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"What do you mean I'm staying at your place? I-I can't do that. Your parents, I mean, the king and queen live there and you're telling me to go with you? No thank you." - I said as I helped Jungkook get up from the bed.

Right. Jungkook was finally getting discharged.

"Why not? I'm sure my parents won't kill you. Come on, live with me. It's temporary anyway. I'll find another house for both of us." - he said and I widened my eyes.

I unlocked his car and we got in.

"New house? I'm sorry, but I don't want to live in something or have anything I didn't deserve." - I said and started the engine.

"Okay, we'll do as you say. Just stay with me." - he said and I sighed.
"Fine. You can buy a house but we will work first." - I said and he nodded.
"Like what?"
"I have something really cute in mind."

"And what happened with your job at the café?"
"It's closed."
"Okay. I promised, we'll do as you say. Now, turn left."

After ten minutes of driving, we arrived at a huge palace in the woods.
"Wow" - I gasped when I looked at it.
"I've never seen a house so big in my life before." - I said and drove to the gates.

Two guards opened them and we got in.
"Come on." - Jungkook said as we got out of the car. I couldn't do anything except look around and follow Jungkook to the entrance.
When he rang the doorbell two maids showed up. They took my jacket and took us to the living room.

"This room is so big and it's not even half of the house." - I whispered to Jungkook and he chuckled.
"Mom, dad. Hi." - he hugged his parents and I smiled shyly.

"Hello, Ji Eun." - Jungkook's mom said and politely shook my hand.
Jungkook's dad smiled at me but didn't offer me a handshake.

"We've got a room ready for you." - Jungkook's mom said and called one of the maids.
We followed the maid upstairs to the hallway. There were really big doors before me.

The maid opened them and me and Jungkook got in.
"Oh. My. God." - I gasped for who knows which time now.
"You like it?" - Jungkook asked me as I looked around.

"Of course I like it! It's amazing. Our whole apartment could fit in this room." - I said and sat on the bed.

My facial expression changed.

"Hey hey. It's okay. We're going to buy another one." - Jungkook said and put a hand around me.

I leaned my head on his shoulder and wanted to stay like that a little.

"I can leave if you want, so you can change. You're still in those dirty clothes." - he said and I nodded.

Wait. I don't have clothes.
"Check the wardrobe!" - I heard Jungkook say. Right. Can hear thoughts.

I went to the wardrobe on the other side of the room and saw that it was full of women clothes.

"Was this his mom's room before?" - I took out a pair of black jeans and a black crop top.

Um, I'm pretty sure that's more like a size for you, not Jungkook's mom. I mean, the woman is.. um.. fatter than you.

I chuckled at myself.

I have a habit of taking off my clothes first and then searching for new ones and putting them on. Which was not a good idea in this case.
I was singing quietly while staying in my bra and panties and didn't hear the knock on the door.

"I'm getting in!" - is what Kook said and I didn't hear.
He froze at the door and I froze at the wardrobe.
His jaw dropped, he looked at me from head to toe. I didn't know how to react.
Til now.

"Jungkook! Turn around!" - I screamed loudly and he quickly covered his eyes and turned around.
"Ah, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to." - he said and I quickly put on the clothes.
"Can I turn around now?" - he asked quietly and I hummed.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't do it on purpose, I knocked multiple times but when I didn't hear you answer I got scared and then I" - he talked fast.
"Kook, breathe. It's fine." - I said and sat on the bed.
"Really?" - he asked.
"Yeah." - I nodded and took my phone out.

"The clothes suit you." - he said and smiled.
"I'll look for jobs now. This house is amazing but it would be better if we found a house for ourselves faster cause technically, I'm not your girlfriend and no one has to find that out." - I said when he hopped on the bed and laid next to me.

"Okay." - he said and I looked at him.
I can't stop admiring him.
His forehead, nose, lips, cheeks, neck, jawline, body. I want them all.

"How about this? It's a good one." - I said, snapping myself out of my thoughts.
Jungkook nodded.
"Yeah, that's good." - he said.

"Oh wait! Kook, do you like kids?" - I asked and he seemed surprised.
"Yes, why?"
"Then I think this is the best job for us!" - I said and he looked at my phone.

"Babysitting?" - he said and I nodded happily.
"It will be fun! I'm applying! We need to do this." - I said and before he could say anything I applied for the job.
"Anything wrong? - I raised an eyebrow.

"I.. Do you think I'll do good? I love kids but I've never done something like this and I don't know anything about it." - he said and I chuckled at his cuteness.

"You're so cute. Of course, you'll be good. You can practice to be a father this way. I'm doing you a favor. Your wife won't be disappointed with you." - I laughed and he gave me a look.

I received a call from a number I didn't know.
"Hello? Yes, this is Lee Ji Eun. Really? Okay, we're on our way. Thank you." - she said and hung up.

"Who was it?" - Jungkook asked and I stood up to put my shoes on.
"We got the job and we're going there now."
- I said and Jungkook gasped.

"What? Now? But I thought I could" - I cut him off.
"Come on, Jungkook. It's going to be fun!" - I said with excitement and dragged him downstairs.

I drove to a house that was a few blocks from our apartment. Well, our old apartment.
It's gone now.
We had to go past it and when I saw it all burned..

"It's going to be okay. We will find a better one." - Jungkook said and put a hand on my shoulder.
I nodded and continued driving.
"It's supposed to be here." - I said and we got out of the car.
"The house is nice." - Jungkook said and it actually was.

We rang the doorbell and a tall man and woman showed up.
"Hi, you must be the babysitters." - the woman said and I nodded smiling.

"Come in." - the man said and we did as told.
"We had many babysitters before but almost all of them were not good to our kids. Shortly said, they didn't love kids. How can you be a babysitter if you don't like kids? Anyways. We are going on a business trip for a week. We have a baby boy and a three-year-old daughter." - the woman explained.

"You will be paid twenty dollars per hour."
- the man added and I widened my eyes.
"This is Minjae and Mina." - the woman came with a baby in her hands and a small girl behind her.

"Aw, they are so cute." - I said and the woman handed the baby to Jungkook and Mina came towards me.
"Hi, Mina. How are you?" - I said and looked at Jungkook from the corner of my eye.

He was holding the baby so warmly, he would be a good father.

"Mina, those will be your new babysitters, Ji Eun and Jungkook. Do you like your babysitters?" - the woman asked her and Mina nodded.

"Okay, we are leaving tomorrow morning, at 8am. You can be here thirty minutes earlier."
- we all stood up and after saying goodbye, me and Jungkook left.

"We are so going to enjoy this." - I said excitedly and got in the car.

I was really happy actually. I've always wanted to have kids.

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