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"Why did you have to act like that towards them? They just want to be happy."
"No. I can't let their relationship last for long. And there's something they're hiding. I need to find out what it is."
"You're so stubborn. Let them be. They're both old enough to know what's good and bad."

"I won't let my son ruin my pride. I am the best of them all and that's how it has to be. Til the end of my life. I will be the first ruler to the vampire kingdom."
"You have something in mind right? You planned something from the very beginning. Ever since you knew that he liked her."

"You don't have to know that."
"I am your wife! And we both know that when the king of the family dies, the queen takes the throne."
"You don't know when I will die. So until that day comes, I have the last word here."
"I'm not going to have this conversation with you anymore."
"You better don't."

Jungkook's POV
This was the best moment of my life. I would never forget this.
Ji Eun sleeping peacefully on my legs.
What else can I ask for?

Okay, maybe I could ask her to be my girlfriend but I don't know how she feels yet.

Fun fact, I think she likes you back.
You think?

Are you sure?

Of course I am. I am the master of relationships.
Okay well if you are then go ahead and set me on a date with her.

You know that's impossible. I can't talk with a human.
Okay then you can give me some advice on that, right?

Yeah. I guess I can.
Why am I even talking with a subconscious like you?

Do you regret having me? First of all, I'm inside of you so whatever you think about me you think that about yourself too. And second, you just have to say one word and I'll leave.
I didn't mean it like that. Now, can I count on you?

You sure can, buddy.

Ji Eun's POV
"That's what I told you. I am the chosen one." - I told my aunt for the fifth time now.
"Wow. I can't believe it. I mean, it was kind of obvious that the generations keep going. First it was my mom, then I, then your mom, and now it's you. I'm still shocked." - my aunt chuckled.

"And how do you feel about it? You were really curious of who it was and now that its you, what do you think?"
"Honestly, I'm kind of scared. Jungkook's parents came to our apartment last night. Are they one of the royal families in the vampire society?" - I asked and my aunt nodded.

"They are one of the biggest rulers, the ones that bring the most important decisions."
"That means, they also choose the human. I wonder why did they chose me?" - I said.
"I don't know honey. But you can't do anything about it." - my aunt held my hand.

"Jungkook's father was saying something, he was really strange." - I said.
"What do you mean strange?"
"Well I don't know. He said that once you enter the vampire world there's no coming back, you need to face everything whether it's good or dangerous, and stuff like that."

"What he meant to say was, you need to live your destiny. And there's no reason to be scared. You have a soulmate and he will be the one to protect you and love you forever."
- I aunt said and I gave her a question look.

"Oh right. Vampires have soulmates. But what do you mean with that? Who will protect me?"
"Jungkook will. Cause he is your soulmate."
"I knew everything from the beginning. From my meeting with the royals to you getting in university."

"You knew that he was my soulmate and you sent me there on purpose?" - I asked and narrowed my eyes.
"It wasn't on purpose. It was how it's supposed to be."

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