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"We might come here later." - Jungkook said and left the house.
He said he would go out with the boys.
And this was my chance to make a search on that IU girl.

I hopped on the couch and turned my laptop on.
"Okay let's see." - I opened YouTube and started searching.
"What is IU like." - I opened a video and hoped to get something out of this.
"IU's real name is Lee Ji Eun." - I read.


"She's 162cm tall, she has brown long hair most of the time, brown eyes, good personality."

Hmm. I have all those features she does. Except that I'm 165cm tall. Do I have a good personality?

Think about it. Is IU really Jungkook's ideal type or it's someone else?
Someone else? Like me?
You're right. Maybe Jungkook knew that I would search her up. We have the same name after all. It's possible that he thought of me when I asked him.

I heard the front door opening and I could hear the boys talking. I quickly closed my laptop and tried to act as nothing happened.

"Ji Eun! Hi!" - Hoseok shouted and they all came to hug me.
"Hey guys." - I said and we sat in the living room.
"What were you doing today?" - Taehyung asked me when Jungkook laid on my stomach.

"Nothing much. Woke up, prepared my boyfriend some breakfast, then we went running and stuff like that." - I said and the boys let out surprised sounds.

"Where did you seven boys were at?" - I asked.
"We were to the billiard club to play then went to a restaurant to eat." - Seokjin said.
"Do you want me to get you something to drink?" - I said and stood up to go to the kitchen.

"Any kind of juice will be good." - Jimin said after asking everyone what they wanted.
"Okay." - I went into the kitchen and took out a bottle of juice and cups.

When I was on my way to the living room, I stopped cause I heard Jungkook mentioning my name.

"She was really cute today. While we were out she had this small notebook with her and started writing down everything I told her. Then she asked me what types of girls I liked and I told her that my ideal type is IU, cause they have the same name." - he said and they chuckled.

"She's smart, I know she'll get it." - Jimin said.
"I'll let her suffer a little more then. I fought for her many times, even though she didn't realize. Now it's her turn." - he added and I scoffed.

"So that's how we're gonna play, Mr. Jeon?" - I said under my breath and went to the living room.
"Here's the juice." - I served them and shot glares at Jungkook that he was totally confused about.

Then Jimin received a call.
"Really? Okay, we're on our way." - he said and hung up.
"We will have to go, Jungkook. Our parents are calling for a meeting." - he said and we stood up.

"I'll be home in an hour." - Jungkook kissed my forehead and left.
"Good. I have time." - I took my phone and downloaded Tinder.

After a couple of minutes searching and texting some guys, I found one.
We decided to meet today, in a cafe near the train station, in two hours.

Just when Jungkook is home.
What if he's not?
I'll delay the date in one hour then.

One hour later I was ready for my date with Youngjae.
I heard the front door open and I immediately knew it was Jungkook.
"I'm back!" - he said and made my way downstairs.

"Going somewhere?" - he said and looked at me from head to toe.
"I have a date." - I said and barely stopped myself from laughing at his reaction.
"You're going on a date?" - he said.
"Yeah. Is there a problem?" - I put on my heels.

"Oh, nothing. Nothing at all. I mean, you can date whoever you want right? It's your right, it's every woman's right. Yeah, it's totally natural."

"Okay? I'll get going now." - I said and left the house.
"That's what you get." - I murmured when the taxi arrived and we headed to the cafe.

Youngjae is a nice guy actually. And the date is going well. We have the same taste in a lot of things but..
That's not how I want it to be.
You don't have to always go with a guy that has the same interests as you.

Sometimes it's better to like someone totally different from you.
Fall in love, take risks, survive heartbreaks, that's all natural.
And that's how I want to be.
By Jungkook's side.

"Um, Ji Eun?" - Youngjae said as I was still looking at the menu, not leaving my hiding spot.

I looked at him. Only my eyes were showing from the big book.
"You've been hiding behind the menu for half an hour when it only has five meals." - he said and I sighed and put it down.

"What's his name?" - Youngjae asked and I looked at him confused.
"Who's name?"
"The guy you like."


"Jungkook." - I said quietly.
"You know, once I thought I found the love of my life. I loved her with all my heart, but she didn't. She slept with many guys, spent my money on clothes and partying. I am not telling you this as your date, nor as a stranger. I'm telling you this as a friend." - he said and drank his wine.

"There are many times when we think we found the One. But it's not always that simple. You find the One when your heart skips a beat. When you can't control yourself anymore and you just wanna give that person everything you have, for them to be happy. The most important thing is to listen to your heart. Cause it knows what it wants." - Youngjae said and we both stood up.

"Thank you. And I am so sorry, I didn'tmean to use you or anything." - I hugged him and left.

Listen to your heart, Ji Eun. I gotta take that step cause I don't want him taken from me.
"So, how did your date go? Was YOUNGJAE the right one? Did you two kiss maybe, held hands, complimented each other a lot? What did you do?" - Jungkook asked as soon as I sat on the couch.

"No, he wasn't the right one." - I said and he looked at me confused.
"Then, what happened?"
"Nothing. We just talked like friends. He's a nice guy actually, but he's not the one." - I said.

"He just gave me some advice." - I repeated the words.
"So, who's the right One?" - Jungkook asked.
"You'll see." - I said and smiled.

I went upstairs to change into comfier clothes when my phone rang.
"Phone ringing!" - Jungkook said from the kitchen and I went downstairs.

"Ji Eun.." - the person said. I knew this voice. I gulped hard and couldn't speak.
"Meet me at the park today, in one hour. I have something really important to tell you."

"Who was it?" - Jungkook came to the living room with a plate of apples.
"My dad."

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