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Jungkook's POV
"Ji Eun! No! Don't leave me!" - I yelled as I saw her getting pulled down the hole of fire.
I quickly opened my eyes. I was a sweating mess.
"Thank God it was a nightmare." - I murmured and looked around me.
"This does not look like our house." - I said and saw that I'm having an infusion and that I am in a hospital.

"How did I get here?" - I asked myself and looked better around me.
That's when I saw her, sitting on the sofa near my bed. She was covered in dirt, her face was black and.. her shoulder was injured. Badly injured.

Then, everything that happened last night came back to me.
I was in my apartment and after I finished eating I decided to rest.
I had the same dream about Ji Eun, and that's what woke me up.

When I stood up from my bed and opened the door of my bedroom, everything I saw was dark, smoke was everywhere. Fire.

The apartment was on fire.

I put my hand around my chin to prevent myself from coughing and breathing in more smoke.

I was shaking, my legs almost didn't make it. I made my way to the stairs with all the strength left in me. I could hear someone calling my name, but the voice was getting far away until I felt like I couldn't hear anymore. I felt a pair of hands on me and that's when everything went black.

I don't remember what happened after that.
I'm glad that Ji Eun received that call to go out. If not, she would be in my place now. I didn't want to wake her up. I just wanted to watch her sleep.
It hurt me the most to see that her shoulder was injured and I couldn't remember what it could be from.

I was looking at her to the point I didn't realize I was smiling for no reason. I heard the door open, revealing the nurse.
"Hello, Mr. Jungkook. How are you feeling?"
- she said and I nodded.
"I'm feeling amazing." - right when I said that, Ji Eun started waking up.

"How's your shoulder?" - I asked her and she was quiet for a while.
"Oh my God Jungkook, are you okay?" - our friends burst in the room.

"How did they let twelve people visit at once?" - Ji Eun said and I chuckled.
"I'm fine guys, don't worry." - I said.
"But Ji Eun is injured. Can you call a nurse please?" - I said and they gasped.

"Injured? Where?" - Yuna asked and saw Ji Eun's shoulder.
"It's fine. A burning wood fell on me while I was getting Jungkook out." - she said and the girls hugged her.

"So you're the one who saved him?"
- Taehyung said and she nodded.
I pressed the button above me and called a nurse.

"Can you please check her shoulder? I think it's not good." - I said when the nurse came in.
Ji Eun gave me a look like she didn't want to and I raised my shoulders.

"It could've been worse. We're going to clean it and make a bandage." - the nurse said and left.
At that time, Ji Eun's phone rang.
"Hello?" - she said and I could see that she was a bit surprised. Probably didn't expect the call.

"Hi, Seorin. Actually, I think we can't meet today cause I had a small injury and I'm in the hospital. But you can come to the hospital if you want and we can make the test." - she said and hung up.

What kind of test is she talking about?

"Who's Seorin? And what test?" - Hee Ji asked and Ji Eun sighed.
"Seorin is.. my sister. Which we are about to confirm with a DNA test when she comes here." - she said and I gasped.

"You had a sister?" - Suya said surprised.
"I found out yesterday." - Ji Eun said innocently.
"You'll meet her soon." - she added.

The nurse came back with a plate of bandages and some sort of liquids.
"Please sit down." - Ji Eun did as told.
"Ah.." - she let out sounds and squeezed her eyes tight. I couldn't help but let the tears fall down my cheeks.

"Almost over." - the nurse said and put the bandage on Ji Eun's shoulder.
"Okay. The doctor will give you an ointment to put it on the wound three times a day. That way it will heal faster." - she said and left.

"Oh my, oh my! Is Jungkook crying?" - Hoseok hyung saw me wipe my tears and started laughing.
"Kook? Why are you" - I didn't let Ji Eun finish.

"Yah, it's nothing." - she came towards me and hugged me.
"I just can't stand seeing you get hurt because of me." - I said and hugged her.

"It's fine. You're okay, I'm okay. There's nothing to worry about." - she kissed my forehead and sat beside me on the bed. I intertwined my fingers with hers and stood like that for a bit longer.

"Let's leave them alone." - I heard MinMin say and everyone left the room.
It was just me and Ji Eun now.

We both couldn't stop staring at each other's eyes.
Her beautiful, big green eyes.
She laid her head on my chest and I caressed her hair.

"Does it hurt you now?" - she said quietly and I shook my head.
"No, it doesn't." - I said.

A few minutes later the door opened, revealing Jimin.
"Ji Eun? Seorin is here." - he said and Ji Eun stood up.
"I'll be right back." - she said and slowly let go of my hand.

Ji Eun's POV
"Seorin, meet my friends." - I introduced everyone to her.
"Let's go, shall we?" - she said and I nodded.
We made our way to the lab.

"Okay, I took your blood samples. Since this is a private hospital and technology works bet, you will get your results in four hours." - the doctor said and left.

Awkward silence. Again.
Until my stomach made a sound.
"Come with me. I didn't have breakfast either so we'll buy something from here." - she took my arm and we exited the lab.

"Nurse um, can Jungkook eat now?" - I asked the nurse when I saw her get out of Kook's room.
"Yeah, sure." - she said and left.

"Guys, do you want anything to eat?" - I asked them and they shook their heads.
"We'll eat later. You two go and eat now."
- Yuna said and me and Seorin went straight to the small cafe in the hospital.

After ordering food, we sat on one of the tables.
"I honestly can't wait for the results to come. I thought I was all alone in this world but, if the results are positive I will be really happy." - I spoke.

"Me too. You could be the sister I always wanted to have. I am so sorry that we were separated like that." - she said and looked down.

"Don't be. You didn't know you had me either. And I have a good feeling about this."
- I put my hand on hers and smiled.
"Thank you." - she said and the food arrived.
"Let's eat."

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