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"Ji Euunn!!!" - Jimin called for me as soon as me and Jungkook entered the classroom.
"Guess where we are going tomorrow!" - he started jumping and hugging me.
"Wow, calm down. Where?" - I hugged him back.
"Camping!" - he yelled again and I widened my eyes.
"Yay!" - I hugged Jungkook and he seemed a little annoyed.

"We're dealing with a bunch of babies." - he said and I made a shocked expression.
"Yah! Who are you calling a baby?" - I winked at him and jumped on him.
He gave me a piggyback ride to our seats.

"Did you find your soulmate?" - MinMin asked me as we sat at our table in the cafeteria.
"I did." - I said and the girls were impatient now.
"Who is it?" - Suya asked me and I took a sip from my coke before telling her.
"My boyfriend." - I said and they all gasped.
"Really? Wow! That means you two are really destined for each other. The guy that saved you that night is now your boyfriend and soulmate. Maybe he will be her husband too." - Yuna gave me a perverted look and I hit her elbow playfully.

"Anyone else?" - I asked and noticed how Ari had something to say.
"Areum?" - I gave her a look.
"Hoseok." - she said and I widened my eyes.
"That's amazing! I'm happy for you." - I said and touched her hand.
"Guess we will have to wait a little more."
- Hee Ji said.
"Don't worry. I'm sure you'll find your soulmates soon." - Areum said.

I continued eating my food when I felt someone cover my eyes.
"Hmm? Who could this be?"

"How can I not recognize you, my baby bunny?" - at that moment Jungkook got his hands off my eyes and kissed my cheek.
I tilted my head back and gave him a kiss on his soft lips.

"I came to tell you that I got another message from the company and they want us to start learning the dance today if we're free." - he said and I widened my eyes.
"Really? Okay then. We're free right?" - I winked and he chuckled.
"Yeah, we are." - he kissed my hand and left.

"You two are so cute together. I'm so jealous." - MinMin made a sad face.
"Aw. You'll find your prince on a white horse. I'm sure about that." - I said and she thought for a little.

I really know my best friends.
She had something to say.

"What is it?" - Suya asked her and she smiled before starting.
"I think I found him." - she said and Hee Ji almost choked on her drink.
"Jimin." - she said and I let out a small scream.
"Oh my God! You two will be the cutest couple! Are you planning to confess?" - I asked her.
"Well, I thought about it. But I'm not sure. What if he doesn't like me back?" - she said and changed her facial expression.

"No, no. I'm sure he will. You are the sweetest human being on earth. How can he not love a person like you? Don't worry. And you should totally tell him how you feel. And don't be sad if.. you know. Jimin isn't the last guy on earth that you need to be with." - I said and she smiled.
"Besides, I am here to kick his ass if he does that." - Areum said and we all laughed.

"Are you ready for this?" - our English teacher said and we all screamed.
"Let's go!" - she waved her hand and we started getting on the bus.
After twenty minutes of singing along with our teachers and the bus driver, we arrived at our camping spot. It was 3 pm when we put the tents in place.

"On this camp, we will hang out a lot. That means playing a lot of games, fire and story times, food and so on!" - the guide said.
"Since you're already done with setting your tents, it's time to form groups and play some games!" - everyone cheered.

"Groups can contain boys and girls, and each group must have at least seven members. Go ahead." - the guide said and everyone started picking sides.

"I'm going with Jimin." - MinMin said and I immediately knew what was her plan.
"Okay, I'm going with Hoseok." - Ari said.
"Ji Eun is mine." - Jungkook hugged me.
"I'm coming with you guys." - Yoongi said and our groups were now formed.
"Are we all done?" - the guide said and everyone cheered.

"Okay then! The first game is called Catch the Queen! You will have to find ten flags that are hidden here in this forest. The group that has the most flags wins! Also, each group will have a queen that we will choose. The queen must have a disguise so other groups won't guess who she is. If they do, the group gets eliminated. The members of the group must protect their queen by carrying her on their back. They can also do that to manipulate the others. Do you understand?" - the guide asked and we all nodded.

"You have fifteen minutes. Let the game begin!" - he said after the teachers secretly put marks on the hands of the girls that will be the Queens.

We all started running to the forest, no one knowing in what direction.
Jungkook grabbed my arm and we continued running.
"I can see one!" - I yelled as I saw one of the flags. Jungkook immediately ran to it and took it.
"Good job." - he said and he made a 'proud of myself' look.

We saw that Areum had the marks on her hand so we knew that she was the Queen of our group. And we have to protect her.

"Let's manipulate other groups!" - I said and Ari gave me a confused look.
"Your majesty." - Jungkook bowed which caused the attention of a group and they got eliminated right away.
"Nice." - Hoseok said and we continued running and looking for more flags.
"MinMin, if you plan on doing it you should do it now. We have nine more minutes." - I whispered in her ear and she nodded.

"Um Jimin" - she started but he stopped her.
"Yeah, let's split up in pairs! That way we can find more flags." - he said and grabbed MinMin by the arm.

Jimin's POV
I've been planning to confess to her for a long time now. And I don't want to waste it anymore. I'll just tell her today.

My heart started racing when she said my name. It looked like she wanted to say something but I interrupted her.
No going back. It was now or never.
"Come with me." - I grabbed her arm and headed in the opposite direction.
I stopped running when I saw that we were far enough so other students wouldn't hear us.

"So um, I've been planning to tell you this for a long time now." - I started and she waited for me impatiently.
"You know that" - I was interrupted when I saw something glowing on her neck.
She took it out and I saw that it was one of the soulmate stones.
Mine started glowing too.

"We are soulmates." - she said and I was still shocked.
"What.. did you want to tell me?" - she turned her attention to me again.
"I wanted to say that, I like you Lee Min. A lot." - I finally said and now I was scared of her reaction.

She was quiet.

"I like you too, Park Jimin." - she said and I immediately felt my heart warm up.
I grabbed her by the waist and spun her.
We both started laughing. I was so happy.
I let her down slowly when I started feeling dizzy.
"Jimin, are you okay?" - I kneeled down to the grass.
"You're scaring me, what's wrong?" - she shook my shoulders and I knew what was happening to me.

"Blood, I need.. blood." - I kept saying that and I felt like I was losing my mind.
"I don't have artificial blood with me! But I have blood." - she said and I started shaking my head.
"No.. no. I can't do that to you." - I said.
"Jimin. It's fine. You're important to me and I won't let you die from hunger." - she said and gave me her hand.

"Just do it." - she demanded and I held her hand weakly.
Her blood smells amazing.
As her hand was getting closer to my mouth I could see her tense up. Of course, she was scared.
"I'm sorry." - I said and stuck my fangs in her wrist.
She was letting small whimpers. She was in pain. Because of me.
I tried to be as quick as possible. I really didn't want to see her like that.

A few seconds later, I pulled out.
I had nothing to cover her hand with so I tore my shirt and wrapped the clothing around her wrist.
"I'm really sorry." - I said and kissed her hand.
"It's okay." - she said and hugged me.
"The game will finish soon, let's go back to the others." - MinMin said and helped me stand up.

If it wasn't for her I would probably die now.

"Wow, you two got wild out there?"
- Jungkook chuckled and Ji Eun smacked his arm.
"I'm guessing it worked out for the both of you." - she said and MinMin and I hugged.
"Congratulations guys." - Jungkook said and gave me a handshake and hugged MinMin.

"Alright alright! The game is now over! The Queen of each group has to bring the flags to us, we'll start counting." - the guide said and Ari made her way to the teachers.

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