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When I was putting the dress on I saw something sparkle.
When I picked it up, I realised they were the keys that the guard probably lost.
I unlocked the door and was greeted with my friends' terrified looks.
"Why did you come after us? Get out of here!" - MinMin whisper yelled as I untied them both.

"I'm not leaving you here, let's go." - I was stopped when Areum screamed.
"Ji Eun watch out!" - I turned around and saw Taewon pointing a gun at me.
I already panicked and didn't have time to react fast.
He shot me in my abdomen.

I fell on the ground, but I wasn't unconscious.
"Ji, get up, please!" - MinMin took my hand and I was hardly standing on my feet now.
"The wound is not big, but it's enough to make you bleed." - Taewon said as he groaned and held his shoulder.

It was healing unbelievably fast.
Like every vampire..

"Now let's go so you can finish that 'I do' ."
- he said and harshly dragged me back to the wedding hall.
The guards took Areum and MinMin and went after us.
I stood at the altar again and groaned in pain, as the man in red suit started the sentence again.

"Lee Ji Eun, do you take Kim Taewon to be your husband, forever?" - he said and I wasn't going to say anything.
"You don't, they die." - Taewon said as I saw the guards pointing guns at the girls.
"I" - I held my stomach to prevent it from bleeding and was about to say the word, when I got interrupted.

"Don't." - I heard this familiar voice and turned around to see Jungkook and the boys.
They surrounded the guards so they let the girls go.
Taewon occupied my neck with his hand which was in a choking position now.
"Let her go." - Jungkook said as I saw his eyes turn to reddish orange and oxford blue. A sign of anger and fear.
"What if I don't?" - Taewon said and started laughing.

Jungkook's POV
I opened my eyes when I heard voices talking.
I was laying on the ground, surrounded by people.
My head really hurt, but I managed to stand up.
I realized I was still at our house, my car was there too.

But Ji Eun wasn't.

I got in it quickly and started calling the boys.
"Hey Jungkookie" - Taehyung said and I cut him off.
"Guys, Ji Eun has been kidnapped." - I said and they all screamed a 'WHAT' at the same time.
"Someone knocked me out when we were about to go to the palace."
"Are you sure? Let's try reaching the girls."
- Namjoon hyung said as I added them in the call.

"Areum, MinMin and Ji Eun aren't answering." - I said as the rest of the girls joined.
"Guys, something's wrong. Areum and MinMin were leaving from my house and when I got out later I found Areum's phone on the ground." - Suya said.

"Are they kidnapped too?" - Jin said as the girls screamed in shock.
"What? What do you mean kidnapped?" - Yuna said.
"Ji Eun is." - I added.
"Who, would do that?"
"I don't know, but I need to find them fast, cause I don't have a good feeling about this." - I said and arrived at the palace.

"Let's meet somewhere, fast." - I said and when the guys suggested place and time, I hung up.
"Hey honey, are you hungry?" - my mom approached me when I entered the palace.
"Not now, mom." - I said angrily and headed to my room.

"Jungkook, what's wrong?" - I heard my mom come after me.
"Ji Eun has been kidnapped." - I said and she let out a gasp.
"How? When?" - she sat beside me on the bed.
I looked at Ji Eun's pillow.
"I need to find her mom. I don't have a good feeling about this." - I said and went downstairs to find my father in his office.

"Where is she?" - I yelled, holding his shirt tightly.
"What are you talking about?"
"Don't play innocent, where's Ji Eun?" - I asked again and pinned him to the wall.
"How can I know that? You're supposed to know, you're her boyfriend." - he said and I loosened my grip on him.

I knew when he was lying.
And now he wasn't.

"Jungkook, we're waiting for you." - I made my way to my car after the call with Jimin hyung.
I drove with the speed of light cause I didn't have time to lose.
"We were talking about Ji Eun's sister. They don't know each other too much, but maybe she knows something. We should test our luck." - Hoseok hyung said.

After a few minutes, Ji Eun's sister arrived.
"I have someone in mind." - she said as soon as she sat down on the chair next to us.
"Taewon." - she said and she was right.
"When you two were babysitting, I called her at the café. That's when she told me everything about you. And what happened at the school." - she said and she was right.

"Taewon" - she gulped.
"He was in my class in high school. And.. he was my boyfriend. I know him better than anyone and I think I know where the girls are." - she said and we all stood up.

Seorin got in my car and the guys took theirs.

"I swear if that monster does something to Ji Eun I will kill him." - I hit the steering wheel in anger.
Ten minutes later, we arrived at some old warehouse.

We made our way to the four guards.
We easily knocked them down and opened the big doors.
When I went in there, I saw Ji Eun.
She was wearing a wedding dress and she was bleeding.
"That bastard." - I said as I made my way to them.
"Ah ah. One more step and she's gone."
- Taewon said as he held Ji Eun.

"Jungkook." - she gulped in pain.
"Wow. You have an amazing blood, cupcake. Maybe I should finish what I started back in that classroom. This time I won't go for your wrist." - he said as he glared at me and moved his head closer to her neck.

He put his hand on her stomach and licked her blood from his finger.
His eyes turned red and so did mine.
"Too bad you can't do anything now, Jungkook. You can't save her like last time. She's all mine now." - Taewon said and I chuckled.

"You're forgetting something. Full bloods can run." - I said and in less than a second, I ran to Taweon and punched him with all the force in me.
I took Ji Eun in my hands and let the guys take care of everything else.
Jimin and Hoseok hyung put the girls in the cars while the rest of the boys dealt with Taewon.

"Are you okay baby?" - I held Ji Eun's hand and she nodded as we got out of the hospital.
"Ji Eun." - the guys pulled her in a tight hug.
"Where are the girls? How are Ari and MinMin? - she asked worriedly and I held her hand.
"They're fine, don't worry. Let's go to our house now." - I said and helped her get in the car.

Ji Eun seemed surprised when she saw that we were at the neighbourhood again.
"I thought we were going back at the palace." - she said and chuckled.
"We live here from now on." - I said and gave her the keys to unlock our new house.
"This is so good. A new beginning." - she said when we sat on the couch and hugged.

"I know. You deserve it." - I kissed her forehead and touched the place where her wound was.
"Does it hurt?"
"No, it doesn't. Wait, we didn't get our stuff." - she said and stood up when I pulled her back on my lap.

"No worries. The girls took care of that. Now, can we finally see our bedroom?"
- I winked and she playfully hit my chest.

"We can."

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