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I started running towards the library as fast as I could.
I looked at my watch and it was five minutes before six.

No no no!

I was supposed to return this book yesterday! If I don't the librarian won't trust me anymore and how can I ask for her help then?


I put my hand on the handle and took a deep breath.
I was surprised to see that the door wasn't locked.
So I decided to get in, put the book back and get out without anyone noticing.

Jungkook's POV
I was sitting in my hyungs' house since we decided to hang out again.
We played some video games and talked about random stuff.
I stood up from the couch and decided to look around the shelf of books they had.
I just randomly read the titles and took them in and out.

"The Darkest Minds?" - I read quietly as I remembered that Namjoon hyung was supposed to return this book by now.
"Namjoon hyung!" - I called him and he turned around.
"Weren't you supposed to return this book a few days ago?" - I showed him the book and he widened his eyes.

"Yes, I totally forgot! What will I do now?" - he panicked.
"It's seven minutes before six. Should I go and return it?" - I asked and he smiled and nodded.
"If he didn't see it, you would be in big trouble now." - I heard Yoongi hyung speak as I closed the door behind me and left the house.

I got there in a minute and luckily, the door was open and I got in.
As I just put the book in its place, I heard a lock.
Don't tell me I got stuck in here.
I slowly made my way to the door, but stopped when I heard a strange sound.

Ji Eun's POV
I spent a few minutes trying to find that freakin' shelf for the book.
That's what happens when I'm not responsible enough to return a fucking book on time!
Stop cursing.
Not the time!

I was really pissed cause the librarian would be here any minute now to lock the door and leave.
Suddenly, I heard a door locking.
No way.
The library was all dark now and it was already 6 pm.
I quickly made my way to the door, trying not to bump into something again.

In my luck, I hit a souvenir with my elbow and caused it to fall. Shit.
I picked it up and thank God it wasn't broken. But I could hear someone's steps.
I don't want to have another interaction with a vampire.
I took my phone out of my pocket and started searching for the exit.
I was turning around, desperately trying to find a way to get out of the grip of these extremely high shelves.

Suddenly, I hit something with my back.
"Ah!" - I screamed when I felt a hand on my mouth. The person pressed me against themselves and held me tight.
"Shh!" - I was shocked at first but immediately knew who this voice belonged to.
"Aish!" - I slapped his hand.
"What are you doing here?" - he whisper shouted and I rolled my eyes.

"I can ask you the same question. It's not like you enjoy to read." - I said as I searched for the shelf the book belonged to.
He can't see this book.
Not in my hands.
"I came here to return a book for Namjoon hyung." - I looked at the title.

"What are we going to do now?" - I don't know why, but I didn't feel like panicking in this situation. Yet.
"Let's try and open the door with something." - he said and I immediately started looking around.

I think you like it here.
Excuse me? Why would I like to be locked up in a library?

Oh sorry. What I meant to say was, you enjoy this. Because he's here.

Oh please. You think I can't feel how your heart beats when you're around him?
No, it doesn't.

"Found anything?" - I slightly yelled, asking Jungkook on the other side.
"Yup!" - he said and came towards the door with a piece of iron in his hand.
"You sure we can get out.. with that?" - I raised an eyebrow and he looked at me.
"At least we could try." - he said and let out short heavy breaths as he was trying to get the door open.

"I don't think that's working." - I said and gasped after I saw that he broke the metal.
"Well great." - I took out my phone to try and call one of my friends.
"How can they not have network service in this school?" - I asked Jungkook and he was still trying to open the door.

"They shut down the whole electricity after the school is empty."
"Unbelievable." - that was all I could say.
I slowly made my way to him cause I wanted to help him.
"Instead of complaining, it would be nice if you came here and helped me open the damn door." - he said and I mimicked him quietly.

"Wow, sorry. I am a heartless annoying human that has no intention of helping others." - I said and stood next to him.
"Who are you calling heartless and annoying?" - that's right. He got my words.
"Obviously not myself." - I chuckled in annoyance and grabbed the handle of the door.

He put his hands on mine, and in that second, my heart started to race.
I couldn't stop looking at him.
"Why are your hands so cold?" - he asked with this warm voice now, and I stopped looking at him.
"Huh? I-I don't know."

"Let's try opening it." - he said and with all the strength in me I pushed the door.
"Looks like we will spend the night here."
- he said as he let go of the handle.

Spend the night with him? Really? I need to find a way to get out of here.
Because.. I don't want to spend the night with someone I don't trust.

He's your roommate for God's sake.
So? That doesn't mean I know him enough to trust him. I don't know what he's capable of, and what if he does something to me?

What do you mean by that? Like.. sexually harass you?
Yah! Don't talk so openly about those things!

"Let's try with something else." - I went to the desk of the librarian to look for anything that can get me out of here.
"I think it's pointless to search now. We'll just leave tomorrow." - he sighed and sat on one of the chairs.

"Are you going to give up that easily?"
- I asked as I tried to open the locked drawers.
"Do as you wish, then."
I finally opened a drawer to see that there were only some papers inside.
"Why is there only paper and books in here?" - I asked.
"Well, what do you expect a library to have?"

I realized that was a dumb question.

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