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After fifteen minutes of driving, we arrived at her place.
"Hi mom, hi dad." - she hugged her parents as I got out of the car.
"Oh Ji Eun! It's been a while since we've seen you! Come on in." - Areum's mom hugged me and I got in.

"Hi Mr. and Mrs. Lee." - I said and we sat in the living room.
"How's your father doing?" - Mr. Lee asked me and I gulped.
"He's good." - it was hard to get these words out of my mouth.
They know nothing about my situation with him. Only God knows what happened to him and where he's at.

"Ji Eun, let's go in my room." - Areum took my hand and dragged me upstairs.
"How do you plan to find out if that person is a vampire or not?" - she sat on her bed.
"Like my aunt said. It's full moon tonight. If he's a vampire then he'll probably transform when the clock hits two minutes after midnight." - I said.
"So it's a guy?" - she asked and I closed my eyes tight, realizing that I told her about his gender.

"Yes.." - I said and she stood up.
"Ji, please be careful." - she said and I nodded.
"What happened with the guy from that night?"
"That topic again?" - I raised an eyebrow and chuckled.
"What?! I'm just curious, don't blame me! But, did you find him?" - she widened her eyes and came closer to me.

"Aish, so persistent!" - I backed away and made a disgusted face.
"You almost kissed me!"
"Yah! I won't let you live if you don't answer me now." - she had a serious look on.
"Ugh finee. I'm not sure, but I think I did."
"Oh my God! Really? How does he look?"
- she asked and this was a question I could easily answer.

"He's tall, has coconut hair, has the most beautiful eyes, bunny teeth, plump lips, and the sweetest personality.." - I said and got lost in my thoughts, thinking about him.
"Ji? Ji Eun!" - Areum yelled.
"What what?" - I said and she laughed.
"Who is he? Do we know him?" - I didn't know if I should tell her this.

"I am not sure that he's the guy but, I'll consider him like that now. The guy from that night is.." - Areum prepared herself.
"My boyfriend." - I said and she gasped.
"Jungkook?" - she stood up and whispered his name.
"Wow. I am so happy about you." - she hugged me.
"Me too. But I'm not sure yet. I'll ask him soon." - I said and we heard the door open.

"Girls? I brought you coffee." - Mrs. Lee said and we smiled.
"Thanks, mom."
"Thank you Mrs. Lee." - I said and took the cup in my hand.
"Ji Eun, honey. You don't need to speak formally to me anymore. You can call me whatever you want." - she said and tapped my shoulder.
"Okay." - I smiled and she left the room.

"Ji Eun" - Areum said after taking a sip from the coffee.
"When are you going to that place?" - she asked.
"At midnight." - I said and she spit her coffee on the floor.
We stared at each other like that.
"Are you out of your mind? You must be crazy."
"Why, what's wrong with that?" - I casually drank my iced americano.

"Oh, I don't know. Everything?" - she yelled.
"Stop screaming, would you? And no matter what you say, I'm going there tonight." - I stared at her emotionless.
"Okay. I won't say anything, but if you get in trouble I swear I'll kick that ass of yours!"
- she said and laughed.
"Okay mom, got it. I won't get in trouble, I promise." - I said and she turned her pinky at me.

"You know we never break a pinky promise."
"I know."
"You're going, now?" - Areum said as I stood up.
"Okay, I'll get you to the door."
We went downstairs as quietly as possible because Areum's parents were sleeping.
Just like Areum, her mom was super protective.
If she saw me get out I'm sure she wouldn't let me go.

"Okay." - I said as I opened the door.
"Good luck." - Areum said and we hugged.
Let's see how this goes then..
I called the late night taxi station and they said a car is on its way to me.
After five minutes of waiting, the taxi finally arrived.
I got in and told the driver my address.
"To Park Avenue."

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