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With tears all over my face, I sped up and drove as fast as I could.
It started raining.
Even the sky is crying with me.
"I was the reason my mom died!" - I yelled and hit the steering wheel multiple times.
"Why? Why did she choose me instead of her?!" - I screamed and sobbed.

I wasn't a lawbreaker, so I stopped when I saw the traffic light switch to red.
I tilted my head down and turned on the windscreen wipers so I could see the road clearly.
I heard a loud car noise and turned to my left to see where it was coming from.
Just then, I recognized the car immediately.

"Sorry Jungkook, but I need to be alone now." - I didn't wait for the lights to change when I stepped on the brake.
I headed to the coast, the place where I usually went when I was sad.
I stopped the car and got out.
I continued crying and then started to laugh at myself.

"Why do you even live Ji Eun? What's the point of living?!" - I yelled at the lake.
"You are the only one that knows all my secrets." - I said, referring to the lake again.
I sat down at the end of the wooden bridge, and that was in the middle of the lake.

I laid down, letting the raindrops hit my face.
"Ji Eun?" - I heard Jungkook say but didn't open my eyes.
"It's cold and raining, let's go home." - he said and that made me cry again and open my eyes.
"I don't want to." - I sobbed.
"Do you want to tell me what happened?"
- he asked.
"Please go home. I want to be alone."
"At this hour? If you're not leaving, then I'm not either." - he sat down next to me and stared at the lake.

I looked at his perfect face, water running down his cheeks. His hair was soaking wet.
"Can you please go?" - I said and didn't stop crying.
"Why? What happened?" - he said and I stood up.
"Nothing happened okay? Just go home!" - I yelled and he stood up.

"I'm going home, but with you."
Why is he so persistent?
"Aarghh!!!" - I screamed, facing the lake.
"It's all your fault! It's your fault Ji Eun! She died because of you!" - I screamed and kneeled down to hit the ground with my fists.
"It's-your-fault!" - I said and between every word, I hit the bridge, til my hands were bleeding.

"Ji Eun, get up." - Jungkook said with a soft voice and lift me by my shoulders.
"I told you to leave me alone!" - I shook his hands off of me.
"Stop it!" - he yelled.
"I killed her okay? I killed her! Can you hear me?! I-KILLED-HER!" - I screamed with all the voice I had in me.

"I killed her.." - I repeated and continued crying.
"You didn't kill anyone." - Jungkook said and came towards me.
"I did. I killed my mom!" - I pushed him by the chest multiple times and he didn't move an inch.
"You don't know me! You know nothing about me! You're only a stupid vampire that got in my life! And I killed my own mother.." - I sobbed and Jungkook hugged me.

"Let me go!" - I yelled and he took my face in his hands and gave me the softest kiss I ever had.
I couldn't resist. I couldn't stop him. I didn't have the strength anymore.
He broke the kiss and looked me in the eyes.
"Let's go home." - he lifted me up and carried me to his car.

"Ji Eun?" - I heard someone shake my shoulder as I slowly opened my eyes.
"What happened?" - I said and looked around me.
"You fell asleep on our way home. Let's get in." - Jungkook opened the door of the car and got me inside our apartment.

"Why didn't you leave me?"- I asked and laid on the couch.
"Because I didn't want to." - he said.
"Now come. Let's take a shower and then go to bed. You'll get a temperature if you sit like that." - he said and I chuckled.

"I don't want to."
"Ji Eun, your clothes are soaking wet, now don't be an asshole and go to the bathroom." - he said.
"I don't want to, jerk." - I scoffed and gave him a look with my half opened eyes.

"Maybe you don't want to do it alone, but you might want to do it with me." - he said and came towards me.
"Don't you dare" - I said and before I finished my sentence, he lifted me over his shoulders and brought me upstairs.

"You are so lucky that I'm not beating you up now." - I said and yawned.
I seriously didn't have the strength to fight back.
I noticed that Jungkook turned right instead of left, where his room was.

"Yah, don't try anything while I'm in this condition or ill kick your ass." - I said and he chuckled.
"You're so dirty minded. Is that what you always think when you get in a guy's room?"
- he said but I didn't answer him.
"Come on now." - he led me to the bathroom and turned on the shower.
I was so sleepy and tired that I couldn't even hold my head straight.

Loud bangs from downstairs woke me up. And I just had the best dream of my life.
"Yah! Who wakes me up at this hour?" - I yelled and put my head under the pillow.
Then, I tried to remember the dream I had.
Jungkook kissed me. It was raining outside. Then, we took a shower together. And then..


"Omo!" - I yelled as I remembered everything that happened last night.
"Don't tell me that really happened." - I stood up and started going back and forth.
"Okay.. From my aunt's house, I went to the coast, then Jungkook came there and.. we.. We.." - I couldn't say the word.

Yah! I seriously want to kill you right now.

Sure. But you must kill yourself first.

But.. did we really.. do that?

You mean kiss?
Yeah, that thing.

Damn girl, why are you so shy about it? Even I could feel that his kiss was passionate and full of love. And you enjoyed it.
And you can't prove anything.
Listen here-

My subconscious stopped when I heard loud banging again.
"Yah Jungkook! What are you doing down there?" - I said as I stood up and went to the doorway.
Then, I saw him coming upstairs. He had a spoon and a pan in his hands and banged them together.
"Good morning! Wake up!" - he screamed like those officers that wake the soldiers up.

"What are you doing with those? I'm already awake." - I said before chuckling and clearing my ears.
"Oh, good. Now, it's time for breakfast and then a long practice is waiting for us!" - he said and pulled me downstairs.
"Oh God! I totally forgot about the competition!"

"Okay, guys! This class will be nothing but telling you all the changes made for the competition and all those other stuff."
- Mr. Jaemin said and I raised an eyebrow.
"Changes?" - I asked and he nodded.
"The host of the Inkigayo competition made some changes about the style of the dances and the genre of music." - Mrs. Jia said and everyone sighed.

"What are the changes then?" - a student asked.
"They're not that big, as I said, something about the music and the style." - Mrs. Jia answered.
"And we think that you'll like these changes more." - Mr. Jaemin added and I was curious.

"Now, I want each girl to come here, one by one and pick one of these cards.
On every piece of card, there's the name of the song that you will have to perform with your partner. You also have the style written in brackets." - Mrs. Jia said, and the students already started picking.

"We actually wanted your partners to be the ones who will think of the choreography but there's not much time for that so we came up with this." - Mr. Jaemin said.
I stood up to put my hand in the small box and take out a card.
I sat next to Jungkook and slowly opened it to see what we got.

"Lots of passion and emotion in the dance."
- Jungkook read out loud and Mr. Jaemin spoke again.
"If you flip the card on the other side you'll see the name of the choreography that you'll have to learn." - Mr. Jaemin finished and he left the dance room.

"Okay, you heard him. You have two days to get ready. We expect a lot from you, so don't disappoint us." - Mrs. Jia said and also left the dance room.

"Did we practice all those dances for nothing?" - I heard a student say as everyone left the classroom.

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