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Jungkook's POV
Man, I am smart! Way to go Kook. This way, she will fall in love with me!
I ran upstairs excitedly and went into my room.
I wanted to take a shower and then go to bed.
I think I won't be able to fall asleep tonight.

It could have been better without a contract but she is smart.
Nah, it's okay. I can still put my hand in her pocket.
I took my robe and went to the shower.

Wow. Congratulations! I see you have her now. Even though it's fake.
Fake or not I don't care. As long as I'm next to her I am happy.
Okay then. Don't break her heart.
Why would I do that?
I don't know. Maybe because of Chaerin?
What does she have to do with this?
She was your ex, Jungkook. She's a vampire and Ji Eun is a human. You need to keep your eyes on her and make sure no one hurts her.
I will.
It's almost bedtime. Don't you think you should check up on her?
Oh right.

I got out of the bathroom and quickly put on my pajamas.
I listened to my subconscious and went downstairs to check on Ji Eun. Aw.
She fell asleep on the couch.
"Ji Eun." - I shook her shoulder but she didn't respond.
"Muffin." - she hated when someone called her that so I wanted to use it so she can wake up.

When that didn't work, I made my decision.
I slowly grabbed her by the legs and waist and carried her upstairs.
I stopped at her door to admire her face a little. How is she so pretty?
I opened the door quickly and carefully put her on the bed. I covered her with the blanket and with a last glance at her I went out.

I got in my room and threw myself on the bed. Tomorrow will be a good day.

"Ah" - I touched my head and saw blood on my hand.
"Where am I?" - I looked around me but I couldn't see a thing. Everything was dark.

heard a door being open, revealing strange light.
I could see shadows and smoke.
I started coughing and covered my face from the light.
The door was shut loudly and then I heard footsteps.
A man switched the light on and I could see that I'm in a..


"Who do we have here?" - he said and his voice gave me goosebumps.
"Who are you?" - I stood up and tried to open the lattices but I couldn't.
"Trying to get out huh? Once you enter this world there's no coming back." - he said and I started crying.
Everything was quiet.
A few seconds later, a small girl screamed making me cover my ears and kneel down.
There was something written on the wall behind me but I couldn't see cause my eyes were teary.


"No!" - I screamed.
I found myself in my room, and I was a sweating mess.
I looked around me and I heard my door being open.
"Please no!" - I screamed and covered myself with my hands.
"Ji Eun! It's just me, don't worry." - someone hugged me and I realized it was Jungkook.
"Jungkook." - I sobbed, burying my face in his chest.

"Hey, it's okay. It was just a bad dream."
- he stroked my hair and I just couldn't stop crying.
"You need to change." - he opened my closet and took out a white shirt.
"Here." - he gave it to me.
"I'll go and you change. Go back to sleep, it was just a bad dream." - he made his way to the door but I grabbed his hand.

"No, please don't go. Stay with me." - it wasn't easy for me to say this, but I was scared to the point I didn't want to sleep alone.
"Okay." - he said and turned around.
After I changed, he laid down next to me and we faced each other.
I buried my head in the blanket cause I was a little embarrassed.

I started waking up cause I felt something heavy on my leg.
I looked around me and saw that the heavy thing was.. Jungkook's arm?
I slowly backed away and stood up.
"When did he get in here? Did we sleep together?" - I whispered to myself as I made my way to the bathroom.
I hit my head with my palm, remembering what happened last night.
"I'm so stupid!" - I yelled quietly and turned the water on to wash my face.

"Well done. Only God knows what he will think when he sees me after what happened last night."
I will stay here for a little more so he can leave and I won't have to face him.
After what seemed like an eternity, I quietly opened my bathroom door and got out to see that Jungkook wasn't there.

The last thing I want to do today is face him, but apparently, that won't be possible cause we have school and we take the same classes.
Ugh. I'm so embarrassed. How could I do that?
You were like a baby last night. I bet he thought you were cute.
Stop joking with me, I'm serious. I don't want to look him in the face.
Aw, don't worry. I'm sure he won't make a big deal out of it.
Oh, I am not so sure about that. Have you seen him? I can't even explain his personality! Once, he's so gentle, nice and cute, but then he turns into an annoying person and he's a total jerk.

You think he's cute!
No, I never said that!
Um, yeah you did, just a second ago.
Ah, whatever! What I'm saying is, I can't look at him and I'm supposed to be his fake girlfriend.
I aggressively took my uniform and put it on me.
I headed downstairs to the kitchen.
"Good morning." - he said and I saw him preparing breakfast.
"Good morning." - I greeted him back awkwardly.

"Did you sleep well?" - he asked as I sat down at the table.
"Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes."
- he informed.
"Can I help?" - I asked cause I didn't want to leave everything to him.
"Yeah" - he said and I stood up to set the table.
"What are you making?"
"Banchan." - he said and I widened my eyes.

"Really? I never knew how to make that and I always wanted to learn

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"Really? I never knew how to make that and I always wanted to learn." - I said and he smiled.

"I can teach you whenever you want. But we must hurry now cause we won't have time." - I nodded and finished setting the table.
"Okay! Breakfast is ready." - he said and poured the food in the plates.

"I can eat it with my eyes." - I said and he chuckled.

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