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I rang multiple times, no answer. Then I decided to check if the door is opened. This is my apartment too, after all. I think..
I put my hand on the handle and cracked it open.
"H-Hello?" - I called but no one answered.

I looked around and realized I was now in the hall. There were stairs on my right and an opened door on my left. I could see only a little of the enterior so I supposed it was the living room.
Well it is possible for a girl to have a boy haircut...

No that's A GUY, not a girl.
Am I in the right place?
"Hello?" - I called out but he didn't respond.
Was he deaf? Then I realized he had airpods in his ears so I went closer behind him.

He rolled off of the couch and ended up laying on the floor.
"Ouch." - he rubbed his hand.
"Jungkook?" - I widened my eyes in shock.
That's my roommate?

"Oh, it's you." - he said and stood up from the ground. He put his airpods aside and extended his arm to me.
We shook hands and I stood there, still frozen.
"Guess you're surprised to see me." - he said and sat on the couch.

Of course.
"Well, I am. I didn't expect my roommate to be.. a guy." - I complained.
"Well, your aunt said you wouldn't mind." - he said and chuckled.
She knew it was a guy?
Gosh, she always does that! She set me on many blind dates and now I can't look at those guys' faces.

I took a deep breath and let everything to sink in. I couldn't go back to my aunt's to argue becaure the traffic is terrible and it's a long ass ride. I guess, I could stay here til I figure out something else.
"Okay then, I hope we get along. Do you mind showing me my room?" - I asked him.
I hoped he would. He seemed like a gentleman back on the school party.

"Sure." - he said and I smiled.
"It's upstairs, the first room on the left." - now I'm disappointed.
"You know, I really thought you would help me out here. And you didn't even show a tiny bit of interest in doing something for your roommate." - I said.

"Stop complaining."
He annoys me from the first day! And I really thought he was different.
Well Ji Eun, you are NOT good at estimating people.
"Whatever.." - I rolled my eyes taking my stuff with me and got upstairs.
The suitcase was pretty heavy you know.

I found my room and entered it, leaving my suitcase next to the door.
This is not bad for an apartment room.
Not at all.
I took a look around it and saw another door. Probably the bathroom. It even has a bathroom. Wow.
"Hw much did she pay for this?" - I said and threw myself on the queen bed.

Even though the room was not so big, it was well designed and decorated.
The walls had this plain white color which gave me brightness. They had a painting in the middle right above my bed. It was a tree with these, baby pink flowers.

The whole room is bright and if I could, I wouldn't get out of here. Ever.
It also has a nice view from my window.
I wonder how's Jungkook's room. It's probably messy.
While I'm talking about him, his behaviour is really... something way different than I remember it was.

He can't change in a few days, right?
Of course. He probably is born like that. I decided it was for the best if Jungkook left my thoughts for now.
I stood up from my bed and took my suitcase.
Time to unpack.

Hmph. He didn't even come here to ask if I need something.
What a jerk.
Right when I said that, I heard a knock on the door.
"Yes?" - I said and the door opened, revealing Jungkook.

Now he shows up?
"Hey um, I wanted to ask you, can you cook?" - he said and I widened my eyes.
"Yeah, why?" - I asked waiting for an answer.
"Well, I'm hungry, and if I try to boil water I'll burn the kitchen down so.." - I rolled my eyes.
"I'll be down in five minutes." - I sighed deeply. He nodded and left.

"Cook me something? I just came here!" - I yelled imitating him and I was almost finished unpacking now.
Can he at least get up from the stupid couch and show me where the cooking tools are?
That lazyass has no manners.
I looked around and found the kitchen.
"Yah Jungkook!"

"Do you want an omelette?" - I said.
"Sure. If you're eating too, make sure to cook more. I'm starving." - he said and left.
"Of course I'll cook more. I'm not making that just for you to eat." - I said and took some cooking tools and started preparing.

"Ji Eun ah!" - I heard that jerk call for me again.
"What?!" - I yelled back.
"Do you want me to die from hunger here?"
- he screamed.
"Aish!" - I said and took the omelette with me and went to the dining table.

"There you go, jerk." - I said and put the omelette on the table. I brought two plates with me and sat beside him.
I should do that more often. I'll piss him off.
"What did you just call me?" - he said and gave me a stare.
"Jerk." - I said and he smirked.

God, please help me not to hit his perfect face. Please.
"Okay, muffin." Say what now?
I hate it when they call me that!
"Stop it!" - I said and angrily stabbed the omelette with my fork.
"I don't want to. Muffin." - he said and was peacefully eating his food.

Just calm down Ji Eun. He does that to annoy you. But you'll kick his ass if he continues.
I let that pass and didn't say a thing for the whole dinner. It's good that I didn't. I don't want to argue with this jerk.
He was silent too. All he did was eat and chuckle by himself.
I don't know why, but this question came to my mind. Kinda stupid, but I'll ask cause I don't care.

"Are we in the same university?" - I hoped the jerk would answer normally this time.
"Yeah." - he said.
It was already 9pm when I put the plates in the dishwasher and I was yawning.
I didn't want to sleep cause I never go to bed at this time.

I decided to sit in the living room for a bit.
I spotted him looking at some CDs in a box.
"What are you doing?" - I asked casually and seated myself on the couch.
"I wanted to watch a movie. Are you in?"
- he asked this sudden question.
"Sure." - I stood up and went to help him choose one.

This should be good.
"How about this?" - I asked and he froze for a bit.
"Okay." - he said and took out the CD in its case. We'll be watching Twilight.
Why did he freeze all of a sudden?
That's not my business. Why should I care about him?
I decided to make some popcorn so I went to the kitchen.

When I came back he turned the TV on and sat beside me.
"Why did you react like that in the first place?" - I asked him before the movie started.
"React like what?" - he asked and of course, tried to deny it. I obviously saw his face.

But no, I'm not arguing with a jerk like him.

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