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I was awoken by someone shaking my shoulder.
"Jungkook, leave me alone." - I turned around to hug whatever was next to me.
"Wake up."
"Kook, let me sleep." - I yawned and slowly opened my eyes.
"Ji Eun, now is not the time for sleeping. We need to get out! The librarian will be here any second!"

Then I felt hands around my waist and legs.
"Jungkook?" - I said and heard the door being unlocked.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and let him carry me anywhere so we wouldn't be seen.
We hid behind one of the biggest shelves and waited there.

Soon, I heard footsteps and saw that the librarian get in.
"Our backpacks!" - I said and wanted to take them but Jungkook stopped me.
He pinned me to the wall and put his palm on my mouth, signaling me to shut up.

Only the humming of the librarian could be heard now.
Jungkook slowly let go of me and we peeked through the shelves to see when our chance to escape would come.
I wish I was pinned to the wall a little bit more..

"Huh? What is this?" - the librarian noticed our backpacks and gave them a look.
Me and Jungkook looked at each other, we were scared of her next move.
Then, some students got in. They left the door open.
"Hi Mrs. Jee." - a guy said, catching the attention of the librarian. Mrs. Jee, I guess.

She sat back at her desk and started writing down the names of books the students said they needed.
This was our chance.
While everyone was turned around, I grabbed Jungkook's hand and ran to the couch where our bags were.

"Let's go!" - I walked on my toes and finally left the library.
"Thank God." - Jungkook sighed.
"Class will start soon, our friends are probably worried." - I said and we made our way to our classroom.
"Do you know how worried we were? Why didn't you pick up your phones?" - I was greeted by Areum's yelling.

The boys gathered around and our team was complete now.
Jungkook held my hand and wanted to say something, but I interrupted him.
"I know you were all worried, and we're truly sorry. But we just wanted to spend some time alone. I really missed my boyfriend's cuddles." - I held Jungkook by the waist and leaned my head on his chest.

Jungkook nodded and our friends seemed like they fell for it.
Jungkook kissed my forehead and I closed my eyes to enjoy the moment.
Not going to lie, I wasn't faking this.
"Okay, you're forgiven. But at least text us so we can know you're not kidnapped or something." - Areum said and I placed a huge smile on my face.

"Let's sit down." - I said and led Jungkook to our seats.
"Nailed it." - he said and we high-fived.
"Ugh." - I groaned when I saw our math teacher get in.
I hate math.

"Morning class. I'll get straight to the point. There were some complications during our meeting so after your third class, you'll be free to go." - she said and everyone cheered.

I take my words back when I said that those four years will be hell. Now I think they won't be.
Glad you did.

Now, I remembered something.
Back in the library, when Jungkook was trying to wake you up?

Do you know what you said?

I thought a little, and then every single memory came back to me.

I'm such an idiot.
You were so cute. "Jungkookie, leave me alone. Jungkookie, come cuddle with me."

I lowered my head in embarrassment.
What is he thinking now? Ah...
I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see a worried Jungkook.
"Are you okay?" - he asked and I nodded reassuring him.
Couple of hours later, we got out of school since our third class was over. Thankfully.

"Any plans for today?" - Teahyung asked and everyone seemed like they had some free time.
"I have an idea." - MinMin said.
"But it only refers to us. Sorry boys." - she added and I chuckled.
"What? It's not like we were planning to go with you." - Jimin said and I could see the disappointment in his eyes.

"What is it?" - Hee Ji asked.
"I need to know if Ji will agree to this." - she said and I paid attention.
"I'm listening."
"How about we go and visit auntie?" - she said and I smiled.
"Yeah! That would be really good!" - the girls said and I nodded.
"Okay. She would be happy to see you after a long time."

"Wow, MinMin said something smart for the first time!" - we laughed.
"Aish, you're so mean!" - she said and chuckled.
"I'll see you later, Kook." - I gave him a peck on the cheek and left with the girls.
We all got in Areum's car and waited for her to start the engine.
"We should buy her something." - Suya said and we all agreed.
"Let's go shopping then!" - Areum screamed and we drove away.

"So, getting all cuddly with your boyfriend?"
- Yuna said and playfully hit my shoulder.
"Yeah." - I giggled.
"I am really happy for you two. Jungkook is a good guy." - Areum said and I seemed a little surprised.
"Wow. Guess the overprotective Ari is gone."
- I teased.
"You wish." - she gave me a smirk and joined our laughter.

"I've missed you so much, girls!" - my aunt said as we entered her house.
"We missed you too." - she hugged us all.
"We got you a little present." - Suya said and I handed her the stuff we bought on our way here.
"Aw, you didn't have to. Thank you." - we made our way to the living room.
"How's life going?" - auntie asked us as she put the bouquet of flowers in a vase.
"Um, pretty interesting." - I said and the girls agreed.

"And what about love?" - auntie asked again and we laughed.
"Someone has a boyfriend." - Yuna said and I looked away.
My aunt sat on the couch and scanned us all to see who is the one in a relationship.
"Ji Eun?" - she said and I slowly raised my head.
"Do I know him?" - she asked and I chuckled.
"You do." - I think she knew who it was.

"Hmm.. Is it JK?" - she asked and I widened my eyes.
"It's what he told me to call him when I bought you the apartment. See? I said you would be thanking me for that." - she winked at me.
"Yeah. Looks like I will. - I faked a smile.

I don't know who he really is.
But I need to find out.

"As if I knew you would come and visit me today, I made a cake!" - she stood up and lead us to the kitchen.
"I'll go in my room real quick." - I said and ran upstairs.

Do you always go to your room when you're at your aunt's?
Just to lay down a little and clear my thoughts.

Wow. I forgot how you used to harras me with those thoughts of yours.
Looks like you want more.
No thank you.

I opened the door of my bedroom and got in.

My mom's scent is still here.

I laid on the bed and closed my eyes.
"This is so nice." - I said under my breath and stood up after a few seconds.
I wanted to look at the framed pictures of me and my mom.

"I wish you were here now. I really miss you"
- I held the frame to my chest and tears started running down my cheeks.

I quickly wiped them off, remembering the promise I made to myself when I was six.

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