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"Ah.." - I saw something sparkle in the corner before I closed the drawer.
I took it out and saw that it was a bobby pin.
"I found something!" - I said and heard him stand up.
"What is it?" - he came to me and had a disappointed look on.
"Really? A bobby pin? How do you plan to get us out of here with that?" - I rolled my eyes at him.

"I saw this on movies thousands of times." - I put the pin inside the lock.
"Did it work?" - he asked and I sighed.
It didn't seem like the door was going to unlock anytime soon.
"Aish! I need to find a way out of here." - I threw the pin on the ground and started going back and forth.
"Do you have somewhere to go?"

"Then why do you want to get out so badly?" - he started thinking and I just stayed silent.
Please don't let him realize..
"By any chance.. are you scared? - he raised a finger at me and I shook my head.
"Me? Scared? Of w-what?" - I said and tried to look innocent.
"Maybe.. of me?" - he smirked.
"Why would I be scared of y-you?"
"I don't know. Why is your voice trembling?"
- he started coming closer to me.

"T-Trembling? It's not.. " - with every step he made I was going backward.
"You sure?" - I hit the wall and couldn't move.
"Yah! My voice is not important now!" - I turned around to leave but he trapped me with his hands.
He leaned his head towards me and our noses were almost touching.

"W-What are you doing.." - I could feel his breath on my lips.
"Are you really scared of me?" - he whispered in my ear and I clenched my fists.
"I told you.. I'm not.." - I tried to control my breathing and my heart was beating fast.
"Wait." - he said and tilted his head a little.
"Do you hear that?" - he raised an eyebrow.
"Hear what?" - the library was dead silent.

"Ji Eun.."
"I think it's your heartbeat." - he said as he came closer to my chest.
"W-What are you talking about! You're just mishearing!" - I said and got out of his hold.
"But your heart was beating so"
"No, it wasn't." - I said and tried to look serious.
He could hear my heartbeat? Pfft, nonsense.

"Oh look, there's a couch over there!" - I said, trying to change the topic about the whole heartbeat thing.
"Really?" - Jungkook said surprised and followed me.
"Nice." - he said as we both sat on it.
We were sitting like that in an awkward silence for.. maybe five minutes.
I didn't know what to talk about.

"So, what is your opinion on vampires?" - I broke the silence and Jungkook seemed surprised by my question.
"Hmm. I think they are really cool." - he said and I widened my eyes.
"Really? Me too." - I said and smiled.
"Cool." - he said. Everything was silent again.
"What time is it?" - I asked and Jungkook looked at his phone.
"Why is time passing so slow?"

"Do you want to talk?" - he turned at me.
"About what?"
"I don't know. It would be good if we got to know each other a little more. I mean, we will be roommates in the next four years."
- he said and I nodded.
"I'll start with myself then."
"I was told that my parents really loved each other. They were inseparable and they really wanted to have a child." - it was hard for me to say this but I didn't want to carry it on my shoulders anymore.

"What do you mean, you were told?"
- Jungkook asked.
"My mom passed away when I was four. Since then, my life was complete hell. My dad became very abusive and he started drinking." - I gulped.
"I'm so sorry."
"I was going through pain and depression every day. But that just made me stronger. The situations I was in made me realize what I want to be in the future and what I want to do. That's why when I was six, I promised myself to study and be a good person. So I came here." Jungkook seemed to carefully listen to what I was saying.

"What about you?"
"Well, my story is quite similar to yours."
"My parents were always on business trips and work was always in the first place. They didn't have time for me and it was really hard since I was little. I didn't have many friends to hang out with. One day, my uncle told me that my parents had a car accident on their way home. My mom's condition was critical. She didn't make it through the surgery. I wish my dad was in her place though."

"Do you hate your dad?" - I wasn't sure if this was the right question to ask.
"Yes. He always makes me do whatever he wants and he thinks he has the world in his hands. He fell in love again and, I got a stepmom. She always treats me like her own child. I am really thankful for that."

"What about you? Do you hate your dad?"
I didn't know if my answer was yes or no.

"I don't know actually. He made me work when I was ten years old. I didn't know anything at that time but I had to obey. Otherwise, he would beat me up every day. I don't know how I stopped myself from thinking about suicide. But I knew it wasn't the solution to my problems."

"Luckily, your dad's not here now."
"Yeah. Everything happened when I was going home from the store late at midnight. He started beating me in the middle of the street when someone appeared and hit him. Then he ran away."

"Did you see who it was?"
"Not really. The boy helped me stand up and I didn't even thank him properly when he disappeared."
"Oh, I see."
"But I want to find him. I wish to find him. He had something.. on his wrist. Like a tattoo or something." - I said and Jungkook's expression changed.

"Really? Ehm, then. Good luck with that." - we smiled at each other.
"Well, this was strange." - I let out a sigh.
"What do you mean?"
"We just had a normal conversation, without fighting."
"I told you, you still don't know me well. I hope there will be a time where you can see the real me." - I was a little confused now.

"Anyways. Wanna sleep?" - Jungkook said and I raised an eyebrow.
"So early?"
"You were the one who wanted to get out of here so bad. We will kill time faster this way." - he said and when I thought a little, he was right.

"Okay." - I fixed my sitting position and Jungkook put his head on my lap.
"Shh. I'll fall asleep faster. Take that blanket and cover me." - he said and I rolled my eyes.
"Fine." - I did as he said.

His heart never changes does it? He's warm and sweet but then turns into a devil in a second. I put my head back and sighed.
I could hear quiet snoring.
Is he already asleep?
I carefully looked at Jungkook to see that I was right.
"How are you so innocent when you sleep? When you're awake you're way something else."

I didn't want this night to end.
I could watch him sleep all the time. Not getting my eyes off him.
"Cute like a bunny." - I chuckled to myself as I caressed his soft hair.
His palms were placed under his head and something caught my eyes again.
He slowly moved and now I could clearly see what was on his wrist.

Is it possible?

He had the same bite mark the boy that saved me that night had.

"Did you mean this when you said there will be time to see the real you?"

"Who are you Jungkook?" - I said as I yawned and placed my head back.

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