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I spent the last 20 minutes persuading the teacher to tell me something more. But I haven't got a thing.
Hmm. What can possibly be on the 707 floor?
I have no clue.

Will you stop appearing like that? You scared me. Again!
Sorry. I see you were thinking about the 707 floor.
Yes. I am really curious now. What if I ask the teacher again?
Shouldn't risk it, but if you're brave enough, go on.
I'll test my luck then.

"Um, excuse me?" - I said shyly, not knowing the teacher's name.
"Mr. Seok." - he replied.
"Yes, Mr. Seok. I am really curious and I need you to tell me what you know. The principal already started talking about something."
He sighed and started talking.
"Is that so? Okay, well then. I've been there only once. It was the time when I first started my job here. The principal showed me the school."
"Then, you probably know something."

"It's not really different from this floor, but it's like something really unique. Also kinda creepy. I got goosebumps as soon as I stepped there." - he said and stood up from his chair.
"Creepy? What do you mean?"
"Well, I can't explain really. The air feels different. You feel like someone is watching you the whole time." - he sat on the chair before me and turned around to face me.

"What else did you see?" - I asked and I felt awkward. This didn't seem real.
"Hmm, oh! I also saw some posters of vampires." - I widened my eyes.
"Yes. I also entered a classroom and, I couldn't stay in there for long. It had this negative energy on me and I didn't want to spend a minute inside."

"Okay?" - I made a question look and he continued.
"The walls were painted white, but on every meter there was red paint."
"Paint? Are you sure?"
"The classroom was empty?" - I asked this question even though I didn't know why.

"Can I go to that place?" - when I asked this he immediately stood up and went to his desk.
"Absolutely not!" - he raised his voice.
"We don't want to lose another student."
"What do you mean by that?" - I stood up and went closer to him.
"That was something I was not supposed to say."
"No, Mr. Seok! You need to tell me" - he cut me off and took my arms, helping me go to the door.

"Detention is over! Bye!"
What did he mean by all that? Posters of vampires? Red paint? Losing another student? I need to figure out what's going on.
On my way to the classroom, I heard the bell ring. Time to go home.
I met up with the rest of my teammates and got in Jungkook's car.

"How was detention?" - he asked and I decided to not tell him the truth yet. He wasn't really someone I could fully trust.
I'll keep this in me until I figure out what Mr. Seok was talking about.
"Boring." - I said with a serious tone.
After that, he stayed silent and continued driving.

Days later
The bell rang and the students got out of their classrooms, heading to the cafeteria.
I met up with the girls, and we did the same.
"I am having really strange dreams these past nights. I don't know what they mean."
- I confessed.
"What were they about?" - MinMin asked as we took our food and sat down.
"I am seeing some unclear figures, walls with blood on it, and I constantly keep seeing the number 7."

"Did you try searching it on the net?" - Ari said.
"Not yet, but I thought of doing that."
"You should do it today, also tell us if you find anything. We'll search too." - Yuna said and I shook my head immediately.
"No, you won't be in this. I will do it alone and if I find anything I will tell you, okay?" - I said and they all nodded.
"What about the floor? Should we go there and check it out?" - Suya said but Ari stopped her.

"I asked some students and they told me that it was locked. Only the students that have the second shift can go there." - Areum said.
"Wasn't that what the principal was talking about? The students we never met?" - Hee Ji said.
"It was.." - I said and got lost in my thoughts.
For the rest of the day I was trying not to put too much of my mind on it since I was getting a headache everytime I did so.
Whenever I woke up from my dreams I was sweaty as hell and my heart was beating fast. I haven't had those kinds of dreams ever since my mom passed away.
Eventually, my classes were over and the girls took me home. Looks like the jerk was ignoring me. Pft, like I care.

"Yah! Don't forget to tell us if you find anything okay?" - Areum yelled at me as I nodded and got in my apartment.
I couldn't see any trace of him so I guess he wasn't here.


I smiled to myself as I went upstairs to my room. I got my bathrobe and went into the shower.
I filled the bathtub with water and put lots of foam in it.
I got in and immediately calmed down.
It was so relaxing.
After showering for half an hour, I put on clothes and got out.
I took my books with me and went to the kitchen to make some food.

I played some music while I was eating cause the silence in the apartment was killing me.
I sat in the living room to do my homework and study.
I also made myself some hot chocolate cause I didn't have it in a while.
When I went to the kitchen to grab a drink for myself, I saw a note on the fridge.
How come this is my first time seeing this?

I took it and read out loud.
"I'll be home in a few hours, wanna start that truth or dare game from last week? Great. We can start when I come back." Hmph.
Just when I thought that I heard the door being unlocked. Guess the jerk is here.

He saw me with the note in my hand and approached me.
"Wanna play?" He was acting like a kid.
"Seriously? I have homework and I need to study." - I went to the living room.
"Comeee ooon, Ji Eun. Let's have some fun! All we do is fight and don't talk to each other!" - he begged.
"Okay." - I said and he smiled brightly.

"Why don't we change the rules a little?"
"How?" - what will he say now..
"How about, we play the game but make the dares last longer?" - he raised his eyebrows and waited for my answer.

"No dirty ones, okay?" - I said and he nodded.

My Roommate is a Vampire Where stories live. Discover now