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"What the heck is that supposed to mean?"
- MinMin said.
I started thinking and...
"No way." - I said quietly and ran upstairs.
Everyone came after me.
"Your bedroom?" - Hoseok gave me a confused look.
"When the sun goes down, the chosen one comes up. What date is it today?" - I asked and everyone checked their phones.

"13th of August. Why?" - Yuna said and the boys seemed to understand what's happening.
"Oh my God." - Yoongi gasped and I started looking for anything in my room that might look like a clue.
"Can anyone explain what's happening?"
- Areum said.
"We're about to find out who's the chosen one."- I said.

"Quickly. We have a few minutes before the sun goes down, search for anything that looks like a clue." - I said and we all started searching for my room and the whole house.
"Wait. Before the light goes down."
- Namjoon said and we waited for him to continue.
"Aren't we supposed to search for something bright? Something that lights up right now?" - he said and we all nodded.

We came downstairs and continued searching.
"Come on guys, we must find something. And we can only guess it once." - Jimin said and I went into the kitchen.
Through everyone talking and panicking, I could see something shining at the window.

I went closer to it and found a really small piece of paper.
It had the letter L on it.
"Guys!" - I called for them and everyone came right away.
"Look. It's a letter. We need to find the rest of the pieces and we'll have the name."

"Search for the whole house!" - Jungkook yelled and we continued.
"When you find a piece, place it on the table okay?" - I said and everyone nodded.
"Found one!" - Taehyung yelled and we rushed to him.
"The letter E." - he said and placed the paper on the table, next to the other piece I found.

"Just shout out a letter if you find one!"
- Seokjin said.
"N !"
"J !"
" I !"
" E !"
" U !"
" E !"
We put all the papers we found on the table.

"Nothing more?" - I said and everyone shook their heads.
We sat down on the couch and panted hard.
"This was awesome. It's like a game." - Taehyung said.
"Yea, but we'll lose the game if we don't put all the letters together! The sun will go down in a minute!" - I yelled and we all looked at the letters, trying to connect them.

"I think this is Lee." - Yoongi said.
Me, Areum and MinMin looked at each other.
"Is it one of us? I mean, the clues were left in this apartment. It can't be someone else."
- MinMin said and I nodded in agreement.
"What about J?" - Hoseok said and I looked at the letters.
"There's no way that's me and MinMin."
- Areum said and everyone looked at me.

"Boys. Before we find out who the chosen one is, I want you to tell everything we have to know about that." - I said and the boys sighed.
"Well, there's not something really specific to know. The chosen one is the most important person in the vampire society." - Namjoon said.

"Who exactly chooses the person?" - Suya asked.
"The highest officials of all vampire families. Aka, our parents." - Taehyung said.
"You see, the vampire society is something similar to a kingdom."
"A kingdom? Are you the princes then?"
"Sort of, yes."

"Ji Eun." - Seokjin said.
"No I mean, it's the name." - Seokjin said and connected the papers.
"No way. How can that be me?" - I asked but everyone was quiet and shocked.

Seokjin was right. The papers shined when we connected them.
After a second, we could hear a loud bang upstairs.
It startled me so I moved from my place a little.
"I'll go and check." - Jungkook said and went upstairs.

Seconds later, he came down with something in his hands.
A book.
"Another Generation of.." - I murmured but couldn't say the whole name.
Jungkook gave it to me and the book opened itself.

On every twenty pages, I could see my name written on them.
"What am I supposed to do now?" - I asked and looked at everyone.
The book answered itself.
"It's you." - we heard a voice and looked to the door.

Who the hell was that?
"Mom? Dad?" - I heard Jungkook say.
Dad? The king?
"Hello, son." - Jungkook's father said.
He had a cold expression on his face.
"You must be Ji Eun." - the man said and came towards me.

"Yes." - I said.
Man, he gives me goosebumps.
"Boys, girls." - he said and sat down on the couch with his wife.
"What are you doing here?" - Jungkook said and his father smirked.
"Did you forget? We need to meet the chosen one, in person." - I raised my eyebrows in unbelievness.

"Would you like something to drink?" - I didn't know what else to ask.
"That would be good. We're thirsty." - he said and I nodded.
"The blood, right?" - I whispered to Jungkook and when he nodded, I went to the kitchen to get some.
"How are you all doing?" - Jungkook's father asked and the boys replied casually while the girls just nodded.

It was awkward for all of us.
"Here you go." - I served the drinks and sat down next to Jungkook.
"You're Kook's girlfriend right?" - his mom asked me and I smiled brightly while nodding.
"She is." - Jungkook said and hugged me.
"I am happy for you two. It would be a lot harder if Ji Eun wasn't the chosen one. But it's her turn now." - Jungkook's mother said which I didn't quite understand.

"Our visit won't be long. As I said, we came here to meet your girlfriend. And I just wanted to let you know that once you get in the vampire world there's no coming back. You will need to face everything. Good, bad, dangerous. You must take all of it and live your destiny." - the man said.
"Dad." - Jungkook said, probably not wanting him to say that.
"She must know the consequences. We'll leave now." - Jungkook's father said and stood up.

"Til our next visit." - Jungkook's parents left.
"Well, that was super awkward." - Areum said and laughed.
"Sorry about that. I can't do anything to stop him sometimes." - Jungkook said but I hugged him.
"It's okay." - I rubbed his cheeks with my palms.
"I love you." - he said and kissed my hands and cheeks.
"Okay now love birds, we will leave cause its getting pretty late." - Seokjin said and put his shoes on.

"Okay." - I hugged all of them before they left.
I sat on the couch and heard Jungkook's phone vibrate.
"Ji Eun." - he said.
"Yeah?" - I turned on the TV.
"I just got a text message, from a company called Starship. They saw our performance on Inkigayo and they want to film a music video with us." - he said and I widened my eyes.

"Really? Text them back then!" - I said and pulled him next to me.
"Let me do it." - I said and took his phone.
"Why are you so excited?"
"I love dancing. You know I hid my talent my whole life. Now I finally have a chance to prove myself so I don't wanna miss it." - I said and he smiled.

"There." - I finished texting and gave him his phone back.
"Let's put pajamas on." - Jungkook said and led me upstairs.
"Wanna watch sixteen candles?"
"Okay." - Jungkook said and put his legs on the table.

I wanted to put my head on his lap and just fall asleep while watching the movie.
So I did that.
Jungkook seemed to be surprised by my action.
"What? You can't be the only one that does whatever he wants." - I said and chuckled.
"Kookie." - I said and chuckled.
"How do you want me to call you?" - he said and I started thinking.

"Hmm. How about cupcake?" - I looked at him and he smiled.
"Okay, cupcake." - he said and when I turned to the TV again, he started caressing my hair.
"Sorry." - he stopped after a second.
"No, it's fine. I can fall asleep faster like that." - I said.
"Okay." - he touched my hair again and I closed my eyes to enjoy the moment.

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