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My soulmate is a strong girl.

"Done." - I said and she felt relieved.
The piece of broken glass wasn't really small. And the reason she was in a condition like this was me.
"I'll disinfect it now. It may hurt a little." - I said and took a small piece of cotton and put some liquid on it.
"Ah" - she shut her eyes tightly and tried to bear the pain.
"Let me see your hand." - I asked and she gave it to me.

I think you should appreciate this wonderful moment.
I heard my subconscious inside of me talk.
Why now?
Because I will always appear in your moments.
I almost squeezed her leg because of you! And I need to be careful and gentle.

Look who's talking about being careful. You should've said that before you pushed her.
Don't remind me. I know that I made a huge mistake, but I just couldn't control myself. Vampires have huge strength. And I thought she would find out about me.

You will need to learn how to control yourself cause if you don't, you won't keep her for a long time when she finds out about you.
I know. I'll do my best to keep the secret as long as I can. Now go, don't distract me anymore.
I finished wrapping her leg and hand and I slowly stood up.
"I'm sorry." - I apologized and left the room.

Ji Eun's POV
It was already late and I was feeling sleepy.
My leg still hurts but I won't feel the pain if I fall asleep.
Because I couldn't walk, I decided to stay in his room.
I put the pillow down and found a good position for myself.
His bed was a lot comfier than mine.
I fell asleep right away.

The morning came and the bright sunrays that the curtains didn't cover flashed on my face and woke me up.
I yawned and straightened up and I was in a sitting position now.
From the weather outside I knew that I woke up on time.
I probably had two hours till I had to go to school.

Just enough to get ready.
I stood up from the bed and made my way to the bathroom.
I didn't want to jump like a chicken, so instead I was stepping on my heel.
It still hurt, but I didn't have a choice.

I washed my face and I started getting hungry.
I didn't change yet, and I headed downstairs to the kitchen.
It took me a couple of minutes to get there and find a sleepy Jungkook on the counter.
He was sitting on a chair and his head was on his hands. Beside him, there was a glass and a bottle of whiskey.

Did he drink last night?
I thought of waking him up but my stomach started making noises and I turned my attention to the kitchen again.
After what happened last night, I'm not the one that should take care of him.
I checked the fridge and found packages of frozen ramen.
I loved cooking but I wasn't going with something that can take me three hours to cook.

I knew how Jungkook would always complain about me being late and I would be even slower in this condition.
I decided to cook the ramen so I put the water to boil and got two packages out the fridge.
I slowly climbed up the stairs cause I wanted to change while the water was getting ready.

That was five minutes to climb upstairs and put the uniform on, twenty minutes to brush my teeth and put makeup on.
And lastly, another five minutes to get back downstairs.
I was caught in a surprise.
The water wasn't boiling, the ramen was served on the table, and Jungkook wasn't sleeping.

I made my way to the table as he approached me.
"Let me help you." - he said and held me by my hand. I looked at him for maybe a minute.
"The ramen will get cold." - he said and I started walking again.
"He even put a uniform on." - I said to myself as I sat down and looked at the plate before me.

"Let's see if you like it." - he said and handed me the chopsticks.
"I bet it's not as good as your cooking, but I did my best." - he said as I tried it.
"Not bad." - I said and we both smiled.
"Is your leg okay?" - he said and he was being super nice, which is not usual for him to do that.
"It will be better." - I said and ate my food.

When we were finished, I wanted to clean the table but Jungkook said he would do it and wash the dishes for me.
Super nice. Did something hit him on the head? Or it's because he drank last night? Maybe because he was feeling guilty?

Let me enjoy this while I can cause the old Jungkook will probably be back soon.
I sat on the couch in the living room and found the book I was reading a few days ago.
I looked at the clock and I had one more hour before school.
Thank God I was ready so I won't be late and I won't have to listen to Jungkook complain again.

I opened my book and found the page where I left of.
I started reading and didn't pay attention to Jungkook.
As I said, I won't forgive people easily.
Today sure was different.
I brushed my hair and looks like me and Jungkook both got out of our rooms at the same time.

He offered me a hand down the stairs and I let out a sigh with every step I made.
I hope the pain goes away soon.
He opened the door of the car for me as I got in and we drove away.
Great. More looks. They will think there is something between us.
I was thinking about everyone's attention turned on me when we get to school.
Ugh. I get cringy when I look at their faces and how everyone whispers something.

I was wrong.
Jungkook rushed to open the door for me and help me get out.
Nothing was how I imagined.
The students around us weren't giving us looks. Huh?
"What is wrong with them?" - I asked myself but it was loud enough for Jungkook to hear me.
He looked at them and raised his shoulders.

I have a feeling we'll find out soon.
As we were getting closer to the entrance, someone screamed our names.
We turned around to see our friends running towards us.
"Yah! How long does it take for you to hear us calling out for you?" - Yuna said and they all tried to catch their breaths.

"Sorry." - me and Jungkook said at the same time.
Everyone noticed that Jungkook was holding my hand and the girls gave me perverted looks.
"What's up?" - Taehyung asked Jungkook and we looked at each other.
They all gave us perverted looks.
"I hurt my leg and Jungkook will help me till it gets better." - I said and they all nodded.

"And what's wrong with your leg?" - Areum asked me and I looked at Jungkook.
"You know how clumsy I am." - I lied knowing how overprotective she was over me.
"Let's get inside." - Namjoon said and we continued walking again.

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