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"WAKE UP PARENTS!" - I heard a female voice scream.
"Baby, can you see who's screaming like that?" - I said with a sleepy voice and hugged Jungkook.

"Ah, my ear drums are broken. Why is she yelling like that?" - Jungkook said and I opened my eyes.

"Mom, dad! Wake up already!" - Yoomi screamed again and got in our room.
"Hello! Anyone hear me?" - she had a pan in her hands and was hitting it with a spoon.

"Oh come on! I really did this and you're not waking up?" - she said annoyed.

"Yoomi, why is there a frying pan in your hand? I'd really like to know." - I asked as I rubbed my eyes.
"Mommy, why is Yoomi like this?" - I saw
Jungwoo standing at the doorway.

"Come here baby, your sister is all hyped up about her graduation today." - I said and put him to sit beside me.
"Help me wake up your dad." - I whispered to both Jungwoo and Yoomi and we took pillows and started hitting Jungkook.

"Yah, you worms! You'll pay for this!" - he yelled as he stood up from the bed.
"Run!" - I told to Yoomi and Jungwoo and they ran downstairs.

"You're not gonna run, huh?" - Jungkook smirked and made his way towards me.
"I don't have anything to run from. I'm not scared of you." - I said as he pinned me to the wall and kissed me.

"I'll eat you."
"And I won't complain."

"How's my little Jeonsan doing?" - he asked as he kneeled to face my big stomach.
"Ready to come out in a month." - I said and we both chuckled.

Jungkook stood up to kiss me but we heard Yoomi with the pan again.

"Let's get down and have breakfast or we'll go deaf to her graduation." - Jungkook said and we got downstairs.
"I can't believe you two don't care for your daughter. It's a very important day for me today!" - Yoomi said and helped me serve the plates.

"We care a lot, honey. We do." - Jungkook said.
"Mommy, how's my little brother?" - Jungwoo held my stomach and tried to listen to Jeonsan.

"Trust me baby, the only thing that you're going to hear is your mom's stomach growling for food." - Jungkook winked at me.
"Oh shut up." - I said and playfully hit his shoulder.

"You know dad, mom is supposed to take care of two souls now and I'm pretty sure you're the reason for it." - Yoomi said and Jungkook chuckled.

"That's my girl." - I said and we high-fived.
"He kicked!" - Jungwoo yelled and we all laughed at his cuteness.

"We'll set up a family dinner after your graduation. Don't stick up with Yeonjun too much." - I said.
"Seriously, when will that boy come to meet me?" - Jungkook said and I rolled my eyes.

"He can come to dinner tonight." - I said and Jungkook shook his head.
"That's a family dinner. And he's still not part of the family." - he added.

"If you want to meet him, then you can do that tonight. He can come, Yoomi." - I said and looked at Jungkook.
"You need to get punished." - he said and I smirked.

"Ew! Don't talk like that in front of me and my brother! Jungwoo, I think we should leave the house tonight cause we won't be able to sleep." - Yoomi said and we laughed.

"Seriously dad, can Yeonjun come for dinner tonight?" - Yoomi asked and made a puppy face.
"He can."
"Yes! Thanks dad! I love you." - Yoomi stood up to kiss Jungkook.

"Now eat up worms. The torturing is coming soon." - Jungkook said and I kicked his foot under the table.
"Ow! What was that for?" - he whisper yelled and Jungwoo giggled.

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