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"Is Yoomi.." - MinMin started.
"Jungkook's daughter." - I said.
"I convinced Taewon to take me here. I told him that I had to see my aunt and promised that she wouldn't tell anyone. He had an urgent meeting so he will be here at seven tonight." - I said.

"What did you go through Ji? All these years, how did you live?" - Areum said and her eyes teared up.

"I lived for my princess here and my one and only, Jungkook." - I said and kissed Yoomi.

"Will you meet him too?" - Jimin asked and I nodded.
"So, you guys are all married now?" - I asked and everyone chuckled.

"Yeah, we are." - they said and I saw their wedding rings.
"So, Hoseok and Areum, Jimin and MinMin, Taehyung and Hee Ji, Namjoon and Yuna, Seokjin and Suya, Yoongi and Min Joo." - I smiled and they nodded.

"I am really happy for you guys." - I said.
"Why did Taewon take you to New York? Couldn't you escape?" - Taehyung asked and I sighed.

"I tried so many times, but failed. He threatened me that he would take away Yoomi and hurt all of you guys. He was obsessed with me from the start. I became his wife and after years of being with him, I realized that I had to gain his trust in order to free myself from him."
- I explained and everyone gasped.

"I have three more hours. I have to meet with Jungkook, too. Then Taewon will bring me back to New York. I am not scared of him, but I fear that he might find out I was here and take Yoomi away from me. I can't let that happen." - I said and stood up.

"Jungkook still hasn't given up on you, Ji Eun. He never stopped looking for you. He knew that you were alive. If the human soulmate dies, the other one dies too. That's how he knew. But he was under the influence of his father, too. And don't you worry. We're not letting you live with that psycho anymore." - Jimin said before I hugged them all and left.

I took the bus this time and headed to our house.
I didn't text Jungkook like the others.
I wanted to surprise him.

After half an hour I got off at the bust stop.
I walked for a few minutes before arriving at my house.

I really missed this. And I missed Jungkook even more.
I took the keys from my pocket and unlocked the door.

I looked around the house, nothing has changed.
I climbed up the stairs and went straight to our room.

The room had my smell.
Was he using my perfume and spraying the room with it?

I heard that the water was on and assumed that he was showering in the bathroom.

I took Yoomi with me and decided to look around some more.
"Huh? We've never had a room here.." - I said when I looked at a small door near the living room.

I opened the door knob, hoping that it wasn't locked. And it wasn't.
As soon as I got in, my eyes teared up.

I could see thousands of pictures from me stuck on the wall, some of them hanging on clips.

Then, I could hear Jungkook's steps.

"May I ask, what is a beautiful girl like you doing in my house?"- he asked with a sweet voice.

I missed his voice, his face, I missed him.

"I got here with my mommy." - Yoomi said.
I left her to watch TV before I came in this room.
"Where's your mommy?" - Jungkook asked again.
"She's in there." - Yoomi answered.
"Can you look me in the eyes for a sec?"
- Jungkook said and I assume she did.

He probably recognized that she was a vampire till now. Her eyes first started flashing colours when she was two.

Then I could hear Jungkook's footsteps getting louder as he was coming closer to this room.

I hope he recognizes me.

"Um.. miss" - he got inside the room now.
He came closer and then stopped.
"Ji.. Ji Eun?" - he asked and I turned around so he could see me.

I was already a crying mess, even though I tried to stop the tears from coming out.
"Ji Eun!" - Jungkook pulled me in a tight hug.

"I knew it! I knew you weren't dead! I've missed you so much, cupcake." - he hugged me again and we got in the living room now.

"Mommy told me I would meet my dad today." - Yoomi asked and before I could answer, Jungkook asked
"What's your name, pretty lady?"
"Yoomi." - she answered and Jungkook froze.

"You wanted our kid to be named Yoomi."
- Jungkook whispered and I nodded.

"This is your daddy, Yoomi. Remember how I showed you pics of him?" - I said and she sat between us.

"What did you say to the guys?" - I asked Jungkook when he finished the call he made after I told him everything.

"I'm not letting that bastard touch you ever again." - he said and I stopped when I looked at his hand.

He was wearing a wedding ring.
And he noticed me looking at it.

"When we thought you died, my parents.. Well, my mom was against it. My father forced me to marry Chaerin, since she was the first girl I dated. Then they replaced you with her. She's the chosen one now." - he said and looked down.

"Hey, I don't mind that. When I was the chosen one, I still lived like a normal person. So it's no big deal." - I said and reassured him with a smile.

"And you're not mad that I'm married with her?"
"You can call it even. I'm married for Taewon and you're married with Chaerin." - I said and he kissed my forehead.

"I want a kiss, too." - Yoomi said and made us laugh.
"Okay, baby. He's all yours." - I stood up to go to the toilet and left the father and daughter talk to each other.

When I was back, I looked at the clock and saw that it was already seven.

"Yoomi, we need to go. Fast." - I said and started putting her clothes on.
"Why, what's happening?" - Jungkook asked worriedly.

"Taewon will come now. I'm supposed to meet him at my aunt's house." - I said and Jungkook took his car keys.
"Come on, I'll take you there." - Jungkook said and we got in his car.

"Ji Eun. I'll save you from him. I'll deal with Chaerin and my dad and I promise we'll be the family you've always wanted."
- he kissed me and Yoomi and I got in my aunt's house.

"Did Jungkook take you here?" - my aunt asked and I nodded.
"He's here." - my aunt said and I tried to control my breath.

"What if he knows I met all of them?"
- I started panicking and looked at Yoomi with fear of losing her.
"You mustn't be nervous now, or he'll find out." - my aunt said and shaked my shoulders.

Soon enough, we heard the doorbell ring.
"Yoomi, just like I told you. We'll tell Taewon that we were at your aunt's all day, okay?" - I asked her and she nodded.

Then my aunt opened the door, revealing Taewon.
"Hi, grandma." - he said and shaked her hand as she looked at him in disgust.

"I'm here to take my princesses." - he said and we approached him.
I started shaking.
"Did you have fun?" - he asked Yoomi and she nodded.

I waved my aunt a goodbye and we got in the car.

"So, what were you guys doing?" - he asked and I started panting again.
"Nothing special with seeing each other after five years.. It got emotional, then we made a cake together and just talked."
- I said and faked a smile once again.

"Okay, good." - he said and fixed his eyes on the road.
"How did your meeting go?" - I asked, pretending to be a 'caring' wife.

"Exhausting." - he said and sighed.
"She played too much and she feel asleep right away." - I was talking about Yoomi when I looked at her sleeping at the back seat.

"Yeah. She's probably tired of meeting so many people today." - Taewon said and had an evil smirk on.
"What do you mean?" - I looked at him with confused face.

My Roommate is a Vampire Where stories live. Discover now