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I can't believe Chaerin did this. She's a total psycho.
She is. But it's your fault. You shouldn't have gone there in the first place.
And you think that if I didn't go she wouldn't make the same story? Oh, believe me, she would.
Ugh. Now you're stuck in here. I could never imagine to see you like this.
Well, you saw me now.

I turned my back against the wall and sat on the small wooden bed that was left there.
"How do they expect human beings to live in this?" - I asked.

You're still joking. Unbelievable.
What? Don't judge me. I'm alone in here, I have to do something.
Oh, God.

As I was playing with my bracelet, I heard the cell opening.
I didn't stand up cause it was, either way, the cops bringing food or another prisoner.

"Hi." - a voice said and it sounded really familiar.
I turned around to see Jungkook in the cell next to me.

"What are you doing here?" - I asked him and we both came closer to each other.
"I didn't want to leave you alone."
"What did you do?"
"Nothing much."
"I just beat up one of the cops."

"Oh God." - I sighed.
"What? I'm telling you I didn't want to leave you alone. Is it that hard to understand?" - he said and I sat on the bed again.
"No.." - I said quietly and started playing with my bracelet again.
"That's beautiful." - Jungkook said I guess he was talking about the bracelet.

"Yeah. It belonged to my mom. It's the only thing I have left from her." - I said.
"Do you miss her?" - Jungkook said and my eyes got teary. He noticed that.

"A lot." - I said and a tear escaped my eye.
"I'm sorry." - he held on the bars.
"It's okay. I like to cry. It helps me clear my mind." - I said and chuckled.

"I was the type of kid that grew up without parents. All by myself. Keeping up with my studies, working at a young age, being abused.. I really wished there was someone that could save me from everything and everyone." - I stopped for a while.

"And then you came in my life. You saved me from the hands of my father and you're even my soulmate." - I smiled.

"I will be forever thankful to you about that." - I said and turned around to face him.
"You don't need to thank me. I am your protector, I'll always be there for you." - he said and held my hand.

"Promise?" - I looked deeply in his eyes.
"I promise."

"Wanna play something?" - Jungkook said and I came to my senses.
"Like what?"
"Rock paper scissors?" - he made a look and I chuckled.

"Through these?"
"Yeah, why not?" - we both laughed and started playing.
"Nice game." - I said and rested my head on the wall.
"Yeah. But you cheated." - Jungkook said and I scoffed.

"You are so bad at it so you're making it look like I was cheating." - I defended myself.
When Jungkook was about to say something, we heard the cell opening.
A cop approached us and unlocked us.
"You're free to go." - he said and I widened my eyes.

"Let's go." - Jungkook held my waist and we got out.
When we were in the hallway, I could see my friends waiting for us.

The girls were hugging each other and were sitting on the chairs while the boys were going back and forth, some of them
even sitting on the ground.

"What are you guys doing here?" - I said and everyone raised their heads towards me and Jungkook.
"Ji Eun!" - Areum yelled and ran to hug me.

The boys came one by one to hug me as well.

"Wait. How did they let us out?" - Jungkook asked.
"I made Chaerin admit everything." - we heard Jungkook's mom say. Stepmom to be exact.

"Mom." - Jungkook said and they hugged.
She looked at me and smiled.
"Thank you for doing this for us." - I said and she opened her hands.

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