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"What, really? Let's go see it then!" - I hopped off the bed and went downstairs with Jungkook.

We had breakfast in his house and since I didn't have anything to do, I went back into our shared bedroom.

Jungkook just came here to tell me that he found a house for us.

"It's not too far from the university either."
- he added when we got in his car.
"Can't wait to see it." - I said as I put on my seatbelt and he drove away.

After about ten minutes of a really nice conversation with my boyfriend, we arrived at a small neighbourhood.

"This is actually really cute." - I said while I admired all the houses.
Jungkook gave me a question look.
"This neighbourhood. I like it." - I said and he took my hand and intertwined his fingers with mine.

We made a few more steps when Jungkook stopped.
He looked at the house before us.
Woah. He really had a good taste.

"Let's get inside, shall we?" - he winked and I smiled brightly.
"We shall." - I said.

"Wow. This is really nice." - I looked around at the plain white painted walls, the soft carpet under my feet and some paintings stuck on the walls.

"Does the house already has everything in it?" - I asked and Kook nodded.
"Which room do you want to see first?"
"Hmm. The living room." - he smiled when I said that.

"I thought you're gonna say our bedroom. I'm dissapointed." - he made a sad face and I laughed.
"Perv." - I ruffled his hair cause I knew he hated when I did that.

The house was spotless. Everything was perfect in it. And it was totally my style. Just as I wanted.

"Do we have some other places to check?" - I said and Jungkook scratched his neck.
"Do you like the house?"
"Yeah I really do but, it's our first one so-"
"Oh great. I already bought it." - he interrupted and I widened my eyes.

"Seriously? Why didn't you ask me? What if I didn't like it?" - I whined and he came closer.
"Don't worry, cupcake. I know what my baby wants." - he said and cupped my cheeks.

"Let's pack and move in today." - he said happily and dragged me out of the house.
As we were about to get in the car, I saw a guy with a mask running towards Jungkook and before I could say anything, he hit him with a bat.

Jungkook fell down and when I wanted to scream and run to him, I felt a pair of hands around my waist and a wet clothing on my mouth.

That's when everything went black.

"Wake up pretty girl." - I heard someone say as I slowly forced my eyes to open.
My head hurt so bad and I just wanted to squeeze it.

But I couldn't.
My hands were tied.

I fully opened my eyes, letting the brightness coming from the window hit my face.

"Ah.. where am I?" - I asked and looked around me.
"You're at your home baby." - the voice said.

I couldn't see anyone.
And that voice clearly wasn't Jungkook's.
"Aw, you think I'm your Jungkook? Well, too bad I'm m not. Remember me, kitten?"
- from the bright sunrays I could see a shadow on the floor.

It was making it's way to me.
"Taewon." - I said as I gritted my teeth in anger.
"What do you want from me?"

"Get ready baby girl. You are becoming my bride today." - he said as I hissed.
"Only in your dreams." - I chuckled annoyed.

"You don't believe that do you?" - he turned around.
After he left, the door opened again and I could hear small sobs.

When I turned my head around I could see Areum and MinMin getting dragged in here.

"Wha- Why are they here? Leave them alone and take me!" - I yelled and heard Taewon laugh.

"Won't do baby. I just took them so they can be a little separated from their boyfriends. It's not funny to see only one person sacrifice themselves for others. It's better if it's in plural." - he chuckled and left.

"Ji! How did this happen? What does Taewon want from you?" - Areum yelled and I didn't even try to tell her to calm down.

"He.. he told me to get ready to be his bride." - I said quietly but it was enough for the girls to hear.

"We need to find a way to get out of here."
- I said and their facial expression changed from terrified to serious one.

"We need a plan, immediately." - I added.
"And I have one." - MinMin said.
"You.. must let him take you. Then, I hope you get out with this." - she said as she took a small knife from her shoe.

"Don't look at me like that. I always kept it there, in case anything like this happened."
- she said cause me and Areum were giving her the why-in-the-world-do-you-have-that look.
MinMin passed me the knife.

"How did you guys get here?" - I asked but was interrupted when the door opened quickly.

"Take her. Gently." - I heard Taewon say to one of his men as they came to untie me.
Guess this is it.
My knife was in my pocket and I gave one last look to the girls before disappearing from their sight.

"I have a gift for you." - Taewon said after they took me to another room.
He gave me a big box and said "I will wait for you" and left the room.

I opened the box to see a white dress.
"Right. I'm supposed to be your bride now."
- I took it from the box and put it on me.

A few minutes later, the guards came and took me to a hall.

When did he have the time to decorate this disgusting place into a wedding hall?

The guards stopped as I saw Taewon standing at the altar.

What if I don't succeed? Then he'll probably take me with him and I'll never see Jungkook again.

I'm surrounded by vampires again. Nothing new to me. But their wounds heal fast.
You got this Ji Eun.

I made my way to the altar and Taewon.
There was a man dressed in a red suit.
I assume he was the one who's going to marry us.

Not if I do something before that.
"Kim Taewon, do you take Lee Ji Eun to be your wife, forever?" - he asked.

That's not even how you do it.

"I do." - he said and smiled at me.

"Lee Ji Eun, do you take Kim Taewon to be your husband, forever?" - I smiled back at him.

Now was my chance.

"I.." - I took the knife out and stuck it above his heart.
My hands were shaking and I still wasn't ready to kill a person, or a vampire.

He groaned and fell on the ground.
The man in the red suit ran away, and so did I.

I saw that there was a back door and got out through it.
I assume the guards were probably after me now. Or Taewon.

From what I remembered the room where he kept Areum and MinMin was on the left, so I ran there.

How will you get in there when it's locked?
Not if I have something to unlock it with.

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