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"I almost forgot the most important thing."
- Areum said and I could easily tell what was coming next.
"Oh God." - I scratched my forehead and waited for her to start.
"Listen here you Jungkook boy. People know me for my karate skills that are better than any karate champion in Seoul, so don't you dare hurt my best friend's heart or you will end up in the hospital." - she gave him a look.
"Yes ma'am." - Jungkook nodded.

"Wow, you gotta watch out Kook."
- Hoseok smacked his shoulder playfully and we all laughed.
I hope I will be enjoying this game more than hating it.
"Ah, really.. I am so jelaous!" - Hee Ji said.
"Don't be. I'm sure you will find someone, too." - I smiled at her and looked at Taehyung again.

"I got an idea!" - Joo suddenly yelled and some students looked at us again.
"Don't scream!" - I said and she nodded.
"Why don't we all go at Ji Eun's and Jungkook's apartment?" - she said and I rolled my eyes.
"Really, it's a good idea. But don't you think we will be invading their privacy?" - Yoongi gave us a perverted look.
"Come on! Nothing can happen in one night, right? I mean, it can but not this night?"
- she looked over at me and I sighed.

"If Ji Eun wants, I'm good with it."
- Jungkook said and I nodded in agreement.
"We'll be at your place at 8 then." - Yoongi said and everyone agreed.
"The school camps are starting soon. I am so excited." - Jimin said and I widened my eyes.
"Camps? So early?"
"Yeah. We will probably have two of them every month." - he informed.

"Really? That will be amazing. I love school camps." - I said and I was excited like a little kid.
"Ehm.. Did you guys had your first kiss yet?"
- Seokjin asked and I looked at Jungkook.
"I think we will keep that to us for now."
- he said and I sighed in relief.
I swear if he said that we had it I would break his fingers that are connected with mine. Still.

"We can't tell you what we're doing the whole time, right?" - I said and rested my head on Jungkook's shoulder.
I didn't want to take this seriously but I have to make moves too, otherwise, people might get suspicious.
I shouldn't have agreed with our friends coming to our place tonight but I didn't know what excuse to make.

Ah I always regret my decisions!
"They're here." - Jungkook came from the living room after fifteen minutes of peeking through the window to see when they arrive.
I was in the kitchen, finishing the dinner that me and Jungkook both agreed to make.
"Why are you so nervous?" - I said and Jungkook started going back and forth.

"I don't know. I wasn't like this today. What is happening to me? My heart is beating so fast." - he said and I chuckled.
Finally, we heard the doorbell ring.
Jungkook took a deep breath, fixed his shirt and went to open the door.
Thank God he found more chairs and we could change the size of the dining table cause, where will we put fourteen people?

I came out of the kitchen after washing my hands and greeted the girls immediately.
"Here's our housewife." - the girls joked when they saw me go towards them.
"Hii." - I kissed their cheeks and then hugged the boys.
When did we all get so close?
"We got you something." - Jimin said and I could see Areum holding something behind her back and slowly showing it to us.

"Tadaa!!" - everyone screamed and me and Jungkook looked at each other.
In Areum's hands, there were two necklaces, merged together in the form of a heart with our names written on the two parts.
"What do you think?" - Seokjin asked and I just stood there frozen. They were similar to the necklaces my mom and dad had.
"I think she likes it.." - MinMin said quietly.

That's when I let out a small tear, but I was wrong when I thought that it was unnoticeable.
"Ji Eun is crying!" - they all laughed and Jungkook hugged me while I buried myself in his chest.
"Aw, look at them."
"You okay?" - Jungkook held my face in his big hands and brushed away my tear with his finger.

"Yeah." - I said and turned around to face our friends again.
"You didn't even sit, come in." - I said and gestured them to the living room.
I waited for Jungkook to close the door as I grabbed his hand and we joined our friends in the living room.
"Take this." - Areum handed the necklaces to Jungkook and I turned around so he could put it around my neck.

"It's beautiful." - I said as I held half of the heart and looked at my boyfriend's name on it.
"Guys, you really didn't have to.'' - Jungkook put his on as well.
"Are you hungry? We made dinner."
- Jungkook said and I nodded.
"We're starving." - Namjoon whined and we headed to the dining table.

"Wow! You two made this? It looks delicious!" - Seokjin said as we all sat down.
"It tastes delicious. You don't know my girlfriend's cooking skills." - Jungkook looked at me while I smiled.
"I bet she's not better than me." - Seokjin said and I laughed.
"We'll see." - I gave him a look.
"We should have a contest one day then!"
- Jin yelled and we all laughed.
"Deal." - I started eating my food.

I was sitting beside Jungkook, when something caught my attention.
There was something on his wrist that I couldn't clearly see because he was moving his hand. Probably a tattoo.
After half an hour of eating and laughing, we all sat on the couch.

Jungkook's POV
I completely forgot about the bite mark on my wrist and Ji Eun was sitting beside me.
Luckily, Jimin hyung was there to warn me so I started moving my hand and I hope Ji Eun didn't notice it.
After eating and chatting for half an hour, we sat down in the living room.
"Should we watch a movie?" - Yuna suggested but Namjoon hyung cut her off.

"We will let these love birds watch a movie when they're alone, let's do something more fun cause we will have to leave in an hour."
- he said and there was my favorite game that popped in my mind.
I looked at Ji Eun and she knew what I was about to say.
"Let's play truth or dare." - she said and I gave her a smile.
"You know exactly what I want." - I kissed her cheek and she gave me a look.

I just can't stand to not kiss you Ji Eun.

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