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"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you? You said your dad was abusive, so I don't want him to do something."
- Jungkook said and I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen. You go take a nap or play some games. If I'm not back in one hour then you can start worrying." - I chuckled.
"Bye!" - Jungkook said when I closed the door behind me.

The park was not that far from here so I didn't want to call a taxi again.
Instead of that, I walked there.
There he was, sitting on a bench and watching the kids play.

He turned his head and saw me.

"Ji Eun." - my father said and I made a few steps towards him.
"Come sit, please." - he said and I didn't want to at first, but then sat as far as I could from him.

"Why did you want to see me?" - I asked him and he sighed before speaking.
"There is something really important I have to tell you. Something that I've been hiding from you all these years." - he said and I scoffed.

"And what is that? That you're not my real father and that my mom died because of me?" - I said and he looked at me in shock.
"How did you know about that?"
"My aunt told me everything."

"Then, there's one thing left for me to say.
You have.." - he stopped.
"I have what?"
"You have a sister." - he said and I froze.

A single word couldn't escape my mouth.

"A sister? W-who is she?"
"Her name is Lee Seorin. She didn't know that she had a sister, but she will now." - he said and I looked at him confused.

"Hi, dad." - I heard a voice behind me and turned around to see a beautiful, tall girl standing before me.
"Hi, Seorin. Come sit." - my father said and she sat between us.

"This is Ji Eun." - my father said and we shook hands awkwardly.
"Why did you call me here?" - she said and I assume he would say the same thing he told me.

"Do you know how I told you once when you were little, that you have a little sister you will meet someday?" - he said and she seemed to think for a bit.

"Well, she's sitting next to you now." - my father said and Seorin gasped.
"W-what?" - she looked at me.
"I just found out now.." - I said quietly and saw my father leaving.
"Where are you going?" - I asked him and he didn't answer me.
"I can't believe he left." - I said and looked down.

"Well, at least let me introduce properly. I'm Seorin."
"Ji Eun." - I said and we shook hands.
"Where were you until now?"
Maybe this question was stupid but I had no idea what else to ask.

"I live in Seoul actually. My father called me today cause he had something urgent to say so I took the first train to here and came. What about you?" - she said.
"I lived in Seoul. Now I live in an apartment with a roommate." - I said.

"What school are you going to?" - she asked.
"Riverside High." - I answered.
"Psychology, huh? Cool!" - she said and chuckled.

"How old are you?" - I asked her.
"I'm twenty-three. What about you?"
"Twenty." - I smiled.
"If I knew I had a sister I sure would look for you, but as you saw, I just found out too."
- she said and looked down.

"I know." - I said.
"Well this is.. awkward now, don't you think?" - she said and chuckled.
"Yeah" - I said.
"Do you think we should um, do a DNA test?"
"Of course." - I said.

"Okay. Can we meet tomorrow if you're free? I have work today and I have to get back to Seoul. Give me your number and I'll call you." - she said and we stood up.
"Okay." - we shook hands again and took different ways.

Seriously? A sister? I did NOT see that coming.

I couldn't get Seorin out of my head. This was so unexpected and I was really confused.
I could get home faster to see Kook but I didn't feel like walking fast now. I wanted some more time to think.

I got a call from Suya.
"Hey, Suyang." - I said with a low tone.
"Suyang? Wow, did you get hit on the head? You never call me by that name." - she laughed.

"Sorry." - I said.
"Anyways, I called you to ask if you wanna come to my place today. The girls are coming too. Oh wait, I'll add them in this call." - and she put me on hold before I could say anything.

"Hey Ji!" - the girls screamed.
"Hi, guys."
"So, do you wanna gather at Suya's place?"
- they asked and I and was walking closer to my apartment.

"Guys um, I don't feel like coming right now cause" - I stopped talking and walking.
"Ji? Ji Eun? You there?" - the girls said and I dropped my phone.

"Did she just drop her phone on the ground? Ji Eun!" - Areum yelled and I couldn't believe my eyes.
"Guys, I'll call you back." - I hung up and started running.

The street was crowded, full of people yelling, some of them carrying buckets of water. And I could see smoke.
When I came closer I realized that was my apartment.

I quickly took my phone out and dialed Kook's number.
"Please pick up." - I rang impatiently, but he didn't pick up.
"Shit!" - I yelled and called Jimin.

"Jimin, is Jungkook with you?" - I asked.
"What? No, we called him over to my place but he said he was tired and that he would rest at home. Why?" - he said and I cursed again and hung up.

I ran to the people and saw the apartment burning.
"Jungkook!" - I yelled from the top of my lungs.

"Girl, where are you going? It's dangerous, don't get in there!" - people were screaming at me and trying to stop me from getting in the apartment but I didn't listen.

I can't leave him there.

The smoke was so thick that I couldn't see clearly and my eyes started getting red and teary.
I tied my shirt around my mouth to prevent myself from breathing the smoke and started searching the house.

It was really hot and hard to escape the fire surrounding me.
I searched the living room and the kitchen, but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Jungkook!" - I yelled again.
"Ji!" - I heard a weak voice saying my name.
"Jungkook?" - I climbed upstairs and found him struggling to stand up.
"Oh thank God. Jungkook, let's get out of here." - I put his arm around my shoulder and carefully walked down the stairs.

When we were about to exit the door a piece of burning wood fell on me and burned my shoulder.
I yelled in pain and reached for Jungkook again.
In the end, we made it outside.
People were clapping and smiling from relief.

I could see firetrucks surrounding our house and putting the fire down.
The ambulance took me and Jungkook and we headed to the hospital.

Our faces were black from the smoke.
I looked at our burning apartment as the ambulance was moving away.

"At least we're both safe." - I said under my breath and tightly held Jungkook's hand.

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