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"Ji Eun ah!" - I recognized the voice within one second.
"Oh God." - I remembered the librarian telling me not to show the book to anyone so I quickly closed my laptop and put the book in my backpack.
"Ji Eun!" - the voice screamed again and I could slowly notice it fading away.
"What?" - I rushed downstairs to see Jungkook kneeling on the ground.
"Jungkook?" - I stood there frozen, not believing my eyes.

He slowly kneeled on the floor and I got scared and ran to him.
"Omo, what happened to you?" - I yelled as I saw he had something red on his mouth and shirt.
Then I could see he was holding a bottle in his hand.

"Are you drunk?" - I shook his shoulders but he was turning his head around and flinching the whole time.
"Of course you are." - I grabbed him by the arm and led him to the living room.
"You're so heavy." - I groaned as he fell on the couch.
"Ji Eun.." - he mumbled my name
"Sit there. I'll cook you some soup so you can come to your senses." - I went to the kitchen and immediately started making the soup.

As I was waiting for it to boil, I turned my head to look that Jungkook wasn't in the living room.
"Where did you go!?" - I yelled and went towards the living room when I felt something on my shoulder.
"Ah!" - I screamed and saw Jungkook's head on my shoulder.
"How did you got here so fast?"
"Ji Eun.." - he said with half opened eyes.
"Do you know me?" - he kneeled down and hugged my legs.
"Jungkook what are you doing?" - I kneeled beside him and took his face in my small hands.

"Ji Eun, do you love me?"
"Jungkook" - I helped him stand up and sit on the table.
He rested his head on his palms as I took some tissues to clean whatever was on his mouth.
"Why did you drink so much?" - I asked as I gently grabbed his chin and wiped the liquid off.
"I didn't drink." - he said and started to hickup.

"Yeah you did." - I said and stood up to pour the soup in a bowl.
"Eat this." - I put the plate before him and he didn't start eating.
"Jungkook" - I whined and took the spoon in my hand.
"You can't even eat by yourself." - he opened his mouth and swallowed the soup.

After feeding him I grabbed his arm and went upstairs.
He couldn't keep his balance.
"Careful." - I put his arm around my shoulder and held him by the waist.
"Ji Eun." - he said with a sleepy voice as I opened the door of his room and helped him sit down on his bed.
"You need to change." - I went to his closet and took out a pink shirt he had.

I went towards him and started taking off his shirt.
"What are you doing?" - he asked as I rolled my eyes.
"Changing you." - I said as he started singing.
I didn't know he had such a beautiful voice.

"Do you know me?" - he asked again and I gave a question look.
"What are you talking about?." - I said as I finally took off his shirt after struggling with his hands.
I stopped for a second. His body..

"Let me put this on you." - I said as I came to my senses and put the shirt on him.
I gently pushed him by the shoulders so he could lay on the bed.
I made my way to the door when he grabbed my hand and I turned around.
"What?" - I asked quietly.
"Sleep next to me." - he said and I sighed.

"Jungkook." - he stopped me.
"I promise I won't do anything. Just lay next to me." - he said and pulled me by my hand and I sat on the bed.
"Okay." - I sighed in defeat.
How can you say no to that face? Even though he's drunk, he's cute.

I put his hoodie aside and laid beside him.
He stared at me with his half open eyes.
I got lost in them.
"I wanna tell you something." - he said with his sleepy voice and smiled.
"What is it?"
"You are very special to me." He caught me off guard.
"You don't have to say anything, just listen to what I have to say." - I couldn't take it seriously cause he was drunk and didn't know what he was talking.

"Okay." - I said quietly and stared at him.
"I really wanted to tell you something about me.."
"Then tell me."
"I can't. If I do, you will get in trouble." - he said and I started thinking.
"Trouble?" - I was confused now.
"Uh huh.." - he said yawning.
"Jungkook, you're tired. Go to sleep now we'll talk about this tomorrow." - I said as he looked deeply in my eyes and dozed off.

I stared at his sleeping figure for a while and moved my hand to his hair and caressed it.
Then my fingers went to his face..
"Ji Eun what are you doing?!" - I mouthed to myself as I got my hand away.

He's so cute isn't he?
Yeah.. No! I mean no! Yah! Why aren't you sleeping? Go to sleep and leave me alone with my thoughts!
Pabo! I'm inside of you! How can I sleep if you're awake? I feel, hear and know everything you think about!
Okay then. Let's sleep.

I woke up to the water hitting the window and I realized it was raining outside.
I slowly yawned and then felt a hand on my waist.
I slowly turned around and saw Jungkook sleeping beside me. Should I wake him up?

I checked the time and we had one hour before school.
I wanted to take a shower so I started getting up carefully, not wanting to wake him up.
Suddenly, a hand grabbed my shoulder and pushed me back towards the bed.
When I was laying again, I could see Jungkook with half-open eyes.

"We need to get ready for school." - I said and earned a groan from him.
"Five more minutes." - he said and came closer to me.
I wouldn't mind staying in this position with him all that but we need to go to school.
I started moving and he was slowly getting away from me, until..

"Ow!" - he yelled as I chuckled lightly.
"Did you have to push me like that?" - he rubbed his arm and slowly stood up from the floor.
"Well, I had to do something to get you awake." - I said and gave him a look.
"I'll go and take a shower now. We have about forty minutes to get ready." - I winked playfully and left his room.

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