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When I came back downstairs Jungkook was nowhere to be seen.
I looked around the living room and the kitchen, and I also didn't hear him upstairs.
"Jungkook?" - I said and continued looking for him.
"Yeah?" - this voice behind me made me jump from my place.
"Gah! Don't scare me like that!" - I said and smacked him on the arm.

"Sorry." - he said innocently and sat down on the couch.
"Where were you? You didn't answer when I called for you." - I asked and sat beside him.
"Uh, I was just throwing the garbage outside." - he scratched his head.
"Okay." - I said.
"What do you want to do? I mean, we don't have homework yet and there's nothing much to study." - he asked me and I was surprised.

"Hmm, I'm not sure." - I started feeling really thirsty.
"I'll go grab a drink and you think of something." - I said and stood up.
I opened the fridge and searched for anything that was there. Even alcohol.
I noticed this odd bottle and it wasn't my first time seeing it.
I remember asking Jungkook about it but he said it was an old drink.

Whatever, I'll try it.
I took a small glass and opened the bottle.
I tilted my head a little cause I wanted to smell the liquid that was inside but decided to not do that cause it was inappropriate.
I poured a small amount in the glass, closed the bottle and put it back.
I was about to try it when I heard Jungkook from the living room.

"How about we play a game?"
"Which one?" - I asked and he smirked.
"Truth or dare."
"I like it, let's go with that one." - I said with confidence.
"No cheating or lying, and no playing dirty."
- I warned him and I slowly started walking to the living room as I was trying to take a sip of the drink.

I felt disgusted as soon as my tongue touched the red liquid.
"Ew! What is this?" - I started winking hardly and stuck my tongue out, expressing the taste of it.
As soon as Jungkook heard me he turned around and froze. Uh oh. That look on his face was nothing good.
"What is that?" - he asked with an already angry tone.

"I poured a drink for myself from the bottle I found in the fridge." - I explained.
"Which bottle?" - Jungkook asked with more anger in his voice.
"The odd one?" - I said unsure and he ran to the kitchen and opened the fridge.
He took the bottle out and gave me a question look as I slowly nodded.

"What the fuck, Ji Eun!?" - he yelled and I stared at him with a confused face.
"What?!" - I yelled back.
"How could you drink from this without asking me and knowing what's inside?" - he pointed at the bottle and I just stood there for a good five seconds.
"Why didn't you tell me I wasn't supposed to drink it?" - he ain't messing with me.
"Ugh!" - he screamed and left the bottle on the counter.

"What's in the bottle anyway? It was disgusting! How are you even drinking that?" - I asked and he shook his head.
"You don't need to know that." - he said with a serious tone now.
"Just don't touch that anymore." - he said and I tilted my head.
Why did I even touch that? Now I regret it.

"I won't." - I said and I was scared and sad now.
I went to the counter to get water for myself and calm down when my arm accidentally hit the bottle and caused it to fall.
And break.

"That was the last one!" - I was seriously scared for my life now. Jungkook screamed so loud that I think the whole neighborhood could hear him.
"Jungkook." - I went closer to him.
"Stop!" - he yelled and pushed me back. That was when I stepped on something sharp and groaned.
The pain made me fall on the ground.

Tears started running down my cheeks as I held my foot and realized I cut myself on the broken glass.
"Ji Eun I'm so-" I stopped him.
"No! Leave me alone!" - I touched the floor with my hand with an attempt to stand up.
"Don't move you will hurt yourself." - I heard Jungkook say but I didn't listen to him. Instead of standing up, I cut my other hand.

"Aish!" - I screamed and sat back on the floor.
"I told you not to move." - Jungkook yelled and made his way towards me.
"And I told you to leave me alone." - I slowly stood up but my leg was more injured and I couldn't hold my balance.
"Stop being so stubborn." - Jungkook said and took me in his arms.

He carefully climbed upstairs and opened the door of his room.
"Why are we doing it in your room?" - I ignored the huge pain in my leg and still wanted to go to my bedroom.
"Yah! I have the first-aid kit here!" - he said and opened the drawer from his closet.
"Let me see." - he said with a calm voice and sat beside me on the bed.

"I'll do it myself." - I said and touched my leg but my already cut hand hurt me and I backed away. It was bleeding.
"I'll do it." - he said and put my foot on his thigh.
"You have the glass stuck in your toe." - he said and took out a small tweezer.
"Don't move." - he warned and I knew what was next.
And I hated it so much.

I grabbed the blanket on the bed and squeezed it with my hand, trying to not make any sounds cause I would show weakness in front of him.
"Done." - he said and I slowly let go of the covers on the bed.
I could see how big the piece was and I really hated myself for being so clumsy.

But it wasn't me this time.
It was that jerk that pushed me and I fell.
"I'll disinfect it now. It may hurt a little." - he said and took a small piece of cotton and put some liquid on it. I really can't stand blood.

"Ah." - I shut my eyes tightly and tried to bear the pain that didn't have an end.
"Let me see your hand." - he asked and I gave it towards him.

He's gentle, isn't he?
Her again.
How are you even appearing in moments like this?
I don't know. I just like to see you two get touchy.
Ew! Don't say that! I can never have something with a jerk like him.
I'm not so sure about that.
Later, please!

With that, I didn't hear her anymore.
What's her point anyway? I could NEVER have something with him. Right?

"I'll put bandages now." - he said and touched my leg again.

The veins on his hands..

Snap out of it Ji Eun!

He finished wrapping my leg and hand and slowly stood up.
"I'm sorry." - he apologized and left.
And life taught me to not to forgive people so easily. I was the one that always ended up hurt.
So he will have to wait a little.

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