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Please, please, please.

I opened the door and got in.
There were a lot of teenagers that are my age, and they were all headed somewhere.
I'm guessing the board.
I got closer to the crowd of teens and took a look at the list.
I searched for my name but couldn't find it.
I lowered my head and I was...

I really wanted to get in and now just...
"Oh look, it's Ji Eun!"
"She got in, too?"
"No wonder, she studies so much."
"The girl has brain, what's your problem?"
My back was facing the students that were chatting and my eyes got teary.
I turned around and looked at the list again.
I searched carefully now and scanned every name.

I found mine.
"Yes!" - I suddenly screamed and everyone looked at me.
I have the right to be excited.
And how could I even think that I didn't get in?

"Attention students!" - a man said and we all turned our attention to him.
"I am your principal, Mr. Chang. First of all, I would like to congratulate all the students that got in." - he said and was interrupted by an applause from us.

"Thank you. As you may know, this is one of the biggest universities in Ilsan. Everything here is fair and deserved. Your teachers will pair you in classes later and I just want to wish you a happy, and successful years here with us." - he finished and we clapped again.

It was 4:10 pm when the teacher paired us in classes.
I think I could get along with my classmates and my teachers.
They talked about the program, subjects, and stuff.
Lastly, they showed us the classrooms and the rest of the school like the cafeteria, dance class and other rooms that we didn't know about.

I finally headed to my aunt's house.
Man, that was an exhausting day.
Let's see what surprise is waiting for me when I get there.

"What? What do you mean you got me an apartment? With a roommate?" - smoke could be coming out of my ears right now.
"Relax honey, it's just... for a couple years.." - she tried but couldn't hide that divilish smile.

"What if that roommate's not good? How will I survive four years?"- I said and started going back and forth.
"Can you please calm down? What's the big deal? At least you won't be lonely, am I right?" - she said and I immediately disagreed.

"Aish, how could you do that without asking me? What if I don't get along with that roommate? How can I share things in that condition?" - I was seriously pissed off right now.
I didn't want to yell at my aunt but that's just wrong!

"Can you please go to the address I'll give you and see if you can fit in? Please, just try. For me." - she begged.
Like I have another option. Hmph.
"Ah okay, okay. I'll go." - I sighed in defeat and she ran to hug me.

"I cooked you something. Come and eat."
- she said and I went upstairs to my room to change to something comfy.
When I got down I went to the dining room to eat. I was starving.
"So?" - my aunt said as she approached me and sat to eat.
"How was university?"
"Good." - I said and swallowed the food in my mouth.

"Just that? Good?" - and what is she expecting me to tell her?
"Uh, I was on the list then we-" - she stopped me and stood up to hug me.
"Congratulations honey, I told you you would get in! You didn't have to worry so much." - she sat back and I sighed in relief.

"That's right, lighten up a little, you need to be happy." - she said and I chuckled.
"What did you plan for me?" - I said and in the inside, I was worried about who my roommate will be.
"Don't you worry about that, you two will get along. I know that. I'm sure that one day, you will be thanking me for finding that apartment for you." - she said and I stood up.
"I hope so." - I said and smiled.

"Auntie, I'll be going now!" - I said after I took everything with me and closed the door.
I asked my her to get me a taxi and she did so it's supposed to be here in a few minutes.
"Park Avenue, please." - I said and when I got in he started the car.
"Do you mind if I turn the radio on?" - he asked and I shook my head.
We were listening to some old fashion music for almost the whole road.

"Thank you." - I said after paying and getting out of the car.
I took out the small piece of paper with the address that my aunt wrote to me this morning.

Park Avenue 31-A

Where is that now?
I started walking forward and looking at all directions trying to find the apartment.
There you are.
I took a deep breath before ringing the doorbell.

No one's opening. Maybe she's
not home?

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