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"What really? Wow, Jungkook. I wish I was there to see you! - Hoseok laughed and Jungkook scoffed.
"Yah! You don't know what I went through yesterday! I wish you were in my place and see how it is." - Jungkook said.
"He will be. Don't worry." - I said.
"And I'm sorry. Sometimes girls have those reactions to their period so.." - I said and Jungkook touched his forehead with mine.

"It's okay, I know. You don't have to apologize."
"I think he was really funny tho. When he called me and asked what a period was I couldn't stop laughing. He said that he didn't even change and went to the supermarket with his pajamas on!" - Areum laughed.
"Haha! I really wish there was a way we could see his reaction." - Seokjin said and we all chuckled.

"Don't you worry. You'll go through hell as well." - I winked and they didn't laugh at Jungkook anymore.

"He was so cute yesterday. He bought so many packages of pads and food! Then he made me fruit salad, popcorn, we were watching movies.." - I said and everyone smiled.
"Then she was crying because the weather outside was changing and then she suggested to watch a horror movie and didn't stop laughing when the scary parts came."
- Jungkook said and I rolled my eyes.

"Okay let's talk about something else, shall we? This break will end and so will our last class. Then we're free." - I said.
"Yeah, okay." - MinMin said.
"I have an idea! Why don't we go on a picnic tomorrow? It's Saturday anyway." - Jimin said and everyone agreed.
"How about twelve?" - Namjoon said and we nodded.

"Don't forget we have to film today." -Jungkook said.
"Film what?" - Taehyung asked and me and Jungkook looked at each other.
"A company messaged us and they wanted to film a dance cover video of us." - I answered.
"What company? Cause me and Hoseok got a message from Ainsoft." - Ari said and I widened my eyes.
"Really? Us too." - I said and we smiled.
"I think they will release the videos tomorrow." - Hoseok added.

"Okay, thank you so much. We were pleasured to work with you. The video will be released tomorrow." - the director of Ainsoft said and left our house with the staff.
"Okay. This is done, too. I'll go and take a shower." - Jungkook said and I seated myself in the living room.

I heard my phone vibrating.
I didn't know who it was calling cause the number wasn't in my contacts.
"Hello?" - I said and waited for a little for a response.
"Hi, Ji Eun." - Chaerin said and I rolled my eyes.

"What do you want? Are you calling to say Jungkook is yours again?" - I said and she laughed.
"No, of course not. I called cause I wanted to apologize to you for being mean. I wanted to invite you to Café Violet." - she said and I was surprised.
"I wanted to apologize personally, not through the phone. I'll wait for you there in an hour." - she said and hung up.

And what do I do now? Do I go or not?

"Jungkook, I'll go to Suya's house quickly to take some clothes. I'll be back in an hour."
"Do you want me to take you there?" - he said but I shook my head.
"It's fine, I'll go with a taxi."
"You can take my car if you want to."
"Okay." - I said and left the house.

"Let's see what you have to say, Chaerin."- I got in Jungkook's car and headed to the café.

Why didn't you tell him you're going to meet
Are you kidding me? Why would I tell him that I'm going to meet with his ex?

Ah fine. But I'm scared.
What why? I'm not scared of her, why are you?

I don't know. I have a bad feeling about this.
Nothing will happen, don't worry.

The last time you said that you got bitten by a vampire. Oh right. Chaerin is a vampire!
Calm down. I'm almost there. Now leave, please.

I paid for the parking lot and headed to the café.
As soon as I entered I could see her sitting on the table in the corner.

She waved at me and I made my way to her.

"Hi, Ji Eun." - she said and smiled.
"Hello, Chaerin." - I sat down and the waiter came after that.
"What would you like to order?" - he asked.
"I'll take a glass of water." - I said.
"One espresso for me."

"So, why did you call me here?" - I asked and took a sip from the water that the waiter brought just now.
"I wanted to apologize for being so rude to you. I am Jungkook's ex. I should've showed some manners. I'm sorry." - she lowered her head.

I didn't know what to say.
I can't say that I forgive her after everything she said to me.
It's better to stay quiet.
"How are you and Jungkook doing?" - she asked this question and I was surprised.
"We're good." - I wanted to give her short answers only.

She didn't seem like she wanted to apologize at all. She had something else in mind.
"How naive are you seriously? Did you think that I called you here to apologize? Who are you so I have to apologize? One of Jungkook's toys I guess."

I knew it.

"Just because you are the chosen one doesn't mean you have the right to do whatever you want. You took Jungkook from me." - she said and I looked at her in disbelief.
"I stole Jungkook from you? Excuse me? You should go see a doctor immediately. Cause I think something's wrong with your brain." - I said and stood up and left.
"You better leave!" - I heard her say but I didn't turn around.

Why did I even agree to come here?

Chaerin's POV
I paid for my coffee and left the café.
"Let's see whose boyfriend you're stealing. You still haven't seen the real Chaerin." - I started my car and drove to my house.

When I got home and I was really angry.
My maid asked me if I needed anything but I just yelled at her and asked her to leave.
My parents always hire some sluts that can't do their job.

"I know what to do to get you out of Jungkook's life."
I took the vase from the table and looked at it.
"I have to do this." - I threw it on the ground and it broke.

I took one piece of the broken glass and looked at myself in the mirror.
I scratched myself with the glass and the corner of my forehead started bleeding.
"Oh my God! Ms. Chaerin what happened? Are you okay?" - my maid said all terrified.
I didn't need her talking right now.
"Call my brother." - I said and she looked at me frozen.

"I said call my brother!" - I yelled again and she went upstairs.
"What is it Chaerin?" - Taewon said and had a terrified look when he saw me bleeding.
"Who did this to you?" - he came closer to me but I backed away.
I went to my room and took the small gun from under my bed.

"Take this." - I put it in his arm and he looked at it confused.
"What? Why do you have a gun?"
"Shoot my arm." - I said and he looked at me in shock.
"Are you out of your mind? Why would I do that to my own sister?" - he said and threw the gun on the ground.
"Taewon. You must do this. If you want me to be happy. For your sister, please." - I said and picked the gun from the ground.

"Are you sure?" - I nodded and squeezed my eyes tight.
He shot my arm and the pain I felt was unbearable. I sat down on the couch.
"Are you okay?" - he asked me and I stood up.

Our maid came to the living room to see what was happening.
"Listen here. You mustn't tell anyone about this." - I told her and shook her shoulders.
"But miss" - she said and looked at my arm.
"Anyone!" - I yelled and she nodded.
"Taewon." - I turned to him and he looked at me.

"Don't you dare ask me something else from." - he turned his head around.
"The last one, please." - I begged and he looked at me again.
"What is it?"
"Beat me up." - I said.
"You're crazy. I can't do that. No." - he said.

"Brother, please! You have to do this!"
"Why?! Don't tell me it's because of that jerk that left you! I won't let you ruin yourself once again!" - he said and I took the gun in my hand.
"I'll shoot again if you don't do it." - I said and he came closer.
"Don't talk nonsense. Give me the gun."
"Beat me."
"Ah fine! Just give me the gun!" - he said and I have it to him.

"I'm sorry." - he started punching my face until I laid on the ground from pain.
He kicked my stomach once and helped me stand up.

"Come on, I'm taking you to the hospital."
- he carried me to his car and drove away.

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