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After arriving at the train station, I sat on a bench and waited for the train to come any minute.

I took my luggage with me and seated myself next to a man with a baby and an elderly woman opposite of me.

I hope the trip goes well.

Not too long after, the train conductor came to me.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Your ticket please." - he said as I immediately searched for it in my bag.
"Have a nice trip." - he said after putting a stamp on it and giving it back to me.

We still had three hours til we entered Ilsan so I decided I should rest a little.
I put the neck pillow that I bought not too long ago. The color was baby pink, my favorite, and it was decrated with sheep.

The baby next to me was crying and the man couldn't calm him down. So, I decided to help. I got my pillow off from around my neck and put it back in my bag.

"Can I help?" - I turned to the man and smiled.
He looked at me at first and then handed his baby to me.

"I couldn't calm him down. I tried everything. His diaper was changed minutes ago, I tried feeding him but he refused." - the man explained.

"What's his name?" - I asked the man and I think he was his father.
"It's Jin Gu." - he answered.

Aww, that's adorable.

"He's so cute." - I complimented and earned a chuckle from the exhausted man.

He had black holes under his eyes and it's clear as ice that he didn't get enough sleep.

"His mom passed away a week ago. That's why we're going to Ilsan now."
- Jin Gu's father said.

"My apologies." - I said and the man nodded.

That's why Jin Gu is crying so much.
He misses his mother.

"I think what he needs is a girl's touch." - I said.
Soon enough, Jin Gu didn't make a sound.

I love kids.

"You should rest, too. You probably didn't get enough sleep." - I advised his father and he nodded.
"Yes. Thank you so much." - he said and lowered his head to the seat.

I continued looking at the baby that was sound asleep now.

He is so cute.

I wanna eat him.
Who knows, maybe he took his beauty from his mom.
I want to have a baby like him one day.

"Sweet dreams." - I whispered and he squeezed my finger with his little hand.

"Thank you for your cooperation, miss Ji Eun. You will see the results in three hours. They will be posted on the board." - a man said to me which I think was one of the teachers in this university.

I gave a last look at the university before I got out.
It was way bigger than I have seen it in pictures.

And the inside? Let's not talk about that cause if I start I won't finish.

But I hope I get in. I put a lot of effort into my high school studies and that has to pay off somehow, right?
I put my headphones on and headed to my aunt's house.

For the three hours, I'll be staying at her place, then see the results and go back to Seoul.

Ilsan was a really beautiful city, by the way.

The beautiful streets, they were decorated simply but yet it was a really beautiful view.

I couldn't get my eyes off.

You also have stores on every step.

My aunt's house was not that far from the university so whenever I have a free class I can go to her's. If I get in, first.

"Hey, Ji Eunie!" - my aunt greeted me as I left my luggage on the ground and hugged her back.

"Hi, auntie! How are you?" - I said and she smiled.
"I am really good. Come on in." - she gestured me with her hand and I entered her house.

"Wow, you have changed the enterior comparing the last time I was here! It's really pretty." - I complimented and we both sat on the couch.

"Yeah, pretty much. You go and sit down, I'll make us some tea." - she said and headed to the kitchen.

I decided to take a better look around the house.
I went to the living room and stood by the window.

She had an amazing view here. If I had the chance I would never get out of this house.

"So, how's school going?" - I heard my aunt speak and turned around to see her coming out of the kitchen.

She put the cups of tea on the table and sat on the couch.
"It's pretty good. Sorry I came without calling." - I said.
"It's okay honey, it was a beautiful surprise."
- she said and I continued.
"I was at the university today. The one close to your house." - I explained and she nodded.

"The results will be out in three hours. I really hope I get in."
"Don't worry sweetie, I'm sure you will. You worked so hard and it will pay off, believe me." - she said and held my hand.

"Let's drink the tea, it'll get cold." - she said and we took a few sips from the cups.
"It's good." - I complimented and she smiled.

"So, you know that if you get in -and I'm sure you will- you'll have to live with a roommate, right?" - my aunt said as I choked on my tea and looked at her.

Oh my God.
I didn't think of that.

"I was planning to take the train from Seoul and come here." - she opened her mouth.

"What? No honey, how can you do that every day? That's really exhausting, you know. Besides, I already did something."

"Auntie." - I asked with a serious tone.
"I'm not telling you, for now. We'll wait and see if you get in first." - she finished and continued drinking her tea.

"Aish, just tell me! What did you do?" - I asked and begged her to tell me.
"I'm not telling you! You'll have to wait for a few hours." - she said.

There's nothing else to do except to wait and see what happens.

"Do you want me to cook you something? Are you hungry?" - my aunt suddenly asked me.

Great way to change the subject.

"That would be good." - I said.
She cooks great food. You would regret it if you didn't try.

"Can I help?" - I asked and I really wanted to cook with her.
"Sure." - she smiled widely.

I really missed being in the kitchen with her.

"So, didn't you find a job for yourself?" - I asked my aunt as I was munching the delicious food in my mouth.

"Well, I was looking for a job. But still wouldn't find the right one." - she said and smiled.

"Since your uncle passed away, it was getting harder to live here. I once thought of selling the house but I changed my mind."
- she said and my eyes widened.

"What? Why did you think of that?" - I said and now I'm glad she made up her mind.

"I don't know. Being alone is not good. I was.. lonely. I lost my love, and your cousins are abroad for studies and work. What would a fifty-year-old woman be doing in such a big house?" - she said and I stopped her.

"Don't say that. You're not lonely, you have me. Besides, if I get in, I'll be visiting you often." - I said and we both smiled.

I was almost finished with my food when I looked at the clock and...

Oh crap.

"Auntie, I need to get going now. I don't want to be late." - I said.

"Okay sweetie. And don't worry, you'll get in. There's a surprise waiting for you when you come back. Now go."

"Okay." - I said and put on my shoes. I took my phone with me and got out. - I sent her a flying kiss and hurried to take the bus.

Let's see how this goes, then.

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