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We were supposed to have English class but something happened and the teacher didn't show up, so we just had a free class.

Without my friends noticing me I sneaked out of the classroom and made my way to the library.

I went there to search for vampire books.
I quickened my steps cause I didn't have much time until my class was over.

s I was walking around the shelves full of books I actually found one.

I grabbed it immediately and sat on one of the tables that were set there and took a deep breath.
The cover of the book was black, and the title said "2018, Another Generation of Vampires".
I opened the first page and there was nothing I could see.
I continued looking through all the pages but still didn't see a thing.

A single word wasn't written in that book.
And I really got my hopes up. I thought that I can finally find everything that I was curious about, ever since I was a child.
I was eleven years old when I first saw a vampire film on TV. And it wasn't in my old house where I used to live with my father.
It was from my workplace.
But I will. I will find what I'm looking for.
I am becoming so desperate to find out anything about vampires. Just anything.

Those vampires I saw on TV back then, they weren't bad creatures. They were good ones. I wonder if they really exist as they did in movies. I wonder if they're good or bad.
I decided to stand up from the chair and ask the librarian. She knows every book in this library, so I desperately hope she can tell me something about this one.
"Excuse me." - I said and she turned to look at me.
"Do you know anything about this book? Why isn't there anything written in it? All I see are blank pages." - I said and handed her the book.

"Oh. Let me see." - she opened the book and scrolled through all the pages in a second.
I gave her a question look and she stepped closer to me and started whispering.
"Another Generation of Vampires is not just an ordinary book." - she said and I gave her a confused look.
"Come with me." - she took my hand and we climbed upstairs where there was no one reading.
We sat on a table and she started talking.
"It's something special. And it's the one and only sample in this library."
"What do you mean by it's not an ordinary book?"

"Do you know anything about vampires? Have you ever read something on the internet about them?" - I started thinking.
"Um, not really. But I did read something about 707 floors. And I also had a dream about it." - I explained.
"And what did it say?"
"That it's other name represents the vampires." - she nodded.
"You see, this book is really unique." - she opened the first page and now I could see numbers written on the right corner of the page.

"You see this? The number is 190813. Do you know what it represents? Or can you guess?" - I looked at the numbers and started thinking.
"Probably date or time?" - I raised an eyebrow and she nodded.
"Exactly. It represents a date when something will happen." - I was really curious now.
I took my phone out of my pocket and looked at the date.
"6th of April." - the librarian said and I looked at the book again.
"This book has exactly 213 pages, and on every 20, there's a number written like this one." - she said and I got an idea.

"Can I borrow this book, please? Just for two days, and I'll return it." - I said and after thinking a little, the librarian nodded.
"You have two days. Don't tell anyone about it or let anyone see it." - she said as I put the book in my backpack and left the library.
I am sure I'll find something. Whether that be good or bad.
Don't get into trouble.
Got it.

And the 707 floor? I'll make that happen, too. I need to see what's in there.
After coming home with Jungkook, I made dinner and we ate. After that, he left the apartment, saying he will visit his friends.
Now I was sitting on my small desk and finishing the homework I had.
After writing a 2000 words essay, I collapsed on my bed.
Because I was done with everything and didn't have the annoying Jungkook to start an annoying conversation, I decided to play some games on my laptop.

After losing multiple times I scratched my head and looked around my room.
I stopped at my backpack.
I grabbed it and took out the book that I borrowed from the library today.
"Let's see." - I grabbed my notebook and a pen.
As I was scrolling on every 20 pages, as the librarian said, there were numbers that represent dates.
I was writing them down in my notebook.

After writing about seven of them, I took my laptop closer to me and opened Google.
"Another generation of vampires" - I typed the name and opened Wikipedia.
"If it says 2019 then this probably isn't the first book ever." - I said to myself as I waited for the page to load.

"Another Generation of Vampires is one of the 213 books written by the ancestors of the vampires. Each one of these books has the same name but a different year.
Since humans made the deal with vampires, this book belongs to the chosen human. Every year, the vampire society gathers together on the 13th of April, and choose that human.
That is mostly a girl or a boy who has made any contact with a vampire, without noticing it him or her self."

"That means there are 213 books with the same title for each year, and that's why every book has 213 pages." - I looked at the seven dates I wrote in my notebook.
"190413. April 19th 2013." - I said and gave a better look to the numbers.
"You need to read them backwards!" - I yelled and I wrote all the numbers like that.

"April 13th, May 24th, June 17th, July 30th, August 6th, September 12th, and October 9th." - I circled them and continued reading on the laptop.

"On every 20 pages, there will be events that the chosen human must face. Whether they are good or bad, cause the human any harm or anything else.
The rest of the pages are filled by the book itself since it belongs to the human. The book follows its master and writes down their whole life."

"Daebak! The book itself? I wonder if that's really" - I was interrupted when I heard someone calling my name.

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