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"You're coming or not?" - Jungkook yelled for Ji Eun that was getting ready for school.
"What will I do with you? Can't you be faster?" - Jungkook said as they both got in his car.
"Stop complaining, I'm here. Now let's go."
- Ji Eun put on her seatbelt on and they drove off.

After fifteen minutes of driving, they finally got to the college. They met the rest of their friends at the gates.
"Hi!" - Ji Eun hugged the girls while Jungkook shook the boys.
"Late pretty much?" - Jimin said.
"Don't ask." - Jungkook said and they entered.
All of them headed to their dance class and went straight to the changing rooms.
"Did you stretch?" - Suya asked Ji and she rolled her eyes.
"You think I had time?" - she said and continued changing.

"Wow, those uniforms really suit us."
- MinMin said and everyone chuckled.
A few minutes later they got out and saw the boys were already done. The girls sat in their usual place and waited for Mr. Jaemin and Mrs. Jia.
"Good afternoon everyone!" - Mr. Jaemin greeted after getting in the classroom.
"How are you today?" - he continued and everyone seemed energetic and ready.

"Okay. You will have ten minutes to warm up and then we can begin!" - Mrs. Jia said and everyone stood up.
There wasn't a person in the classroom that wasn't talking. The students and their teachers. Luckily those ten minutes passed fast.
"We may start now!" - Mr. Jaemin said and stood in the middle of the room.
"I'll throw a coin to see if boys or girls go first." - he said and took out a coin from his pocket.

"Head is for the girls and tail is for the boys." - Mrs. Jia said and Mr. Jaemin threw the coin.
"Girls it is." - he said and moved aside.
"Who wants to go first?" - Mrs. Jia asked and three students volunteered.
Everyone watched their performance and it wasn't bad at all.
When they finished, Mrs. Jia picked the girls.

"The seven of you, would you like to be next?" - she turned towards them and they looked at each other before standing up.
The boys were excited to see them dance.

Ji Eun's POV
"That was great girls!" - Mrs. Jia said and everyone clapped. We got back and sat down to breathe.
This sure wasn't an easy choreography and we put a lot of effort in practice.
"Anyone who would like to go solo?"
- Mrs. Jia asked this question and startled me.
"Ji Eun will go!" - Areum screamed and everyone turned at me.

"I'll kill you." - I said to her with a serious tone and stood up again.
I couldn't remember any other choreography so I had to go with this one.
I wasn't really happy with my decision cause I will have to dance in front of the boys, Jungkook to be clear, and the dance is...
I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the song start.

Jungkook's POV
We watched the girls dance and of course, my eyes were only focused on Ji Eun.
After they sat down, Mrs. Jia asked if someone wanted to go solo.
Then Areum yelled, saying Ji Eun's name.
I got excited again.

She slowly stood up again and the music finally started. I recognized the song immediately and I also remembered the choreography.
I couldn't wait for her to start.
During the dance, my hyungs were talking something between each other when Jimin hyung pat me on my shoulder and then winked, looking at Ji Eun.

"What?" - I asked him, trying to sound uninterested while I was still focused on her.
"We can see, you know." - Jimin hyung said and everyone chuckled.
"What can you see?"
"How you're looking at her." - Taehyung then said and I just turned at Ji Eun again.
I didn't want to talk to the boys now cause I would miss a great performance.

When she was finished everyone clapped and I think it was the boys' turn now.
Hoseok hyung didn't want to wait so he volunteered and we had to go first.

Ji Eun's POV
"Thank you boys, that was great!" - Mr. Jaemin said when the boys sat back.
And I could feel Jungkook's eyes on me.
"Now, we talked about this with Jaemin, and we decided that it would be good to see your talent by pairing you." - Mrs. Jia started and I didn't like where this was going.

"We heard that you are already in groups for your other projects so we think that you should choose your partners from your group. Go ahead." - Mr. Jaemin added and everyone already started choosing.
The boys came closer to us and we were staring at each other for a while.
Then, Hoseok started.
"Areum?" - he said and looked at her, waiting for her answer.

"You are already my dance partner, so why not." - she said.
The boys continued and everyone had their partners now.
MinMin was with Jimin, Suyang with Seokjin, Hee Ji with Taehyung, Yuna and Namjoon, Min Joo was with Yoongi and there was only one boy left.

Jeon Jungkook.
And of course, me.

"Ji Eun?" - he turned his gaze at me and said my name. I slowly nodded.

Deal with it, Ji Eun. He is everywhere.

"Are you all done?" - Mr. Jaemin asked and we answered in unison.
"Jia will call the boys' names now and they will tell their partner. As you hear your name, please stand up." - Mr. Jaemin said and Mrs. Jia started.
I heard Jungkook say my name and I stood up.

"Okay. This is our second class this week so we won't look anything from you in a while. We have 4 classes per week so you will be resting for that time. Me and Jaemin will be talking the next two classes but after that, the real work will start!"
We could hear the bell ring.

"Class dismissed!" - Mr. Jaemin said and he and Mrs. Jia went out while we got in our changing rooms.
"So, how do you all feel with your partners?" - Suya asked us all and everyone said they're okay while I was just silent.
"Ji Eun? What about you?" - Min Joo asked me and I didn't know how to answer.
"It's good." - I said coldly, without any emotion in me.

"What's up with her?" - since my back was facing them I couldn't see their facial expressions.
"Maybe she likes him?" - Yuna said and I chuckled.
"I don't think so. You know how Ji Eun was back in high school when she liked that boy. There is something else." - Areum said and I was dressed up so I got out.

"Ji, wait!" - they called me but I continued walking.
"Sorry if we said something we shouldn't."
- Suya apologized and I smiled.
"No, you didn't say anything wrong. And, I don't like Jungkook." - I said and headed to the cafeteria with the girls behind me.

"Then what's the matter?" - Joo asked and I thought for a bit.
"Nothing, I guess I'm just a little tired. I didn't get any proper sleep this week." - I lied.
"Because of Jungkook?" - Joo asked and Suya hit her arm.
"Ow!" - Joo complained and Suya shushed her.
"It's not because of him. I just feel a little nostalgic, I guess." - I said and I wasn't lying now.
"I miss my mom." - I said and my voice started shaking a little.

"Ji Eun, if you want to talk about it know we're here for you." - MinMin said and everyone nodded.
"Thank you, guys." - I said and we finally sat down for lunch.

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