in the cafeteria and eating our lunch.
"So, who's that person which you think is a vampire?" - Suya asked.
"I will tell you when I get more informations and when I'm sure." - I said and they groaned.
"You said you'll tell us in the cafeteria!"
- Areum whined but I just ate my food.
"I'll find out tonight." - they looked at me first, then didn't say anything.

So Jungkook doesn't want me home huh?
We'll see..

I got out of school and saw that Areum was about to get in her car.
I just made the perfect plan.
"Ari!" - I yelled and went to her.
I noticed that the boys were going behind me so this was a good trick.
"Can I stay at your place tonight? I need a girl's night." - I said and secretly looked at the boys.

"Yeah, sure." - she said and I went to give Jungkook a kiss and then leave.
"A girl's night all of a sudden?" - she asked me and chuckled.
"You know me too well." - I said.
"That's why we're best friends." - she winked at me.

"What's your plan?"
"I'll find out tonight.. if the person is a vampire." - I said and she gulped.
"Do you want us to come to the place where you'll be?"
"No. I'll handle this alone. Comparing all the informations my aunt gave me, I won't be in danger."

"What do you mean?"
"I'll explain everything.. if I'm alive."
"Yah! Don't say that!" - she smacked my arm and man she had a strong hand.
"That's what you get." - she focused on the road and I started laughing.

My Roommate is a Vampire Where stories live. Discover now