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"But father I didn't do anything wrong!"
"Shut up! How dare you talk back to me? You shouldn't have helped her! Why are you disrespecting me?"
"I am not disrespecting anyone! I don't understand why are you so mad!"

"You are the son of an alpha. You two are totally different. Why did you go there? You are not from her kind and she is not someone we know!"
"I just felt like I needed to help her, so what?"
"You can't just help humans whenever you want to! You can't reveal yourself. You're not something like her. What if she saw something on you and recognized you? What will happen then? How will I take care of the clan then?"

"Do you always care for your pride? She didn't saw anything on me and don't worry. They won't question the king, right?"
"Stop being like this. Look at the others. Why can't you be like them? You are my son! When I die who will take my place and go on?"
"I don't care about your fucking place!! Stop asking me to be someone I'm not and I don't want to be!"
"I've had enough of your behavior! Get out!"


"Ji Eun? Ji Eun ah!" - my teacher snapped me out of my thoughts.
I came to my senses and realized I was still at the board, solving the math exercise.
I finished it and looked at my teacher.
"Correct. You may sit." - she said and I listened.
I went back to my seat when the bell rang.
"Ji! Come on, let's go to the cafeteria."
- my best friend Areum has always called me by my short name. I was told that my mom always called me that, and now Areum does too.

I got my books with me to put them back in my locker before heading outside.
Me and Areum took our meals and sat on our usual table.
"What were you thinking for so much today? You seemed like you were out of the world."
- she said as I almost choked on my water.
"N-nothing, really." - I tried to neglect but I couldn't lie to her.
"Okay. You're lying. Now tell me." - she said and looked at me with sharp eyes.

"Well... Yesterday, when I was at the store to buy a drink for my father, I fell and there was this guy that helped me." - I lied.
Now, before you ask why I lied to her... Areum is, how do I say, the protective type. If I tell her that my father was beating me up for years the first thing she will do is go to the police. Now that's what I don't want to happen. Because he threatened me to harm her if I ever say a word about him.

I still have traumas from my mom's death. Discovering her body hanging from the ceiling wasn't an easy thing to accept. I had to deal with most of the funeral, since my dad was still alcoholic. I was a fool to think that after mom's death he would change for the better.
"It was dark, and I couldn't see his face clearly." - I continued.
"But he was kinda cute." - I admitted.
Wait... What did I just say?

"Wow, you must really want a boyfriend." - Areum joked.
"No, it's.. It's not like that. I just.." - I sighed.
"Okay, okay. But you know what? Since tomorrow is the last day of school, do you want to have a sleepover at my place?"
- I gladly nodded.
I was actually scared when she opened this topic. I can't do that at my house because of my father.
I wish I could but..

"Awesome! I'll pick you up at eight tonight, okay?" - she asked and I nodded again.
Now I was supposed to come up with a plan for him.
"What will I say to my father ?" - I gulped when I said that word. He didn't come home last night. I wonder what's happened to him.
"Don't worry! We'll think of something!" - she said and smiled.

Lunch break was almost over and most of the students went back in their classrooms.
When me and Areum stood up, the principal's voice was on the speakers.
"All students to their classrooms! There's an announcement I'dlike to do."- she said.
"Come on let's go!" - I said and grabbed Areum's hand dragging her with me.
The principal didn't use the speaker often. I guess she really has something important to tell us.

We took our seats and listened.
"As you all know, tomorrow is your last day of school." - everyone cheered.
"That's why we're going to be hosting a party!" - she said and we all gave a long applaud.
That wasn't a bad idea actually.
School party was the best! And we didn't have them often too.
"That's great!" - Areum said and we
"You're coming tonight, right?" - Areum asked me, probably to make sure I sticked to our plan.
"Yeah, we can go to that party from your house then." - I said and she nodded.

Jungkook's POV
After the fight I had with my father I left the castle.
I started running where my feet took me. I was mad. He always cares about what other people will say.
I am not like him. I don't want to be. Never.
I stopped running and found myself in the area where I saved her that night.

I sat down on the ground and leaned against the wall.
I miss her. Her face. Body. Hands. Voice. Eyes. Her touch.
I was following her wherever she went. You could say I was a stalker, but not a bad one.
I might be dangerous, but I would never hurt her.
School, café, home, her best friend's house.. Just everywhere.
But I know what I'm going to do.
That school party is going to be amazing.

Ji Eun's POV
I was in my room getting ready and preparing my bag for the sleepover. I was constantly expecting the door to burst open and getting myself ready for his scolding.
He didn't come home since that night. I don't know what happened to him and I actually started worrying.

But I finally started feeling the freedom. I was free when he wasn't home. I even started singing and dancing around while I was cleaning the house.
I'm just not sure for how long it will last.
A familiar car honk was heard outisde.
And there's Areum.

I took my bag with me, got downstairs and locked the front door.
"Hey, bestie!! How are you?" - I asked her as I put my bags in the back and sat on the front seat.
"I am good! Ready to go and have a fun girls night?" - she said and I nodded.
"Woohoo" - she started the car engine and screamed along with me.

After fifteen minutes of singing with the radio and laughing like crazy, we arrived at Areum's house.
She unlocked the door and we got in.
"My parents are on a business trip. You can feel free and comfortable." - she said and I nodded.
"I'll go to the bathroom to take a shower, you unpack your things. You can go in once I'm done."

"Okay, thank you." - I said and listened to her.
I threw myself on her giant bed and sighed. It was really comfortable.
I heard her when she turned the shower on, so I stood up and started unpacking.
I was really fast with my stuff so I finished and she was still showering.
I decided to go to the kitchen and make some hot chocolate.
I knew she loved it.

I took two packs from the shelves and two glasses.
I warmed the water and when it was ready, I mixed it up.
When I came back to Areum's room she was laying on the bed.
"Guess you finished showering?" - I asked sarcastically.

"Yep, I did. What is that? Uhuu, you made hot chocolate!!" - she said and smiled widely. I moved forward and handed her the glass.
"I'm going to drink mine and then go to shower." - I said as she nodded while taking a sip from the chocolate.
"Is it good?" - I asked, impatiently waiting for an answer.
"You're a master for this!" - she said and we both chuckled.

I finished my hot chocolate and took my stuff before getting into the bathroom.
I turned the shower on and let the water roll down my body.
After washing my hair I used my bruise cream and put it on the parts where I had my bruises.
There was this small spot on my leg that wasn't bruised.
The rest of my body was either red or purple.

Whenever I touch those bruises they start to hurt.
I want this to end once and forever.
"I'll wait for my prince on a white horse to come and save me." - I chuckled at my sarcasm.

"Ji Eun are you okay?" - I heard Areum calling me and that's when I realized I was standing in front of the mirror for a bit too long.

"I'm fine!"

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