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I stood up from the counter and took my coffee mug. We entered the living room and sat on the couch, covering ourselves with a warm blanket.
"Why don't you be that girl?" - Areum asked me and I almost choked on my coffee.
"W-what? Of course not!" - I refused.

"Why not?!"
"Because!" - I yelled back.
"Ouuhh, I see. It's that guy." - Areum said and she was totally right. I mean, it's not like I have a crush on a person I've seen only once in my life. Pfft.
I looked at my watch and it was 12:47pm.
"Guess the coffee did make us stay up." - Areum admitted and I rolled my eyes.
"I told you! What are we going to do now?"

"Don't worry!" - she yelled and we both laughed.
"What do you want to do?" - I asked her as I sat on the couch.
"Well... Let's see. Why don't you show me some of your dance moves?" - she suggested and I rolled my eyes.

"It's not like you don't know how I dance. Why are you asking for that?"
"Come on Ji Eun! I haven't seen my best friend dance for months!"
Well, she had a point. I mean, I haven't danced so openly to someone actually watching me for months now.
In the end, I decided to grant her wish.

"Okay. Play me some music." - I said and got in position.
She played her favorite.
I used to dance to Areum on this song a lot.
I stood in the middle of the living room, on the dark brown floor and started dancing to the music.

Jungkook's POV
I watched her dance through the window. Her dance moves, the emotion and passion she has while dancing, is incredible.
I will dance with her at that school party.

Ji Eun's POV
"That was amazing!!" - Areum said and clapped her hands while I tried to catch my breath.
"Okay, your turn. Let me see your dance moves." - I joked but I wanted to see Areum dance.
"Aish. Okay." - she said and stood in the middle of the room waiting for me.

I stood up and played some music on her phone.
We were sweaty and tired as hell after spending the last three hours dancing. However, at least we killed the time because we wouldn't do anything except eating and laying on the couch.

It was 4 am and we still had some time before the school party so, we didn't have a better thing to do and started watching a movie.
Luckily, I set up the alarm before and if I didn't we would be late for school. Areum was always sleeping like a cannon ball and she was the hardest to wake up.

I took the pillow under my head and stood up. I also took toothpaste from the bathroom.
I put a small amount of the toothpaste on her feet. She started moving.
I grabbed the pillow with my two hands and squeezed it tightly. I put on loud music and started hitting Areum. I screamed while singing along with the song.

A second later she was up and we were having a pilliw fight. That's how we usually started our mornings when we were together. And I was all about it.
When we had enough of hitting and Areum was fully awake, we stopped.
I hoped the neighbors wouldn't call the police.

"It's 2:30, let's wash up and shower before we are late." - I said and she nodded.
We looked at each other and stayed in our places not moving.
We realized something.
"Last day of school!" - we screamed at the same time. Finally, school was over and college was coming!

The school party was held every year, as a gift from our principal for finishing another high school year. It wasn't just a party where you eat and drink, it was more of a Dance.
"When will we find the girl?" - Areum asked from the bathroom.
"Don't worry! I'll take care of it! Get out faster, we have fifteen more minutes!"
"Okay okay! I'm out in a second!"

When we were done with our clothes and makeup we were ready to go.
Areum locked the front door as I waited for her in the car.
Twenty minutes later, we arrived at the school. We could hear music coming from the inside as we got out of the car.
"Let's have some fun!" - Areum said and I chuckled.

In general, the party was going pretty well.
I was at the table while Areum was dancing with Hoseok.
I don't know why she said this but, I know that I will kill her.
"Thank you! Okay, guys! I would like to invite my crazy talented best friend to lead this next dance. Ji Eun?" - she yelled and everyone's gazes were foxated on me.

I gave them a fake smile and a death glare to Areum. Great. This song was my favorite and I didn't have a partner. It was really rare that there were students in my school who could dance.
"May I dance with you?"
I heard a male voice speaking, making his way towards me.

I hesitated a bit, not from knowing if I should accept his offer but, I was confused in that moment.
Areum playfully hit my elbow with hers, so I nodded.
The music started playing and we started dancing while everyone went back to their tables. The dance floor was now ours.

We finished our performance and everyone clapped and cheered.
I was happy that I could dance with so many people watching me and appreciating my skills.

"I'm Jungkook, by the way." - the guy that danced with me said.
I shyly raised my head at him and opened my mouth to introduce myself when he stopped me.
"Ji Eun, right?" - he said and I secretly gasped.

It's my first time seeing him, but he feels somewhat familiar. Have I met him before?

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