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"Hey, muffin. Wake up."
"How many times do I have to tell you that I hate that word?"
"Not too many, now get up and get ready. We still go to school remember?"
"Ugh." - I saw Jungkook stand up from my bed and I headed to the bathroom to wash my face.
Suddenly, I felt like I wanted to vomit.
And I did.

"Ji Eun, are you okay in there?" - Jungkook knocked on the door.
I got out and he touched my face with his palms.
"I don't feel good." - I said and Jungkook gave me a worried look.
"Why are you so pale? Literally two seconds ago you were fine." - he made me sit on the bed.
"Do you want to go to the doctor?" - he kneeled before me and put his jacket down.

"No, I will be fine. Go. Don't be late for school."
"How can I leave you alone in this condition?" - he took my small hands in his.
"Don't worry, it's probably a fever. I'll take some medicine and I will be okay."
"Are you sure? If you want me I won't go"
"I'm sure Jungkook. Now go to school." - I said and he slowly stood up.

"If your fever is not down just call me and I'll be home in a minute, okay?" - he asked I nodded slowly.
I heard the front door close which meant he left.
"What is wrong with me?"

I felt really weird. I had butterflies in my stomach which is strange too. How can you have butterflies in your stomach when you're sick?
I wanted to change my clothes but I didn't have the strength to.
I felt really exhausted.
Seriously, when Jungkook woke me up nothing was wrong.

I slowly made my way to the stairs, putting each leg on one stair at a time.
After two minutes, I reached the kitchen.
I decided to make soup for myself. My aunt always made that for me and it helped me get over my sickness.
If this is some sort of sickness.

I sat down on the table and rested my head on my palms while waiting for the water to boil.
"Maybe I should take some medicine." - I said to myself but I decided to eat the soup first.
The organism needs to fight alone first. I don't want to poison myself with medicine right away. Maybe it's nothing serious.

I heard the water boil and stood up to pour the soup in.
At that second, my phone rang.
I left it in the living room last night so I was thankful that I didn't have to go upstairs again.
"Hello?" - I said and recognized the voice immediately.
"Hello? Is that all you're gonna say?"
"Sorry Areum, I didn't see that it was your number."

"Didn't see my- Oh my gosh you really must be sick! Jungkook told us about you."
"Yes. But I'm fine it's nothing serious. I prepared soup for myself so I'll just eat that and rest."
"Okay, we'll call to check up on you. Rest well."

Thank God she didn't insist to leave school and come here.
I love my bestfriend but sometimes she can be really annoying and I don't need that right now.
I felt a sudden pain in my stomach. It felt like someone was stabbing me with a knife.
I kneeled to the floor and held my stomach, trying to bear the pain and make it stop.

"Argh" - I groaned and curled up in a ball.
"Please stop." - I said under my breath and as if it heard me, the pain slowly faded away.
Period cramps were never this bad. And I wasm't even on my period.
After a couple of seconds the pain went away and I was able to stand up. I poured the soup in a bowl and started eating.
"Nope." - I said and ran upstairs with all my strength.
As soon as I swallowed it I wanted to vomit again.

I never get sick. What's happening?
I washed my face and layed on my bed after I got out of the bathroom.
"Why is everything spinning?"

"Ji Eun?" - I slowly opened my eyes.
My head hurt so bad.
"Ah" - I breathed out and looked at everyone surrounding me.
"Wha- what are you guys doing here?"
- I asked with half opened eyes.
"Jungkook called you a hundred times but you didn't pick up. We were really worried and came here." - Suya said.

"What about school?"
"Look at her. Why are you so worried about that? The teacher let us out." - Jimin said and I gave him a 'seriously?' look.
"All of you? They let thirteen people out of class because they had to take care of one?"
- I asked and they all nodded.

"Don't think about school now. You're important here. We found you laying on your bed, you were unconscious."
- Jungkook said and held my hand.
"He almost got a heart attack." - Hoseok added.
"Don't worry. I'm fine." - I said and felt something coming out of my nose.

"I touched my upper lip with my finger and saw that it was blood.
"I'll go and wash up." - I slowly stood up and went to the kitchen.
"She never gets sick. What's wrong with her?" - I heard Hee Ji ask but I didn't want to hear what the boys had to say to that.

I wanted to drink cold water from the fridge.
I smelled something really beautiful.
I started taking out all the bottles inside and trying to figure out where that beautiful smell was coming from.
I took the odd bottle in my hand and opened it. I didn't move my head an inch, when I knew that was the amazing smelling liquid.

This is artificial blood. And it's supposed to smell disgusting.
"Jungkook?" - I took the bottle and a glass with me and went in the living room.
"Yes?" - Jungkook stared at the bottle in my hand.

"This is artificial blood right?" - I said and he nodded slowly.
"Wow. She knows more for us than we know about ourselves." - Taehyung joked and I rolled my eyes.
"Who would like to try this?" - I turned to the girls and they gave me shocked looks.
"Why would we" - Areum started and I already poured small amount of the blood in the glass.

"Here, try it. And tell me if it's good." - I handed her the glass and she took it slowly.
I waited for her to try it.
She looked at all of us first, and slowly took a sip.
She spit it out immediately.

"Ew! That's disgusting!" - she gave me the glass back and now I filled it for myself.
I was sure that this was the bottle that smelled amazing.
But I also knew that the first time I tried it, I had the same reaction like Areum.
I shut my eyes cause I might as well think the same. What if it's disgusting again?

"And?" - Seokjin asked me and everyone
waited for my response.
"Not disgusting" - I said and I was surprised myself.
"What do you mean? The first time you accidentally tried it you didn't like it at all."
- Jungkook said and I nodded in agreement.

Suddenly, the door bell rang.
"I'll open." - Namjoon said and we waited to see who it was.
We never actually had guests. What's this strange armosphere today?
Namjoon opened the door but no one was there.
He looked outside but didn't see anyone.

When he was about to close the door he stopped and kneeled a little to take something from the doorway.
"What's that?" - I said, constantly drinking the blood.
I made a sound when I swallowed it and the boys looked at me.

"What? It's beautiful, don't judge me." - I said and shaked my head.
"What's on the paper?" - Jimin asked and the attention was at Namjoon again.

"On the darkest night, when the sun goes down, the chosen one comes up. When the light shines bright, the one isn't asleep. You can only guess it once, before the light goes down."

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