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"Are you okay, Ji Eun?" - Mrs. Jia asked me once I entered the dance room.
"I hurt my leg." - I told her.
"Guess you will skip today's practicing. Hope you feel better." - she said and I widened my eyes.
"Practice?" - I asked and she nodded.
"Yes. We're starting the official practice today. It will be amazing." - she gestured me to sit on a chair.
"I was waiting for this class for so long and now I can't dance? Ugh." - I whispered.

"You said something?" - Mrs. Jia asked and I shook my head.
"Okay class. Gather around. We will stretch first and then I will tell you what we will be doing today." - she said and everyone started stretching.
On the second row, behind Taehyung, there was Jungkook.
This is all because of that jerk.
If he didn't push me then I wouldn't cut my leg and I would be practicing today.

Gosh auntie! I would be surprised if she found something good for me at least once in my life. But no.
As I was buried in my thoughts and probably had an angry look on, Mr. Jaemin spoke.
"Okay. Boys go to the left and girls to the right. You will see some basic moves now but I'm sure you will love them." - he said and he and Mrs. Jia stepped forward.

I didn't hear when the music started but they were already dancing.
I gasped. No doubt, they are professional dancers.
We were watching them for almost five minutes, and everyone started clapping when they finished.

"How would you like to learn that?" - Mr. Jaemin said and everyone cheered.
Except me.
"Okay, we will start now." - Mrs. Jia said and everyone took their positions.
Jungkook was pretty close to me and I made sure to have my eyes on him the whole time to give him angry looks.

"I'm sorry." - he whispered every time he looked at me.One sorry can't fix my leg.
The bell rang and Mrs. Jia an Mr. Jaemin were about to leave when I stopped them.
"Mrs. Jia." - I said and tried to bear the pain cause I was speed walking towards them.
"Yes, Ji Eun?"
"What about me? I mean, I couldn't learn because of my leg." - I said and I had a sad look on.

"Don't worry sweetie." - Mrs. Jia pat my shoulder.
"Who is your dance partner?" - she asked and I could predict what was coming next.
"J-Jungkook." - I said and looked at him secretly.
"You are really good in dancing, and you two make a good team. I recommend him helping you learn the dance." - she said and Mr. Jaemin called Jungkook's name and he rushed towards us.

"Yes?" - he said and gave us a question look.
"When Ji Eun is feeling better you will help her learn the dance, okay?" - they said and he nodded.
When they left the classroom I gave him a death stare and he tilted his head.
"Hope you will be careful to not push me again and cause me to break my leg." - I said and left.

"What do we have next?" - I asked the girls as they approached me and helped me get to our classroom.
"History class." - MinMin said and I sighed.
I loved history as much as I hated it.
"Good afternoon, students. Take your seats and we can start." - he said and I got in my place.

I looked at the empty seat next to me, knowing who it belonged to.
I seriously can't stand him near me now.
Right when I thought of that, the door opened revealing the jerk and the rest of my teammates. I don't want him here!
Calm down, will you? I was trying to rest until you started complaining.

What was I supposed to do? I can't just keep it inside me. Then I will eat myself alive.
Maybe you can try and be less angry? You're going to be a psychologist in the future. How will you make that happen with this attitude?
That is different!
I don't think so.
Okay okay. I'll calm down now.

I noticed Jungkook coming towards me as I moved my chair a little to get further away from him.
"I'm not gonna bite you." - he said and I gave him a - are you sure - look.
"Seriously? Wow. I am glad you won't. I thought you're going to push me off the chair." - I said and he sighed.

"How many times do I have to apologize? I am truly sorry."
"You think saying sorry will make my leg better? I don't want to talk to you anymore." - I said and sat back, crossing my hands on my chest.
"Pfft. It's not like I need you to talk to me.
Oh no! Ji Eun isn't talking to me! What do I do?" - he faked his crying and made fun of me.
"Oh right. Let's see who will cook for you now. Hope you can eat ramen three times a day." - I fought back.

"Can't wait to eat in my favourite coffee shop every day. And good luck with going to school."
"Wha, thanks for reminding me I have my 7 best friends" - our history teacher interrupted me.
Me and that jerk turned our heads around to see that the classroom was dead silent.

The students weren't talking, not even whispering. Seemed like they were listening to us fighting.
My teacher wrote something on a paper and came towards us.
"Hope you won't mind when I give you these detention papers. There's the door." - he gestured and I looked at the paper in my hand.

"Detention? But"
"Jungkook and Ji Eun! Out!" - he raised his voice and we had to get up.
How will I walk with this leg?
I was going behind Jungkook when the teacher called him, telling him to help me with my leg.
Jungkook sighed and took my hand, so it was easier for me to walk.

He was the cause of my leg injury, and now he is the cause of me getting detention?
Not really. You see, you were louder than him so in this case, it's not his fault.
Go away please.
My short conversation with my subconscious ended when we were at the classroom.
I opened the door and there wasn't a single student in there. Just a teacher laying on a desk, probably from boredom.

"Oh great. Students, come in." - he said and gestured us.
I slowly sat on one of the chairs and when the jerk was about to do the same, the teacher spoke.
"Oh wait. You're with the red uniform, then you're not in this classroom." - I gave the teacher a confused look.
"You can go downstairs, at the 707 students." - he said and the jerk nodded and left.
"Why can't he stay here?" - I asked full of curiosity now.

"We've been told that students with red uniforms belong to the 707 floor."
"What's at the 707 floor?"
"I can't tell."

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