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Jungkook's POV
I got out of my classroom and headed to the exit.
I just had to wait for Ji Eun and go home.
I saw her standing near the fountain and approached her.
"Aren't you coming?" - I said and she slowly turned around.
"Oh hey. I wanted to meet up with the girls today. I'll be home later." - she said and forced a smile.
I know it when you're lying Ji Eun.

"Okay." - I said and got in my car.
I started the engine and drove out of the schoolyard and stopped at the gate.
Exactly where she couldn't see me.
I waited a little, and then I saw her hug the girls and they left.
I got out of my car and started following them.
"I hope you're not going where I don't want you to." - I said to myself as I saw them heading to the 707 floor.

Please no...
I hoped they would turn around and leave but, they didn't.
Lee Min and Hee Ji were definitely scared because they knew that the floor was not allowed for humans. They all knew.
Ji Eun is probably the one that gave this idea and now she'll get into trouble because of that. Why would the girls even agree with her? And I thought they are smarter than her. No doubt they're best friends.

"Will I have to save you again?" - I looked at them enter.
I really thought they would leave because of the dark hallways but no.
Aren't those girls scared even a little?
I stopped at the entrance after I saw them get in.
They probably split up. Which is not the best idea.

I can't believe this.
You know you will have to save her right?
I know. What's in that girl's mind that made her come here? Just how brave is she to come to a place like this?
We'll find out.
I don't wanna find out. We know what's going to happen if a vampire bumps into her!
What if she cut herself on the way there? And starts bleeding?
That won't happen, will it? I hope she's not that clumsy to hit a trash can and scratch herself.

I chuckled at my words, not believing in what I said.
After waiting for about fifteen minutes, a loud scream startled me.
I quickly got inside and into the classroom where the scream came from.
I saw Ji Eun's unconscious body and there was a vampire next to her.
Sucking her blood. No, you won't.

"Well, well, well. Look who's here. The Jungkook boy." - he said with a pout.
"You shouldn't have done this Kim." - I said and walked closer to him.
"And why not? She's just another human that deserved to die." - I clenched my fists.
"She's something else." - I gritted my teeth.
"And what's that? Don't tell me you're in love with a human?" - he said and I just kept silent.

"What a pity. She is dead now." - he said and that's when I exploded.
I punched him as hard as I could and he flew out of the classroom.
I picked Ji Eun up and got her out before other vampires noticed her.
I can't put her in more danger.

As I got out the entrance I noticed the girls coming towards me with terrified looks on their faces.
I really don't want to explain now.
"Ji Eun! Jungkook what happened?" - they rushed after me as I put my girlfriend in my car.
"We're coming with you." - Areum said but I cut her off.
"It's nothing serious, she just fainted. I'll take care of her." - I started the engine.

"You think we're going to leave our best friend?" - they said and got in.
I covered her hand with clothing so they shouldn't notice that she got bitten.
After driving for a few minutes, we arrived in our apartment.
I really didn't like the girls panicking the whole time.
They unlocked the door as I got in with Ji Eun in my hands.

"Can you please get me the first aid kit? It's in the kitchen." - I asked the girls and Areum ran to get it. I hope he didn't hit a vein.
I was about to remove the clothing from Ji Eun's hand and I remembered that after I do that, my hyungs will get here immediately.
I need to do it. Otherwise, it will get serious and I won't be able to help her.

I removed the clothing and I could see how the smell of the blood was filling the room.

3.. 2.. 1..

And the doorbell rang.
Lee Min opened the door, revealing the boys.
"What are you doing here guys?" - she asked and the boys just ran inside.
"Nothing. We were just passing by."
- Namjoon hyung said, trying to hold back.
His eyes were flashing cornflower blue. The color that represents lust.

Please, not now hyung.
I knew that all my hyungs were hungry now, but I also knew that they wouldn't hurt her.
"What happened to her?" - Jimin hyung said when I started cleaning the wound.
"I don't know." - I said and I was about to heal her wound with my hand.
"Girls, will you mind turning around please?" - I said and they nodded.
I touched her wrist and waited a few seconds.

I put the clothing back on her hand so the girls wouldn't notice that it's healed.
"Is she really okay?" - Min Joo asked and I nodded.
"She will wake up soon." - I said and they all sat on the couch.
"How did this happen?" - Taehyung asked and the girls looked at each other.
"Well" - Suya started but I cut her off.

"It was my fault. I had a fight with her during classes. When we came home we both exploded and started throwing objects at each other. She cut her wrist and then fainted because of the blood." - I explained.
The girls gave me a 'why did you do that' look and I raised my shoulders at them.
I know my hyungs didn't believe me.

After ten minutes, Ji Eun started waking up.
"Are you okay?" - I took her hand in mine and caressed her forehead.
"What happened?" - she was in a sitting position now.
She didn't let go of my hand.
"You fainted." - Areum said.
"How are you feeling?" - Yuna asked her.
"I'm okay." - she held her head.
"How long have you been here?" - Ji Eun looked at us all.

"About half an hour." - Hoseok hyung said and I gave him a 'shut up' look.
"You guys should leave." - Ji Eun said and at first, the girls didn't want to but they left cause she was insisting too much.
"You too. Thank you for staying with us here." - I told the boys and they nodded.
"We know you're lying Jungkook." - Jimin hyung said.
"I know hyung, I'll explain everything later."
- I whispered and pushed them to the door.
"You better!" - Taehyung added and they left.

I went back to the living room to see Ji Eun laying on the couch.
"Are you really okay?" - I looked at her half opened eyes.
I could feel mine flashing oxford blue and ocean blue. The colors that represent fear and care.
I quickly blinked and hoped Ji Eun didn't notice.
"Jungkook." - she said and I sat at the couch beside her.
"Tell me what really happened." - I gulped.

"Um.." - she interrupted me.
"I was on that floor. Then.. I went to a classroom and, there was someone else inside of it.." - I knew where this was going.
"Vampire! I got bitten by a vampire!" - she yelled and stood up.
"Ji Eun, calm down." - I tried to comfort her.
"So it was true! There are vampires in this school!" - she said.
"Did you know about this?" - her back was facing me so I tried to make a shocked face.
"M-Me? Vampires? How is that possible? Are you sure?" - she turned around to face me.

"Of course I am sure Jungkook! I have a bite ma" - she stopped when she looked at her wrist.
"Where is it?" - she said and looked at her other hand.
"But" - I stopped her.
"It's healed." - I said.

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