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"I will be a strong person, work hard, and make my dreams come true. I will never cry and be weak." - I said.
I put the frame back on the mini shelf I had in my room and looked at all the books and CDs I had.
I smiled as every memory came back to me.
"Huh?" - I looked at the piece of clothing under my bed.

"I've never kept a box in here?" - I took the cap off and saw many pictures of my aunt and uncle.
"They were so cute." - I looked through the pictures.

Why do all the people I love had to leave so early?

Under the pictures, there was a book turned upside down.

What is this doing here?

It was the same book I borrowed from the library.
"Another Generation of Vampires.."
"Ji Eun honey are you" - my aunt got in my room and froze.
I stared at her facial expression.
She was shocked.

I stood up and showed her the book and she slowly took it in her hands.
"Mind explaining what is this doing here?"
- I calmly said.
"Let's go downstairs." - she said and grabbed my hand.
Of course, I already knew what the book was about, but what I wanted to know was why my aunt had it here.

"Ji Eun, you must try this, it's really good!"
- Hee Ji said with a mouth full of cake.
Me and my aunt got into the living room.
"Are you done eating girls?" - my aunt smiled and the girls sat down on the couch next to us.
"It was really good auntie, thank you." - Yuna said and my aunt smiled at her compliment.

"Looks like the time has come and you're not the five-year-old girls I knew. You are mature and old enough to understand everything I have to say now." - my aunt gave us a smile and I took a small breath, preparing for the shock.

"You seem to have something serious to talk about. What is it?" - Suya asked.
"This." - she put the book on the mini table for everyone to see.
"What is this book?" - Areum took it in her hands and looked at it confused.
"Another Generation of Vampires." - I answered.

"One of the 213 books written by the ancestors of the vampires. Each one of these books has the same name but a different year." - I continued and everyone gave me a shocked expression.
"You knew about it?" - my aunt said and I nodded.
"Can someone explain what's going on here? I don't understand anything." - Yuna complained.

"Since humans made the deal with vampires, this book belongs to the chosen human. Every year, the vampire society gathers together on the 13th of April, and choose the human. That is mostly a girl or a boy who has made any contact with a vampire, without noticing it him/her self."

"So, you're saying that vampires are real?"
- Areum asked.
"Yes." - I said and they gasped.
"Are you sure?" - MinMin gulped and gave me a 'please say no' look.
"Yes." - I repeated.
"I experienced it, so I know they're real."- I added.

"What? When!?" - Yuna yelled.
"The day when we were on that floor? That's why you screamed?" - Joo said after thinking and I nodded.
"Why didn't you tell us then?"
"You've been to the 707 floor?" - my aunt turned at me.

"What's important now is, why did I find this book in my room?" - I asked her.
"Please tell us everything about it first." - Hee Ji said, and I put the book on my lap.

"There are 213 books with the same title for each year, and that's why every book has 213 pages. On every 20 pages, there will be events that the chosen human must face. Whether they are good or bad, cause the human any harm or anything else.
The rest of the pages are filled by the book itself since it belongs to the human. The book follows its master and writes down their whole life." - I opened the book and scrolled through the pages.

"So if I got it right, this is some kind of a really unique book that belongs to one human that is chosen from the vampire society. Who's the human?" - Yuna asked.
"We'll find out on April 13th." - I said and looked at the date in the book.

"How will we know who's the chosen human?" - MinMin asked and that's when my aunt spoke.
"The human will have symptoms of spitting blood, feeling ill, shaky hands and they could also ask to drink artificial blood If they have the reach of it."

"What's artificial blood?" - Hee Ji asked.
"It's similar to human blood. Vampires drink it to fill their hunger, otherwise, they might die." - I said.
"Okay. Now, why did I found this book under my bed? And what does it have to do with you auntie?" - I asked her and she sighed.
"Your uncle.." - the words were on her tongue but she couldn't take them out.

"What about my uncle?" - I asked impatiently.
"He was a vampire." - I widened my eyes in shock.
"What!?" - I yelled and stood up.
"It's true." - my aunt confirmed.
"Then.. are you" - she interrupted me.
"I'm not a vampire. Only he was." - I sat back on the bed.

"The vampire genes are passed on every generation. And we are one of the rare human-vampire families in the world."
"But why us?" - I asked and even though my voice seemed like I was whining, I wasn't.
I just don't know what to expect from all this.

"Well, probably because my mom fell in love with a vampire and they got married so, I fell in love with your uncle and we got married!"
- auntie said excitedly.
"And you wanna tell me that I'll fall in love with a vampire and get married?" - I asked.
"I could never know." - she said and I sighed.

"Wow. This sure is complicated." - Hee Ji said and I scoffed.
"How do you know so much about vampires?" - MinMin asked.
"Because of my husband. He told me everything I need to know before he left this world."
Auntie seemed like she was about to tell us everything that happened to her and my uncle.

"I was studying in the same school you're in. I was at your age when I fell in love with your uncle. He was also my roommate. We didn't get along at first, but then I started having feelings for him. Of course, he didn't tell me that he was a vampire, but I was desperate and looked for more informations. My doubts confirmed when I saw him one night. It was a full moon. His fangs started showing, and he attacked me."

"Did he hurt you?" - Joo asked and my aunt smiled.
"No, he didn't. He tended to, but couldn't. And he didn't want to hurt me. I was his soulmate." - I widened my eyes.
"Yes. Vampires have soulmates. The two of them stay together til death tears them apart. Just like me and your uncle were."
- my aunt's eyes started getting teary.

"How did you know you were his soulmate?" - Areum asked and I turned at my aunt.
"We had the same coloured necklaces and his eyes flashed that colour."
This conversation was getting really interesting.
"What colour did his eyes flash?" - I asked.
"Many. Take notes." - my aunt said and we chuckled.
I got my notebook out and waited for her to start again.

"Sarcoline - a sign of happiness;
Vermillion - a sign of anger;
Royal blue - a sign of sadness;
Neon red - love;
Lilac - care;
Rouge - guilt, despair;
Neon blue - fear;
Viridian - calmness;
Grey - a slight feeling of sorrow;
Navy blue - lust;
Dark red - when a vampire is ready to pounce on you and suck all your blood." - she said and I finished writing everything in my notebook.
"Now that's the color everyone in my school feared."

"Auntie, do you think we will go through the same?" - Suya asked.
"History repeats itself. But I can't be sure."
"So that's what Yuna was feeling. Bad but something good in it."
I'm not afraid of vampires, and if I need to live like my aunt, then I will.
But I wonder who those vampires are.

"That's it for today girls. You'll get more lessons from tomorrow. I have a job interview to crash." - my aunt said and stood up.
"Okay, good luck." - we said and hugged her before leaving.
"Oh gosh. That was so shocking. I can't believe everything she told us is true."- Hee Ji said.
"Me neither." - Joo added.

"Are you okay Ji?" - Areum looked at me through the mirror in her car and snapped me out of my thoughts.
"Huh? Yeah.."
"She's probably the most shocked one. Her uncle was a vampire." - I heard MinMin say.

"Should we tell the students at our school? Or maybe the boys?" - Yuna said and I cut her off before she could say anything more.
"No!" - they all looked at me confused.
"We must know everything about vampires first. And we can't tell the students. Especially not the boys. I need to figure out something." - I said and looked through the window.

My Roommate is a Vampire Where stories live. Discover now