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One week has passed.. since her funeral.
My heart is tearing apart and I can't get her out of my mind. It was too early for her to leave my side.

I shouldn't have left the house then. I should've stayed with her. If I did, none of this would happen and Ji Eun would be here with us now.
Only if I could turn back time, tell her everything I wanted to.
I had so many dreams with her, wanting every single one of them to become reality.

We would get a cat, just like she wanted.
I also wanted to go on vacation with her.
I wanted to make really cool GCFs and take pictures of her.

Now it's just dark in here. Without her, everything seems empty. Everyone says it's over, she's gone, but I can't stop.

"Memories crumble like dried flower petals, at the tip of my fingers, under my feet.
You were my sun, one and only in this world.
I bloom for you, I can't live without you.

But it's too late. Too late to have you back.
Even if I'm drying out, I try harder to reach you. Take me there. In the place where you are.
Let my feet rip apart with wounds on that path, but at least I can smile when I see you.

You're near, even if I don't see you. You're with me, even if you're far away. You're in my heart, in my thoughts, in my life, always.
I love you, Ji Eun."



Argh!" - I pushed away all the books from the shelf, trying to throw the anger on them.

"How will I live like this?" - I put my palms on my head and sat next the bed.
"Miss, are you okay?" - I heard the maid get in.
"No I am not!" - I said, trying to control my anger.

Not too long after that, Taewon got in the room.
"Honey, what's wrong? Why are you mad?" - he came to me and put a hand on my shoulder.

"This is all your fault! Why did you even take me here? Why did you have go separate me from everyone I loved? From my own family?!" - I yelled and clenched my fists.

"For your own good, honey." - he caressed my cheeks with his palms.
"Don't you dare touch me, or call me honey ever again! And how's that for my own good?!" - I pushed myself away from him.

"I love you so much, Ji Eun. I am the only one who can protect you from those vampires."
- he said and I started laughing.

"Protect me? I think I'm supposed to be protected from you. What harm can my family cause to me? I swear you're insane." - I said and looked at the beautiful view from the window.

"Aren't you a psychiatrist? I think you would be a great cure for me." - he started kissing my neck and he was too strong for me to escape his grip.

"Let me go Taewon!" - I screamed as we fell on the bed.
I was really scared now. I can't tell how many thoughts crossed my mind in this moment.

He didn't stop kissing my mouth and neck.

"Let-me-go!" - I put my feet on his chest and pushed him off of me.
"Don't you dare touch me again." - I said as I tried to put together my ripped shirt and looked at him with eyes full of anger.

"You're my wife now. We have a daughter. You'll want it soon." - he chuckled and left the room.

I got under the bed sheets and started crying.

"I miss you so much, Kook. I am so sorry for leaving you, but there was nothing I could do in that condition." - I wiped my tears but more came.

A few minutes later, I heard cries.

"Aw. My baby girl is awake." - I went to her bed and uncovered her.
"Mommy's here baby, don't cry. Do you miss your daddy, too?" - I took her bottle of milk and started feeding her.

Everyone thinks I'm dead. Jungkook, my aunt, Seorin, my best friends.

Five years ago, I found myself laying on a bed, in a big room.
I was still under the influence of the infusion, so I didn't have the strength to fight or try to escape.

I didn't know where I was, at first.
There was a nurse that was taking care of me, and when I asked her where was I or what was this place, she wouldn't answer.

My head still hurt, I didn't know what happened to me.
With time, I was getting better.
The room had a TV, so I decided to turn it on.

That's when I saw my face.
I recognized my teacher immediately.
I turned the volume on and listened carefully.

"Today, we lost an amazing student. She was kind, caring, a good person. We all wish that car crash didn't happen, but we can't turn time back now. She will always remain in our hearts. As a student, a girlfriend, and a best friend." - my teacher said and I felt my eyes tearing up.

I turned the TV off immediately.

Everyone thought I was dead.

As days passed, I got time to think more of who got me here, tried to figure out where I was.

Until one day, instead of a nurse, someone familiar came in.

I started screaming and yelling at him.
I grabbed his collar and asked him to tell me where was I and was everything I saw on TV true.

He told me that I had a car accident, my condition was critical, and I almost didn't make it.

He also said that he had a deal with Jungkook's father so he took me here, in New York to take 'better' care for me.

Of course, I really protested and tried to escape, but failed.
Then I came to realize that I need to think everything through, first.

If I could gain Taewon's trust, I would get bigger chances to escape.
However, months later, he told me he wanted to marry me.

Could I say no? Of course not.
He threatened me that if I tried to do anything he would kill everyone I loved.
And I didn't want that happening.

That's how I married him. A month later, I started getting the pregnancy symptoms.
Stomachache, vomiting, fainting.

Taewon decided to take me to the hospital cause he was allegedly scared that something might happen to me.

After getting the results, I found out that I was two months pregnant.
Taewon ignored that fact and he was convinced that Yoomi was his daughter.

But she wasn't. She had one father, and that was Jungkook.

All of Taewon's relatives knew that I was pregnant with his daughter, they were all happy. Except for me.

But I promised myself that I would be strong for her, and reunite her with her father one day.

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