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"Yes! We won!" - Yuna yelled and I smiled.
The other groups were disappointed.

After our last game finished, it was time to collect some sticks and stones so we could build a fire.
That job belonged to the boys.

"Hey." - I saw Min sitting alone on the ground and went to her.
"Everything okay with Jimin?" - I said and she brightened a little when I mentioned his name.
"Yes." - she said.
"Then, why do you look so sad?"
"I'm not sad.. it's just" - she stopped and showed me her hand.
"Why is it tied up?" - I asked and started thinking.
"Did he have any blood today?" - I asked and she nodded.

That means he had to feed on her so he wouldn't die.
"Don't be sad about that. It's okay. You saved his life." - I said and she laid her head on my shoulder.
"I'm not sad. I was scared for him."

"I'll go get you some water from the tent. You go and sit with everyone else." - I stood up and made my way to our sleeping place.
I got in and found one bottle of water.
When I was about to go back, someone called my name.

I knew that voice.

"I hear that you're the chosen one." - she said and came closer to me.
"Yes, Chaerin. You heard right." - I replied with annoyed voice.
"Well, congratulations sweetie. Even though I don't understand how they chose you instead of me." - I scoffed.
"I'll go now." - I turned around to leave but stopped when she spoke again.

"Jungkook will never be yours, Ji Eun. He always belonged to me. Don't even think of getting your hands on him. I'll break you to pieces." - she said and I came closer to her.
"The past is just a past, sweetie. He loves me, I love him. There's nothing unclear about that right? I want you out of my life now." - I said and left.

"What took you so long?" - I heard MinMin say as I smiled and gave her the bottle of water.
I sat down next to Jungkook and rested my head on his shoulder.
I could see Chaerin staring at us from the corner of my eye.

"You good?" - Jungkook said and kissed my forehead.

After coming home from the camp with Jungkook, we decided to rest a little before starting to learn the dance.
We had to film for the company tomorrow.

I woke up to the unbearable pain in my stomach. My boobs also hurt.
"Ah. Why now?" - I stood up from my bed and immediately went to the bathroom.
I knew exactly what was coming.
And it wasn't going to be good for Jungkook. Not even a little.

I washed up and noticed that my pajamas had blood on them.
I didn't want to put on clothes so I put on my other pair.
"Seriously. I'm supposed to film today. Couldn't you wait for a day?" - I raised my voice.

"Argh." - my stomachache was getting worse now.
I kneeled to the ground and curled up like a ball.
While I was squeezing my stomach I could hear footsteps and a door opening.
Guess he's awake.
I didn't want to make sounds but the pain was big.

"Ji Eun? Are you okay?" - I heard Jungkook knock on my door and get in.
"What happened?" - he helped me stand up.
"Jungkook" - I held on him with my right hand while my left was holding my stomach.
"Period." - I said.
"Period? What period? What's that?" - he said and I couldn't believe my ears.

"Ah, Kook, I'm on my period! How can you not know what that is?!" - I yelled and he was surprised.
"B-blood? Why is there blood on your bed?"
- he asked and I felt how my emotions would explode soon.
"That's my blood! I'm on my period!" - I yelled again.
"Do you want me to take you to the hospital? I have no idea what's happening to you." - he said and I looked at him.

Tears started running down my cheeks.
"Why are you crying?"
"Kook, please go to the market and buy pads and food!" - I said and sat on the bed.
"Okay, okay. I'm going."
"Hurry!" - I yelled before he left my room.

Jungkook's POV
I quickly went downstairs and got in my car.
On my way to the supermarket, I called Areum. Which appeared to be a good idea.
"Yes, Jungkook?" - she said on the other line.
"Areum, I have a situation here! Ji Eun has a stomachache, I saw blood on the bed and she told me she was on her period. What the hell is happening?" - I panicked and I heard Areum laughing.

"Why are you laughing? Is something funny? I'm telling you I'm super worried now!" - I said and she stopped laughing.
"Dude, calm down. There's nothing to worry about. She will bleed, she will be really angry, she will cry, she will laugh and everything. Now go and get her pads, tampons and lots of food." - she said and laughed again.

"What are those?" - I yelled.
"Aish, just go to the supermarket and ask the staff!"
"Gah okay! I didn't even change!" - I said and she started laughing like a freak again.

"You're hilarious! Make sure to do everything she says or you're dead meat."
"Okay. Thank you." - and when I was about to hang up, Areum spoke again.
"Good luck." - she said and hung up on me.
"What do you mean good luck?!" - I yelled and I was going crazy right now.

Okay, Jungkook. You can do this.
I parked the car at the supermarket and I could see everyone staring at me.
"Of course. I'm still in pajamas." - I thought and rushed inside.

"Hello, um. Can you help me find some pads and tampons? My girlfriend is on her period." - I said and the worker chuckled.
"I see. Follow me." - I went after her.
"There you have it." - she said and left.
"What? I'm so lost now. There are a hundred types of these. How do I know which one to get?" - I took one package in my hand.

"This one's with seven.. rain drops? What's that supposed to mean?" - I took a package of tampons and headed to the food section.
I grabbed a cart with me and basically bought everything I saw.
I even went back to grab two more packages of pads and tampons.
I made my way to the cashier.
"There's a huge line in here! What if something happens to Ji Eun till I'm back?"
- I said and started asking the people if I can go before them.

They laughed and let me go next.
"Thank you." - I bowed and started taking out the stuff from the cart.
Five minutes later, I got out of the market with four bags in my hands.
I put them in the back of my car and rushed home.

"Ji Eun! I'm here!" - I yelled as I closed the door behind me.
"Ah, Kook! I'm starving! What took you so long?" - I heard her in the kitchen and went in there with the bags in my hands.
"I brought food and pads!" - I said and she took the bags from my hands.
She got the packages of pads and tampons out and stared at them.

"Good job." - she said and headed upstairs.
"Kook?" - she said and I turned around.
"Yes?" - I said as I prepared a fruit salad for her.
"Did you go to the market with your pajamas on?" - she asked and I lowered my head in embarrassment.
"Yes.." - I said and she burst out laughing.

"Ah.." - I shook my head and continued preparing the salad.

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