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"We're all in the same club now?" - Joo asked, holding the seven forms that were given by our teacher.
"Yeah." - Suya nodded.
"Guys!" - MinMin approached us.
"Where were you?" - I asked her and she tried to catch her breath.

"I was at the secretary cause she asked me to help her with some portfolios and I had to skip this class. I told the teacher about it. I hate math so God bless the secretary." - she straightened her back.
"Well, we got into a school club!" - Hee Ji said and MinMin seemed like she already knew about it.
"Which one?" - she asked as I got excited to tell her the name.

"Vampire History Club!" - I yelled excitedly.
"Wow! That's great!" - MinMin gave me a look and I raised my shoulders at her.
"What? I wanna learn about vampires." - I said innocently and made a puppy face.
"We know." - they all said in unison.
"But you're so into them. Don't you think they don't really exist?" - Hee Ji said and before I could open my mouth, Areum spoke before me.

"We're not sure about that. Remember, on our first days here, how that student told us there were vampires in this school?" - she said and I remembered the 707 floor.
"She's right.. " - Suya said.
"We need to find out the truth." - Yuna said and I started thinking.
"Let's check that floor today." - they were all shocked by my words.

"We need to make a move if we really wanna find out anything about the rumors. Plus, we are in a vampire club now. It will be good to make a project about that. Am I right?" - I said and they all nodded slowly.
"After class today, I'll wait for you by the fountain. That's when their shift starts." - I said and they nodded.

We all have different classes today so that's why I decided to wait for them at the fountain.
I hope something good comes out of this.

Later that day
I got out of my classroom carefully, not wanting Jungkook to see me.
My last class was over so I was heading to the fountain now, ready to meet up with the girls.
Guess we'll find out the truth today.
"Aren't you coming?" - I heard a voice behind me and I froze. Jungkook.

"Oh, hey. I wanted to meet up with the girls today. I'll be home later." - I hope he fell for this.
"Okay." - he said suspiciously.
I sighed in relief when I saw him get in his car and leave.
After a few minutes of waiting, the girls finally came.
"Great. The shift has started, and all the students are in their classes now." - I said and they nodded.

"Are you sure we can do this?" - MinMin said, her voice shaking a little.
"Are you scared?" - Yuna asked her and she shook her head.
"Of course I'm not. But, are you sure this is the right thing to do? What if we get caught? You know we're not supposed to go there." - I rolled my eyes.

"It's now or never. We need to find out if there are really vampires in this school. And what can possibly happen? If there are vampires and if they were dangerous, do you think we would be alive by now?" - I raised an eyebrow at her and she lowered her head.
"Nothing will happen if we stick together."
- Suya said.

We finally reached the entrance door and peeked through the glass to see that everything was dark.
"It isn't locked." - Areum whispered and opened the door.
"Let's go." - she said and we grabbed each other's hands and went in.

"I can't see a thing!" - Hee Ji said as one of the girls smacked her on the arm.
"Be quiet!" - I whisper shouted at her.
"Take out your phones." - we did as Yuna said.
I turned my flashlight on and started scanning the hallway, just like the girls were doing.
"It's even bigger than ours!" - MinMin said and we all agreed.
"How are the students here walking? Or doing anything? It's dark and I can't even see you guys without a flashlight." - Joo whined.

"I think we should split up. We won't find anything if we hold each other's hands out of fear because someone's scared!"
- Suya said, talking about MinMin and Hee Ji.
"We're not scared!" - they both said and I chuckled.
"Whatever, let's go already." - I said and we all went in different directions.
I was in the main hallway, where most of the classrooms were.
With the help of my flashlight, I peeked through some classrooms to see if there were students inside.

Of course, because of my clumsiness, I didn't see the trash can and bumped to it.
"Ouch." - I yelled quietly and rubbed my leg.
Ignoring the slight pain I had, I continued searching. Jackpot.
I found an empty classroom and slowly opened the door to get in.
"What is this?" - I went closer to the walls and desks. They had red paint all over them.
I started touching the walls and I noticed they were wet.

I saw my finger becoming red.
"Is this why it's empty in here? Because the walls are freshly painted?" - I said to myself and continued exploring the classroom.
"How many students can you put in here?"
- I was amazed by the size of it.
Suddenly, I felt something cold on my leg.
"Aish! When did this start bleeding?" - I rolled my eyes as I took a tissue out of my pocket and wiped the blood.

As I was walking around, I stopped on every few seconds to see all the objects that were in this classroom.
I was startled when I saw a window opening by itself.
"What the" - I said under my breath and closed it.
I left my phone on the teacher's desk and gave a last look at the classroom before heading to the door to leave.

My flashlight started turning on and off and I could see a shadow on the wall it was turned opposite to.
"Huh? There's no way my phone was dead, I charged it in class today." - I slowly went towards it and with every step I made, I could notice the floor crunching under my legs..

Until.. I stepped on something.
"Hello there." - someone said but I couldn't see who it was.
"You smell nice." - he said and I started backing away.
"W-Who are you?" - I hit the wall.
"You don't need to know that baby. I'll just say that I'm not someone like you." - even though I couldn't see a thing, I could sense his breath close to my ear.

"What a tasty blood you have."
I pushed him by the chest and tried to get out of his grip but he was a lot stronger than I could imagine.
Not strong like a human. Then..
"A vampire?" - I said under my breath but I think he heard me.
"Seems like you know about us in this school huh? Then you probably know what we do sweetie." - I could feel tears running down my face.

"Please let me go." - I begged and felt his hands on my hips.
"I don't want to, baby. Why did you decide to come here? Oh, wait. Are you one of those curious students too? Well, look where that curiosity has brought you." - he started kissing my hands.

"Please.." - I sobbed.
"Everything will pass in the blink of an eye. Just let me do it. Let me be the one to finish you before all the vampires come after your sweet blood." - he said and squeezed my hand.

My Roommate is a Vampire Where stories live. Discover now