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"This isn't the way to the airport." - I said when I noticed that he turned right instead of left.
"No, it's not." - he said and smirked.
He stopped at the cliff and I noticed that there were two cars of his men following us.

He took a stroller out and opened the back door of his car.
"What are you doing?" - I asked him.
"Turn her around!" - he shouted angrily at his men and they turned me around, preventing me from seeing whatever he was doing.

"Taewon! What are you doing?!" - I yelled and after a few seconds I was turned around.
"I told you that Yoomi would pay if you made any mistake!" - he yelled.

"What mistake?"
"Don't lie to me Ji Eun! I'll count to five and on every second, I'll remove one finger from this stroller that Yoomi's in. You better tell me the truth." - he said as he held the stroller with one hand.

"T-Taewon" - I went closer to him.
"If you make another step, I won't hesitate to let go." - he said and tears started rolling down my cheeks.
"Please no, she's just a kid. Take me and leave her!" - I yelled.
"Sometimes children have to pay for their parents' mistakes right?" - he said and laughed.

"You better tell me everything that happened today. One" - he started counting and removed one finger.
"I didn't do anything, I told you! We were at my aunt's!"
"Two" - he removed another finger.

"Taewon no!" - I went step closer.
"Speak!" - he shouted.
"I already told you!" - I said and he laughed.
"Please, I beg you leave Yoomi alone!"
"Okay okay! Yes! I met up with my friends and Jungkook! Please leave Yoomi now!"
"Five." - he removed his hand and the stroller started going forward.

There was the huge sea underneath these big rocks and no one could make it out alive.
"Yoomi!!" - I shouted from the top of my lungs and started running after the stroller.
"That was my daughter inside of it!" Taewon grabbed my hand and stopped me from jumping after her.

We both fell on the ground and I cried, looking at the sea swallowing the stroller and my daughter with it.
"Stand up." - Taewon said and all my anger was turned to him now.
"You bastard! How could you do that to my daughter! I'll kill you!" - I grabbed him by the collar and he took me to his car.

I could see Yoomi still sleeping peacefully on the back seat.
I opened the door and hugged and kissed her.

"Yoomi!" - I sobbed.
"I think you know how serious I am now."
- Taewon said and I stood up to push him by his chest.
"You are the craziest man I've ever seen! I hate you! I've always have!" - I yelled and hit his chest while crying.

"I will always love Jungkook you psycho! Do you hear me? Til my last breath I will !" - I yelled out.
"Oh, I would love to see that. Let's go." - he dragged me in the car and drove to another place.

"What are we doing here?" - I asked nervously as I looked around to see a field covered with grass and sand.
"Tie her up." - he ordered to one of his men.
They put me to sit on one of the rocks and tied me up.

"You won't get anywhere with this." - I said and he laughed.
"Oh honey, I will. It's time to watch a movie." - he said and chuckled.

"Call him."
"I said call him!" - he yelled and gave me the phone to type Jungkook's number.

"Jungkook! I gotta say, I missed talking to you." - Taewon said as he facetimed Jungkook.
"What do you think you're doing you psycho?" - Jungkook asked and Taewon turned the phone at me so Jungkook could see me.

"I need you to come here if you want to see your precious girlfriend one last time." - he said.
"Oh, you might as well bring your friends, too. But no playing around, or my beautiful princess dies." - he said and after telling Jungkook the adress, he hung up.

"What are you doing now?" - I asked annoyed.
"Just, preparing myself to watch a movie where the love of your life dies. By those cute little booby traps I've set here." - he said and laughed.

"Booby traps?" - I widened my eyes.
"You know, the type of bombs that explode when you step on them. Even the slightest touch can make it go boom." - he said and laughed.

Five minutes later, I saw the cars of the boys coming here.
"And there they are." - Taewon said when I saw the girls come out, too.

"Nice to see you after five years, bud. Now, would you like to be a hero and go up there to save your princess?" - Taewon asked and Jungkook immediately made his way to me.

"Jungkook don't! There are bombs under your feet! Please don't come!" - I cried, but Jungkook didn't stop.
I could hear the girls crying, too.
"Jungkook, please don't come.." - I sobbed and lost my voice.
"Some of them are activated, some of them aren't. You better be careful."- Taewon said.

"Jungkook listen to me! Don't come here!"
- just when I said that, we heard a click.
"What was that?" - I asked.
"Oops, looks like Jungkook stepped on one of the bombs." - Taewon said and started laughing.

"Untie her now." - Taewon ordered his men and they untied me and took me to the side where my best friends were.
"This is what I was talking about, Ji Eun. I love watching movies. Especially like" - Taewon started moving and we heard another click.

"So it's just you and me now." - Jungkook chuckled. He couldn't raise his leg because if he did, he'd die.

"I'll call someone to get Jungkook out of here." - Namjoon said.
"Hurry." - I didn't stop crying.
"Looks like one of us dies today." - Taewon said and Jungkook smirked.

They were pretty far from each other, so I really hoped the explosion wouldn't be so big.
Half an hour later, the experts arrived.
"Please get him out of there!" - I said, pointing at Jungkook.

The so called experts were checking the bombs and counting for nearly twenty minutes.

"There's nothing we can do." - they said and I widened my eyes.
"What do you mean there's nothing you can do?! You reckless bastards! You need to get Jungkook out of there, right now!" - I yelled and the girls stopped me from fighting them.

"I can't lose you, Kook. Not when I'm finally with you after all these years." - I sobbed and noticed that Jungkook teared up, too.
"It's okay, baby. I'll always be with you. Please take good care of Yoomi." - he said.

"No Kook, we will both raise her!"

"What a tragedy. I won't let you two be together once again. Even if I die, I won't. Say your last words Jungkook." - Taewon said and was about to remove his leg from the bomb.

"I love you, Ji Eun. Guys, take care of my two girls." - Jungkook said and let his tears escape his eyes.

"See you in hell." - Taewon said and slowly removed his foot from the bomb.
It started beeping fast and I heard Hoseok yell. "Everybody get down!"
Then we heard the explosion.

"Jungkook !!" - I screamed with the voice left in me.
"Jungkook." - I yelled again, when I saw him stand up from the ground.

"Kook, get out of there fast! The other bombs will explode!" - Taehyung yelled.
"Jungkook!" - I sobbed and hugged him tight.

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