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I want her. There's something so challenging about her. And I like that.

Green eyes.
Brown hair.
Beautiful body.
Sweet voice.

Snap out of it Jungkook!
Huh? Subconscious? Really?

What about the fact that you're not of her kind?
Do you think she won't find out? What about today? You will probably get different uniforms at school. What about your habits? The full moon? That bottle of artificial blood in your kitchen? You can't hide all that from her.

But she will be scared of me and she will run away! What am I supposed to do? I won't be able to stop her.

Everything has a solution. Don't worry.
I really hope so.

I put shampoo on my hair and just when I turned the shower on, it wasn't working.
Are you kidding me?
I tried checking the problem but I was no plumber. Only one idea came to my mind.
I put on a towel around my waist and got out of my room.
"What in the world are you doing here?" - she yelled covering her eyes with her palms.

I chuckled secretly after hearing her thoughts.
We can read minds and hear what a person thinks.
I went back to my usual, serious face and started talking.
"Aish, my shower isn't working. I thought I could use yours."
"Why would you do that?" - she asked and got the hands off her face. Her facial expression suddenly changed.

Subconscious, right? So she has it, too.
"Ji Eun!" - I automatically went a step closer. I could smell the perfume she- No wait. She's still in pajamas, so that means it's her natural scent- What are you doing Jungkook?
"W-What?" - she asked feeling a bit embarrassed and confused.

Silence. Again.
"No, I'm not!" - she suddenly yelled startling me.
"What?" - I asked pretending to be confused.
"N-Nothing." - she said.
"Okay, now let me use your shower!"- I walked past her but she stopped me. By putting her hand on my chest. Oh my goodness.

"You can't go!"
"Why?" - I said and looked down.
"Because!" - she said thinking.
"I have to get something from there first!"
"Can't you see I have shampoo on my hair? I'm cold!" - I said and moved further.
"Aish! I know! Wait a sec!" - she immediately went to the bathroom to get something from there.

I crossed my hands and waited for a few seconds.
"There, you can go." - she got out of the bathroom with lotion in her hand.
I'm scared of what her reaction will be when she finds out about me... She doesn't seem like the type to run away from something. Okay, Jungkook, we're talking about vampires here. Seriously? What's wrong with me today?

I finished showering and put my clothes on after going back to my room, then I heard a knock on my window.
I went to the balcony to see Jimin sitting on my chair.
"Hyung? What brings you here?" - I asked him and he slowly stood up.

"Are we safe to talk?"
"She's in the kitchen." - I informed and he nodded.
"What do you want to talk about?" - I asked and predicted what could be the topic this time.

"Her." - he said and I rolled my eyes a bit.
"Ah, Jimin hyung. My father already gave me a lecture about this, are you the next one?" - I said complaining.
"You already know the consequences. How can you be so sure about this? She will probably find out about this today.." - I didn't let him finish.

"I know, and I haven't come this far for nothing. I know what I'm doing. Besides, we all have a long way to go. This is not even the beginning. You all have your girls to find and keep them by your sides. I found mine and I need to protect her, no matter what. She's my soulmate after all. You will understand me better when you find your soulmate, too." - I reassured and I hope he understood how important she was to me.

"I know.. I know that a soulmate is a really serious thing. It always was. Ever since the vampires made the deal with humans." - he said and I nodded in agreement.
"Do you have your necklace?" - Jimin hyung asked me again and I nodded lowering my head and looking at the half colored necklace around my neck.
Before I found Ji Eun my necklace was black. Just like the necklaces of my friends.

Except me and Hoseok hyung. We found our soulmates.
"You're coming to school today, right?" - I said and maybe startled Jimin hyung since he seemed to be buried in his own thoughts.
"Of course. We're not giving up on looking for our girls. See you at school then. And, Jungkook.. It's full moon soon. Don't forget that." - he said and tapped my shoulder before running in the woods.

The full moon.
Don't worry too much Jungkook. You've got this.

I sensed the ramyeon she cooked so I closed the door and rushed downstairs.
"Good morning, Ji Eun." - I greeted her.
"Gah! You scared me. Good morning to you.. too." Well, she seemed surprised. I guess she isn't used to my beahviour yet.
She was about to put the plates on the table when I stood up and decided to do it myself.
I'm not a heartless hu- whatever.

"What are you doing?" - she looked at me confused.
"Helping you set the table?" - I answered and smiled a little.
"You? The great Jeon Jungkook is helping me?"
"First, thanks for not calling me a jerk out loud, and yes I'm helping you. Now hurry up, I'm hungry." - I said and I was already done with setting the table. Ji Eun just needed to serve the ramyeon and we could eat.

"Besides, you met me yesterday. You will have time to see the real me." - I winked at her and sat at the table while she was serving the ramyeon in the plates.
Oh my God. I thanked her for not calling me a jerk out loud!
Darn it Jungkook!
What if she noticed it?

"Do you want juice? Or water?"
"I'll get it myself." - I said and stood up to open the fridge and get us some drinks.
"What's that in the odd bottle?" - she asked when I opened the fridge.

The blood.

"Um, nothing. Just an old drink of mine." - I hope I pulled this off.
"Okay." - she said and continued eating.


I got water for myself and sat back at the table.

Her blood is so sweet.
Will I ever get to taste it?

Yah Jungkook!
My subconscious appeared out of nowhere so I dropped my fork.

"Are you okay?"
"Yes, I'm fine."

Why in the world were you thinking about her blood?
Well, what am I supposed to do? I just smelled it.

You need to be careful if you want to keep her by your side. Don't make any mistakes.
I won't. And I have you to help me now.
Now I was focused on her. Locking my eyes on her and scanning every part of her face.
The big green eyes, cheeks.. lips.

Oh. She has food left on her upper lip.
How do I?

"Um, Ji Eun.."
"Yes?" - she said while looking at her plate and munching the food.
"You have some food on your lip."

"Oh, here?" - she asked and touched the wrong part. Of course.
"Um, a little bit.." - I said but I couldn't explain where it was so I had to do it myself.

This is my first time so nervous and excited in my 200 years of life.

I stood up from my chair a little and moved my hand toward her.
The same moment my thumb touched her lips.. time stopped.
I feel like I will collapse soon. I guess this is what it means to have a soulmate.

But every beautiful moment doesn't last forever.

She got her eyes off mine and stood up to wash her hands.
"If you're done too, let me wash the dishes and you clean the table." - she said before I nodded and stood up.

Did she start blushing?

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