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I shouldn't be thinking about him right now. I never want to be selfish or anything like that, and I know he's my father but not having him around me... I feel a lot better.
How can an abused girl feel anyways?
I finished putting the cream on and wrapped myself with the towel. I stood there, looking at myself in the mirror and all those bruises.

It will pass, right? He will stop, he has to.
I put on my clothes and got out of the bathroom.
"Here." After drying my hair I sat next to her and she was reading a book.
"What are you reading?" - I asked her while throwing myself next to her.
"Vampires." - she said and I widened my eyes in excitement.

"I love vampire books! Read out loud!" - I said and she continued reading.
"Okay." - she said and I fixed my sitting position. I turned off the lights leaving only the small table lamp on. Areum gave me a question look.
"Is that necessary?"
"Yes! It will make the atmosphere cooler! Now read please." - I said and she focused on the book.

"He looked directly in my eyes while his turned red. Man, that was cool!
'Are you sure you want this?' he asked me and I nodded. I took a deep breath before he leaned his head towards my neck. He stuck his fangs in my skin and that caused me pain. I knew that it would hurt but I loved him and I wanted to change for him. He pulled out after holding for about ten seconds. I guess that's how it works. 'What is happening now?' I asked him and I wanted to know what will happen to me.
'Don't worry. You will lose a bit blood and then you will probably pass out for the next.. two hours.' he explained and that made my eyes widen.
'Two hours? But how will I-' I stopped there because I started feeling dizzy. I could feel something strong running through my veins before I passed out."

"So that's it?" - I asked Areum when she finished reading.
"Well, this is the first book, so... Nevermind, I'll read you more when I get the second one. Now, let's go do something." - she suggested.
"Like what?" - I asked and I thought about him. The guy from that night.
"Tell me about him!" - she excitedly said and put the book on her nightstand near the bed. Like she could read my mind.
"What do you want me to tell you?" - I asked with an innocent face.

"Everything! But first, let's go to the kitchen and make some coffee." - she said and pulled me by the arm making me get on my feet in a second.

"But we just had hot"
"I don't care."
"We're going to drink coffee and not sleep."
- I said sarcastically but it was true. Coffee always made us stay up all night.
"Yup! We can watch a movie, too!"
"You can't be serious!?" - I yelled, not wanting to go.
"Aish, come on!" - Areum said and we went downstairs.

"Start talking." - she said as I sat on the counter while she put the water on the stove.
"I don't know what to say. But I just want to see him again." - I admitted.
"How old do you think he was?"
- she asked and that made me think.

"Maybe one or two years older than me." - I supposed.
"Well, you can be with him then." - Areum chuckled secretly.
"Wow! So you're gonna give me away so easily?" - I said jokingly.

"Yes!" - she said and looked at me. Her eyes were smiling.
"Of course not! You're my sunshine! I wouldn't give you to anyone!" - she squeezed my cheeks and my lips were in the form of a fish now.
"How are you with your dancing?" - she continued.

Dancing was my secret talent and I think I took that from my mother. It was my passion and I couldn't spend a minute without making at least one dance move. But that wasn't really possible with my father around.
During elementary school, I went on many dancing competitions and always won first or second place.
I am glad I still have something from my mother left in me. I miss her so much.

Areum was really good in dancing, too. She still has dance classes with her dance partner, Hoseok.
While we are talking about dance partners, I don't have one.
I mean, I used to when I started high school, but he had to go to another city and since then, I didn't find anyone as good as him.

"I am pretty good." - I said.
"What about you and Hoseok? When do you have your dance sessions so I can come with you to watch? Or should I ask how's your relationship with him?" - I said and hit her elbow playfully.
"You know I like him." - she said.
"But I don't know if he likes me back." - now she made an upset face.
"Don't worry. Why don't you test him out?"
- I said and made her eyes widen.

"How?" - she asked and poured the coffee in the small coffee mugs.
"Why don't we find a girl, and tell her the situation. You will be around too. We will watch from a side and see what happens." - I said and I think she liked my idea.
"Okay. It's not bad. But, where will we find the girl?"

"That's not a problem. We can pay anyone."

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