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"You're here!" - I was greeted with happy Jungkook, jumping up and down on his way to me.
"Someone's happy." - I laughed.
"I don't know." - he stopped jumping.
"Then, were you excited?" - I left my purse on the couch.

"I guess I was. But I don't know about what." - he said and giggled.
"You are a hard person to understand Jungkook." - I sat on the couch and tilted my head back.

"So are you!" - he said and I joined his laughter.
"So, what are we doing tonight?" - he asked and looked at me.
"I don't know. And before you say it, I am too tired to play truth or dare." - I said and to my surprise, he didn't make an upset face.

"Do you want to watch a movie maybe?"
- he suggested and that was a good idea.
"Okay." - I laid down.
"How about Escape Room?" - he opened Netflix and I widened my eyes.
"Yes!" - I answered shortly and Jungkook seated himself beside me.
I was filling the whole couch so he put my thighs on his lap and turned on the TV.

You don't mind that?
Surprisingly, I don't. Actually, I like it.
Hah. I knew there was something going on here.
Yah. Nothing's going on. Now let me watch.
Kay bye.

"That was great." - I said after turning off the TV.
"Such a good movie." - Jungkook added.
"Ah, my legs hurt." - I said and touched my calps.
"Do you want me to give you a massage?"
- Jungkook asked casually and I gave him a look.
"Don't think of anything. I am known to have strong hands and I give good massages." - he added.

"Okay." - I said and stared at him.
He started massaging my thighs and calps.
"You weren't that bad." - I chuckled at my compliment.
"I told you." - he said and finished massaging.
"Awh." - I yawned and stretched my arms.
"You look worn out. What did you girls do today?" - he asked.
"You know we visited my aunt. But before that, we were at the mall. We walked a lot today."
"Ah, I see. Then you should go and sleep."
- he said and I shook my head.

"I'm too lazy to walk upstairs." - I said and felt a pair of hands under my waist and legs.
"Do you always have to carry me like this if I don't want to walk?" - I said with half opened eyes.
"Always." - Jungkook said.
I leaned my head on his chest and closed my eyes.

"It will all happen today." - I heard whispers and opened my eyes.
"J-Jungkook?" - I looked at my boyfriend and saw that his hands were bleeding.
"Are you okay? What happened?" - he sat beside me.
"It will all happen today." - he was repeating that sentence many times.
"What will happen today?" - I asked with worry.
"You mustn't be home at midnight Ji Eun."
- he said.
"What? Why not?"
"You mustn't stay home."

I woke up to the sunrays hitting my face.
I yawned and stretched my arms. Then, I remembered the dream I had.
"Mustn't be home? What does that even mean?" - I said to myself as I heard footsteps.
My door opened, revealing Jungkook in his pajamas, hla plate with food in his veiny hands.

"Oh, you're already awake." - he smiled and I nodded.
"What did I deserve this special gesture with?" - I said as I placed the food on my lap.
"No particular reason." - Jungkook sat beside me.
I smelled the rose that was placed beside the plate and looked at Jungkook.
"Thank you." - he gave me a smile.

"You're welcome. Enjoy your breakfast." - he winked at me and stood up to leave.
"Wait! Since you only knew how to make ramen and banchan, you put a lot of effort into this. Have a bite." - I held up the piece of bread in my hand and he came towards me.

"Thanks. Don't forget, we are starting school three hours later today." - he said and I widened my eyes.
"Oh yeah! I totally forgot." - I said and continued eating my breakfast while Jungkook left my room.

I fed him.
Jeez, it was only one bite. Why so excited?
Aish! Can you be on my side at least once?
I am always on your side.

If you were a real person now I would love to hit you in the face.
Lucky me, I'm not. And If you try to do that, just remember that you'll be hitting yourself.

Let me enjoy my boyfriend's breakfast, please.
I see you're not calling him fake anymore.

Why would I? We're just pretending anyways. This will probably end soon.
Oh really? And would you like it to end?

Why not?

I don't know.
I do. It's because you like him!

Nope, wrong! I do not like him! Why would I even like him? There is nothing special about him so I would like him.
Meh, you like him.

I don't.
Then how do you explain your heartbeat fastening whenever he's around you? Or touches you? Or kisses you?

That's normal for a person like me! It's because I've never had a boyfriend before and now I have one.
Still not mentioning that it's fake.

Yah! It's part of the act okay?!
And do you have to act at home, too? Yeah, like someone would be outside your door listening to the conversation with your subconscious.

You know that's impossible.
I know. But do YOU know that it is? What I'm saying is, you have feelings for Jungkook.

I do not have feelings for him.
No matter how much you deny it, you like him. I'll leave now. Good luck with your boyfriend.

"Aish! I can't even swallow my food now!"
And it was a good breakfast. I have a talented boyfriend.
"Yah! Stop it!" - I slapped myself to get back to my senses.
I stood up and as I was going downstairs, I remembered how Jungkook carried me to my bedroom last night.

"You're in a good mood." - I heard Jungkook say as I realised I was smiling.
"Yeah. Thank you for the breakfast. It was really good." - I said and sat down, resting my head.
"Since our dance competition in Inkigayo is in two days, should we practice today?"
- Jungkook put his palms on the couch so they were surrounding my head now.

I stared deeply in his eyes, then at his face..
He is so beautiful.
"Ji Eun?" - Jungkook said and snapped me out of my thoughts.
"Yeah?" - I asked and didn't get my eyes off him.
"Should we practice the dance before school?" - he said and I nodded.

"Yes, of course." - I said and heard his phone ringing.
"Hello hyung." - he picked up and left the living room.
I took my laptop and decided to look for more informations about vampires.
"The full moon." - I remembered my aunt telling us about that yesterday so I decided to search it up.

"Full Moon is the day when a vampire actually shows its true self. The vampire will probably feel a little sick at the beginning, but then their fangs will start showing. Til the full moon lasts, the vampire will feel the most powerful. Their eyes will start flashing dark red. It is highly recommended to not be around a vampire at that time cause any human might be in danger. If that human is the vampire's soulmate, the chances of the vampire attacking the human are low. The vampire can never hurt his soulmate, even if they want to. The Full Moon usually happens on the 10th of April and starts around midnight."

"Woah." - I finished reading and turned off my laptop.
"So auntie was right. There really is a full moon."
Wait. What date are we today?
I quickly stood up to go to my room and get my phone.
On my way there, I heard Jungkook talking on the phone.
I stopped when I heard my name.

I couldn't help it. I was too curious so I had to listen to his conversation.
"Hyung, I told you I already know that. And I'll get Ji Eun out of the apartment tonight, don't worry." - he said and I couldn't hear him anymore.
I quickly rushed upstairs cause I realized he already hung up.

"Why does he want me out of the apartment?" - I took my phone and looked at the date.

"10th of April.."

That's today..

My Roommate is a Vampire Where stories live. Discover now