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We both sat down at the table and started eating.
I was munching my food and even though it wasn't polite to talk with food in your mouth, I had to compliment.
"This is so good!" - my voice was funny and my mouth was making noises that made Jungkook chuckle the whole time I spoke.
"You shouldn't talk with food in your mouth." - he said and I continued eating.

After we finished our food I went upstairs to change, while Jungkook put the dishes in the dishwasher and cleaned the table.
"How is he so fast with getting ready on time? I need to be faster than him."
With that thought in mind, I put on clothes and did my makeup.
"Well done Ji Eun!" - I grabbed my backpack and rushed downstairs.
Luckily, I wasn't greeted with Jungkook's yelling telling me to hurry.

"Are you done?" - I asked and when he took his car keys and went towards me.
I locked the door after he started the car and I got in.
"I'm a little nervous." - I confessed.
"Why?" - he looked at me for a second and then got his eyes on the road.
"About this fake relationship thing."
"Don't worry, we will be okay. As long as we stick to the rules in your contract."

"Right!" - I yelled and surprised him.
"You must follow every single rule in that contract or I will cut you in pieces."
"I will." - he said and I nodded.
As he was driving I could slowly see the school entrance and I was getting more excited.

I've never lied to someone and I don't know if I'll act it good.
Okay, that's a lie!
What do you mean it's a lie?
Remember the times where you lied to Areum? About your abusing and your father?
Okay, that's true. But I did it with a reason! I didn't want her to worry about me the whole time! You know how overprotective she is.
And you have a reason to do this with Jungkook?
Technically not. But I want to prove that jerk he is wrong about me! And what he said is true. I never had real fun in my life so I guess I hope to get something from this.

I got lost in the conversation with my subconscious and I didn't realize we got in the schoolyard.
"Let's go." - Jungkook said and we both got out of the car.
We were greeted by our friends immediately.
I hugged the girls while Jungkook greeted the boys and we all got in heading to our first class, biology.

There was this question that popped in my mind that I forgot to ask Jungkook in the car.
We were in the middle of the class now and I didn't dare to speak, not wanting another detention.
So I decided to write the question in my notebook and show it to Jungkook.
"Will we have to lie to our friends, too?" - was what I wrote on the paper and tapped Jungkook's arm so he could notice it.

He looked at it and wrote his answer immediately while I was glaring at the teacher, not wanting to get caught.
He handed me the notebook back and I widened my eyes when I saw his answer.
I gave him a question look and started writing again.
"Are you nuts? I can't lie to my friends!"
"You will have to." - I read again and gave him an angry look.

"Jungkook." - the teacher said, and he stood up.
"Yes ma'am?"
"Repeat the last sentence I said." - I secretly looked at Jungkook and he scratched his head.
Of course, he didn't know the answer.
"Just as I thought." - the teacher said and everyone laughed, including me.

"Miss Ji Eun? Do you want to help your boyfriend?" - she said and I almost choked.
"Yes! You guys are a couple, right?" - the teacher came closer and everyone had their eyes on us.
"No, we're not." - I said.
"Really? I thought you were, you look really good together." - she said and then Jungkook spoke.

"Yes, we are. We just started dating so she's a little confused." - he looked at me cutely and caressed my head.
I gave him a look and straightened my messed up hair. Hmph. That jerk.
"Okay then, I won't give you detention you love birds, but if I catch you not paying attention next time, I won't spare you. Got it?" - she looked at us with her sharp eyes and we both nodded.
The students were looking at us and talking here and there the whole class.

"It started, and there's no coming back now."
-I said to myself as I heard the bell ring and grabbed my backpack, heading to the cafeteria.
I didn't dare to look at my friends so I rushed out of the classroom because I knew what was coming.

I grabbed a plate and stood on the line for the lunch lady to give us food.
Jungkook was right beside me, and I assume our teammates, too.

I can feel his hot breath on my neck.
And I can feel someone's heart speeding up?
Stop it! There's no beating or anything like that in me.
So you don't have a heart?
Aish, you know what I meant!

Finally, it was my turn and I was starving, when the lunch lady put the food on my plate, she looked at me and Jungkook and winked.
"You guys are cute." - she said and formed half of a heart from the rice on my plate.
When I looked at Jungkook's plate, he had the other half.

Really? Everyone knows now? How is this spreading so fast?
Mine and Jungkook's friends were sitting at the biggest table in the cafeteria, and there were only two chairs left.
"Let's go." - I sighed and me and Jungkook went towards them.
"When did you guys plan to tell us?"- Jimin said and I felt the girls' eyes on me.

They gave me dirty looks and I whispered to them.
"What?" - I said but they didn't respond and continued giving me looks.
"We were planning to tell you today but the teacher was faster." - Jungkook said and gave me a smile.
"It must be amazing to date cause you are living in the same apartment." - Yuna stated and everyone nodded, agreeing with her.

"Yeah." - I swallowed my food.
"You are really cute. I am happy for you two." - MinMin said and all I could do was smile.
"So who confessed first?" - Taehyung asked all excitedly.
"I did." - me and Jungkook said at the same time.
"Let's say, I confessed first, and he told me he liked me right away." - I said.
"Yes." - Jungkook intertwined his fingers with mine and gave me a smile.

He is so sweet. Maybe I will get the chance to have a boyfriend like him.
What am I even saying?
I don't want a boyfriend like him. He's a jerk.
"Wow, Ji Eun. You are surprising me. I would never believe you could confess to someone." - Areum said and I faked a laugh.

"Even Ji Eun found herself a boyfriend. When will I get one?" - Hee Ji complained and I could see how Taehyung was looking at her.
"I am sensing something here but I won't say a thing now." - I said and Taehyung looked away from her immediately.
"Ji Eun, what happened with your dream from yesterday? Did you search it up on the net?" - Joo asked me and it was a really bad time to open that topic.

I also forgot that I wanted to go to the 707 floor.
"No I didn't. Yet." - I lied and looked at mine and Jungkook's hands.
"You had nightmares earlier too? Why didn't you tell me?" - Jungkook had this caring look in his eyes.
"What do you mean 'too'? You had another one?" - Suya asked me and Jungkook spoke before me.
"She had one last night. It was really bad, so I had to sleep next to her." - he said and I choked on my water.

"Really? How romantic!" - Areum said.
"Hope you didn't go wild while sharing the same bed." - MinMin said and I smacked her arm.
"How can you say that?" - I yelled.
"Ow! What? I just wanna make sure you're still a virgin!" - she yelled and all the students in the cafeteria looked at us.
"Will you shut up please?" - I said in between my teeth and she made a grimace.

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